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Audio: Perry says Texas can leave the union if it wants to

Congress’ power to issue “Letters of Marque” empowering privateers to take care of Islamist Jihadist ‘pirates’

Jindal wants 2b Urkel’s next VP? Warns Cheney to lay off Obama and warns us “not to question” The One.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. ffigtree says:

    Bobby drank the kool aid!

  2. Shawmut says:

    How much of a dope is Jindal?
    Hasn’t he been able to decipher each speech Obama makes contains a contemptuously derisive assault on his predecessor? Surely, there’s a lot to reflect upon with some regret.
    But Obama eats lunch off whatever faults he can atribute to another; an elected victim.
    He campaigned to become the most overworked victim in the world.

  3. ladykrystyna says:

    I saw the Jindal interview. I don’t recall that he was questioned about Cheney directly, but I remember that his response was fine to me.

    Look, he’s basically saying that if the Right keeps bleeting about Obama being some kind of Sleeper or Manchurian Candidate, etc., we are going to lose whatever remains of our credibility. It smacks of ODS and I refuse to drink from that trough of Kool-Aid.

    Jindal is right – let’s focus on the substantive, the WHAT he is doing, rather than the WHY. The WHY doesn’t matter. If WHAT he is doing is making America unsafe in some way, the WHY is irrelevant. If WHAT he is doing is creating socialism, the WHY is irrelevant.

    So, Tammy, your tag was a little misleading. He didn’t say we shouldn’t “question” him at all, but rather we should leave the questions to the substantive stuff rather than the conspiracy theories.

    I think more people respond to that than they do to Manchurian Candidate type stuff. Hit them with the FACTS of what Obama is doing. Mentions of socialism is okay in my book to put it in perspective since some people don’t seem to understand the concept, but making Obama out to be Hitler or Stalin – both murderers – is the same as them calling Bush the same thing. Neither are murderers and to equate them as such without actual evidence is ridiculous and gets us nowhere.

    If we do that, we sound desperate and crazy. If we stick to the facts, without “bowing down”, then we’ll get farther.

    And, yes, I know about the DHS report and it disturbs me. It raises a red flag and we should be always vigilant. But nothing has happened yet, so we should just let them know that we know that we won’t let them get away with anything without a fight.

    And you forgot one thing – when Robin tried to equate the stimulus money to the money LA received because of Katrina, Jindal did the “smack down” in a polite and respectful way. He did exactly what he is asking us to do – he kept to the facts: the levies were federally run and the federal gov’t needed to pay up. It’s not the same as the alleged “stimulus” money.

    So, all in all, I liked the interview and think he did a good job.


  4. LauraVW says:

    Hey, Tammy, since most of us are lost on the political landscape these days why don’t we have a Tammy tea party on July 4th? You name the city and we’ll all come.

    And then in the fall or winter or next spring have a Tammy convention where we can hammer out a platform. At the very least we can sell kazillions of your books and subscriptions to a podcast. Some financial security for our fearless leader in this political wasteland is the least we can do!

  5. daredevilaccordian says:

    Pretty interesting that Gov Perry is testing the Secession waters…that makes me like him even more, politcally! I saw my friend, The Gov, yesterday at the Austin Tea Party. He has definitely found his battle cry to distinguish him from K Bailey Hutchison, as the two prepare to face off for the Republican gubernatorial candidate in Texas 2010… He was very impressive yesterday. I like him a lot, not just because he is a friend, but because he has been adjusting more and more over the years to really embrace and further core conservative values (he started his political life many moons ago as a Dem). He is a politician, though, and I always keep that in mind, and he has the potential to be co-opted by special interests.

    We definitely need to clean our own house in Texas from special interest taxation first – especially when it comes to transportation taxing and toll road highway robbery – and that is one area where I differ deeply with Gov. Perry. The Trans-Texas Corridor (NAFTA Super Highway) was one of his favorite pet projects. It is a MESS. Private Spanish companies gaining 50 year ownership of chunks of the toll corridor without risking any of their money – all at taxpayer expense and risk, with no return on OUR investment. Eminent domain land grabs all up and down the state to make this happen. We face at least 10 Senate and House bills this session to further the TTC’s ambitions, and only one House bill to KILL IT all together. The most interesting thing is the effect that Texas Secession might could have one day on the whole TTC scheme.

    He has been fairly quiet on the TTC for about a year now, and maybe he sees it for what it is? The feds are involved in a big way… and he doesn’t look too kindly on them these days. When I visited with him a few weeks ago, he was talking about how Texas deserves to get some of the gazillions of $$ we have sent to D.C. back (meaning from the stimulous I assumed), but that we can’t afford the strings that are attached that tell each state govt how to run their business and what they are required to do with the money, how they have to change their state statutes to accomodate the money, and then leave the state on the hook for costs of the absurdly expensive/expansive projects and social programs after the feds turn the money faucet off in a few years. Just imagine what shape states like Michigan and California will be in 10 years from now, when they are even in more debt from these oppressive projects and programs than they are now.

  6. piboulder says:

    From what I understand Texas is unique in that when it joined the Union one of its conditions was that it could secede from the Union. This was made very explicit, and from time to time the state legislature votes on whether to secede or not. It’s required to do this in its constitution. I used to hear that there were a couple times in its past when the vote was close, but it’s always decided to stay.

    When Gov. Perry says that Texans will feel like seceding if things keep up as they are I believe him. The thing is that’s a pretty big step. I think things would have to get terrible for the state government to even contemplate it.

  7. laughingatpinheads says:

    Jindal can SUCK IT! I am not impressed by l’il Bobby’s desire to defend Obama. What’s this, some misguided effort on Jindal’s part to impress democrats, to prove he’s “fair?” This is a very bad sign: bashing Cheney and defending Obama.

    I can tell you right now, Jindal ain’t ever getting my vote. Screw all apologists for Urkel, ESPECIALLY the republican ones!

    I am not a republican but an Independent Conservative. I am not swayed by some republican because he or she has dark skin. Issues matter to me, not skin color. Jindal is NOT the answer.

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