A post by Pat

In case you missed it or want to watch again…and again. Very refreshing.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Talkin Horse says:

    She’s certainly got more common sense than Bozo and his teleprompter, although I’m not sure she’s got the necessary gravitas to head the class. I enjoy her shtick, but, as with most politicians, I recognize it as shtick. And some of it doesn’t add up…I mean, it’s nice that Alaska citizens get a check based on oil depletion, but bragging about how everyone gets a government check isn’t exactly a “conservative” credential. But, quibbles and questions aside, Palin’s biggest practical problem is she’s been already condemned as a lightweight moron by the mainstream media. Too many people have formed that perception as the foundation of their opinions about her, and it’s very hard to undo that attitude once everyone “knows” it’s true.

  2. Sean H. says:


  3. mrcarter says:

    24 months 500 million for Sarahs Campaign.
    If there are a million of us attending tea party’s and the 9/12 project then we can accomplish that easily.

    Beginning Jan 2010 and going through to jan 2011 if each person would just put 11 dollars per week into a jar for Sarahs campaign we will have 500 million to contribute that she can use for the year before the election.

    Let’s go troops

  4. HALEY says:

    I’m with you, Mr. Carter. The lovely Mrs. Palin is the only Republican I will donate money to right now. In my opinion, she’s the only one who deserves it. I refuse to give any money to the RNC while Michael Steele is running it, and while Colin Powell, and others like Collins and Snowe are still running around as “Republicans”.

    Thank you for posting this, Pat. Yes, it is refreshing. Cheers to Sarah Palin!

  5. snowcloud says:

    Most of us love Sarah Palin because we know what she stands for and where she is coming from. I’m just afraid that the media has marginalized her to a point that makes her unelectable. I hope I am wrong. I WANT to be wrong but I’m afraid it is true.

  6. snowcloud says:

    Let me clear something up here from my last post: ‘Love’ is a bad word to use when talking about any politician because I do NOT want to sound like an Obama zombie. I should have said ‘respected’. I’ll never do that again, I promise.

    Sorry about that.

    {*Smacks self*}

  7. hrh40 says:

    Well then, talkin horse, sean h., and snowcloud, let’s just lie down, roll belly up, and give over our country, shall we?

    The bully media went after Bush mercilessly, too, didn’t they? Twice? And he got elected. Twice.

    Are you willing to take back our country or not?

    Sheesh, grow some … thicker skin.

    As Palin said in a speech last week introducing Michael Reagan, “politically, if I die, I die. But I will not sit down and shut up. I love my family, my state, and my country too much to do that.”

    Do you, talkin horse, sean h., and snowcloud?

    If you’re getting too discouraged by the media, check out http://www.conservatives4palin.com, that may give you some fight back.

  8. mustang says:

    I don’t know how old most of you are, but I can remember when the left and a lot of blue-blood Republicans did the same thing to Reagan in 1975-1978. He too was considered “Unelectable” by the elites, the rest is history.

  9. Talkin Horse says:

    Hey, HRH40, I recognize Obama as a catastrophe for America. He must be stopped. I was 1000% on board for John McCain while some conservatives shrugged and wavered, and if Sarah Palin should be the next candidate, I’ll be 1000% on board with her. But it’s fair to ask who the best candidate is, with respect to both electability and competence. I don’t yet have a horse in this race, but it’s certainly appropriate to raise these questions.

  10. Sean H. says:

    HRH40 do not construe my comments about her electability as a sign that I am lying down. My skin is plenty thick, as well. I would like nothing more than to have Sarah Palin as my president right now, and I hope that she will be in such a position soon.
    We’re all on the same team here. Some of us are getting frustrated with the RINOs running things, and see them as a major obstacle in getting Sarah or any other “True Conservative” elected. Hence my earlier statement. Capice?

  11. hrh40 says:

    Thanks for your response, talkin horse and sean h, sorry if I came across too strongly.

    I just hate to think that the state-run media is having any success in convincing us that Sarah Palin is unelectable 3 1/2 years out.

    Even the Repub powerbrokers are trying to say she’s incompetent ’cause she’s not bowing and scraping at their feet. As if they’ve got a proven track record over the past few years of roaring success …

    Don’t let the anonymous Repubs convince us either. ‘Cause why are they anonymous? Well, other than being spineless, deep down they know she’s very electable and they want to be hired by her if and when she does run. So no public bashing. Just passive-aggressive, pantywaist whining behind the scenes.

    Certainly it’s 3 1/2 years out and we should look at all candidates. But none of the other potential candidates is enduring the targeting of being unelectable from the media, Dems, and Repubs as is Gov Palin.

    Which is why I sometimes come on too strong when it looks like these attacks may be working. Again, thanks for responding – and for not giving up on the good gov.

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