**UPDATE: Outrageously, CNN has edited the audio tape below to just over a minute, cutting out pleas for help by the Iranian woman protester they interviewed. The original clip was almost 5 minutes long. Does anyone have a copy of the complete original clip?? The clip with pleas is what we need to send to Washington. Also ask CNN why they would censor the woman’s calls for help?**

UPDATE 2: I captured the full 4 minute audio. we’re working now to upload it.

**UPDATE 3: Pat S. has posted the full 4min + video at YouTube. Download asap. I’ve embedded it here as well while leaving up the censored CNN version so you can see what they did. **

***UPDATE 4 from Pat. I added the video of Chuck Todd at yesterday’s press conference asking Obama, “Why won’t you spell out the consequences [for Iran]?” Obama’s answer will be etched in the annuls of ignominy forever. “We don’t yet know how this thing is going to play out.” He said he’s not on a 24-hr news cycle clock. Less than 24 hours later there was the massacre in Baharastan Square. What a difference a day makes. Or does it for our President?

CNN is reporting, with audio from a witness/student protesteor on site, mass murder of unarmed Iranian protesters by government death squads. (HT Hot Air) Download this audio/video and bombard your representatives in congress and spread the word. Here’s the senate contact page.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
15 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. John says:

    Bush sent our troops into Iraq. Thousands of Iraqis and soldiers died. He’s called a war criminal.

    Obama does not send our troops into Iran. Thousands of Iranians may die at the hands of the Iranian government. What will we call him?

  2. synistah says:

    Shooting women in the heart?

    Protesters getting axed in the chest?

    SWEET!!! We soooo need to get those guys on the V.I.P. list for the 4th of July……


  3. OneShotWataw says:

    I don’t mean to be a dissenter, and I’m certainly NOT taking up for our “Dear Leader”, but we don’t have the means to effectively intervene in this revolution without getting ourselves into another war/conflict.

    If there were some practical way to assist them (arms & intelligence) in overturning their own tyrannical leadership – we should go for it. But otherwise, this has the makings of another Vietnam with a slightly different twist.

    When you get right down to it … a significant number of Iranians expressing the desire for something different – doesn’t necessarily equate to wanting us!

  4. palin2012 says:

    Genocide in Iran and North Korea Threatens to Wipe the U.S. off the Map – There is horrific audio out there of a young woman describing genocide in the streets of Tehran. This morning North Korea threatened to wipe the United States off the map http://tinyurl.com/l9dc4b. Our President, Barrack Hussein Obama refuses to recognize the slaughter of the Iranian people and ignores a long range missile capable of reaching the U.S., ready for launch, in North Korea. Euna Lee and Laura Ling are not important to this administration – Americans wrongfully imprisoned. How much more can happen without a strong reaction from the United States, telling these tyrants ENOUGH!

    We need to email our representatives with the audio clip and demand that they stand up and do something about this genocide of the citizens of Iran, and to pay attention to the mad man in North Korea, with a missile, nuclear capability, threatening to annihilate us. Take that missile out now.

    Senate list: http://bit.ly/bPYB6 and Blue Dog Dems email: [email protected]

  5. Thom says:

    We don’t have to get militarily involved to support these people. No one is demanding the president or congress to do that. All I want to see is the president to have a little more compassion for the people being abused and murdered, and to offer at least vocal support for people demanding fair representation by their government. Obama is failing to even do that. He’s more concerned about having tea than about the right of all peoples to choose the government that represents them.

  6. mrcarter says:

    I have a bit more of the original audio, but couldn’t save the part about them using axe’s

  7. Tink says:

    Thank you Tammy and Pat for getting the whole thing. Everyone needs to share this with as many people as possible.

    And we need to pray for the Iranian people who want freedom. This is not over. The Lord is still in control.

  8. ladykrystyna says:

    How absolutely horrifying!

    My thougths and prayers are with the Iranian people.

    As for what we can do – I’m kind of in agreement with the “disssenter” above – WHAT CAN WE DO?

    Other than come out and denounce it, as others countries and the U.N. should do – and maybe some kind of toothless resolution – what else can the rest of us do?

    I mean, if I were the Supreme Leader of the Universe, I would send in what I had and strip the “Iranian gov’t” of its power and sovereignty because any gov’t that deliberately fires on unarmed citizens and beats them and hacks at them JUST TO STOP THEM FROM PROTESTING (as opposed to riot police defending themselves from violent rioters), has lost it’s “sovereignty” (like in Myanmar – you are not a legit gov’t if you are systematically killing your own people).

    That’s when an international group should be able to come in and put a stop to it.

    But that’s speaking from passion and anger.

    Realistically speaking, we are unable to do that for many reasons.

    So I don’t know what we can do.


    That’s what I’d like to hear. And I’m afraid that’s all we can do realistically speaking.

  9. FrankNitti says:

    Iranian people–Dying in the streets for the cause of freedom.

    American people–Willing to give up many of their freedoms in exchange for a check from Urkel.

    It makes you want to cry. In fact, tears are fallling on my keyboard as I type this.

  10. ladykrystyna says:

    Well, it was good to read that the WH has officially rescinded the invitation to the Iran. I read that on The Corner on National Review Online.

    Not exactly a “kick a$$” statement like the one I drafted above, but I am glad to hear that.

    They could have done it because they knew the American public would be outraged if he didn’t and yes, the invitation itself on such an important day was outrageous, but at least the invitation is revoked and that makes me happy.

  11. MVH says:

    Tweeters definitely can help protect the Iranian protesters and bloggers from being identified by the regime. Apparently, the more people are “in” Teheran through Twitter cyberspace, the more difficult it is for the regime be to phyisicaly locate the Tweeters in Teheran.

    According to blogger Mark Shea, Tweeters can set their location to Teheran, and the TimeZone to GMT+3.30

    BTW, Saeed Valadbaygiat at his blog Revolutionary Road is live blogging the protest. He’s got pictures and videos. He also has that complete live interview with the female Iranian protester.

    The Gateway Pundit has an Iran Press News picture of a courageous young man who is blind joining the protests. If the deep meaning of that image doesn’t put Obama to shame, no-thing does.

  12. TammyChicago says:

    This whole Iranian situation just keeps getting more sickening. It is not the American people who are unsympathetic to the Iranian citizens- it is B. Hussein. If the world stands back and does nothing to prevent or punish this regime for slaughtering its own people then the world will ultimately be held accountable for its lack of action. I hope to God some of these Hope & Changers are evacuating their bowels right now over what a big ass mistake they made putting this neutered Community Organizer in our White House. What an embarrassing and tragic mistake.

    I have given CNN my feedback and I’ve contacted both my Senators- Burris & Durbin. However, both are typical dirty Chicago politicians- I doubt they even read the email or get my phone messages.

  13. Piney says:

    Realistically, we can do nothing. We are being blamed just for breathing!

    However, the current tenant of the WH has answered the question, “what will you do when the phone rings at 3am?” Since he doesn’t have 24/7 newsfeed, we must wait for ABC to tell him what to do. Lucky they are so well ensconced in the WH. /sarcasm

  14. John says:

    That “24 hour news clock” line from Obama doesn’t surprise me. Being President IS a 24 hour job and requires being on top of things, but this is a guy who goes out for ice cream on Saturday when hell’s breaking loose in Iran. And they said Bush was “out of touch” and “in a bubble”.

    I’m a computer programmer. MY job is an 8-hour-a-day, Monday-to-Friday job. What I do is not important enough to merit working on weekends. But you know what? If I have to do work on weekends, I do it. If I have to work longer than 8 hours a day, I do it. I don’t go out for ice cream and I don’t tell people “I don’t work longer than I’m supposed to”.

  15. artgal says:

    I am really disappointed with some holding the ‘Well, what can we really do…We can’t intervene…We’re not capable…blah…blah…blah’ attitudes here.!

    Maybe if the American people didn’t stick a dumbass in office in 1976, who betrayed the Shah & helped install Ayatollah Khomenhi, just maybe there would not be blood in the streets today in Tehran. How about this: Iran may have never been placed on the Axis of Evil list to begin with! Did that ever occur to anyone?

    We owe it to the people of Iran to support them, send operatives & weaponry to them and be relentless about it! Maybe Obama should effing apologize to the Iranians on behalf of America for having a peanut farmer in office who betrayed them in the first place.

    The Vietnam reference is completely inapplicable. I’m sick of hearing the typical Vietnam chant everytime we’re faced with conflict or threats. Besides, we’re not talking about sending tanks – though, frankly, I’d be very happy if we were!

    If the free world (what’s left of it) is not going to stand up and help those who beg and cry for our help, then maybe we do not deserve to call ourselves a decent or just people. Maybe we do not deserve to be free either. How dare we think we’re the only ones who can be or deserve to be free. Hell, the Iranian people deserve it moreso than many of us: they are actually fighting for it! They value what we take for granted!

    Just remember this: the people in Iran are doing something I don’t see many American people capable of doing anymore: they are putting their lives on the line to break free from tyranny! We are on the verge of losing our country to a dimwitted moron w/ a waffle cone up his backside because too many Americans have their own ever expanding hides parked on a Lazy Boy worried about that stupid Jon & Kate show – something I’m proud to say I have never watched. If you’re not calling your reps RELENTLESSLY and sending that CNN video around, writing editorials, comments, blogging or staying informed while HOUNDING the WH line or email, & taking suggestions on setting up tweets as pointed out in an earlier post, then this whole event will just quietly slip by and Obama can tell you all about the new crisis we’re in, and you can go back to whatever you were doing before this all happened, and the Iranian people will be forced back into slavery – and it will be even worse for them – AND for us! We will have empowered the murderous beasts and they won’t just take their insanity and brutality out on the Iranian people: they will come for us.

    If we don’t stand up for others when they cry out for us, don’t expect them to be eager to help us out in our hour of need.

    Don’t let Obama change the subject! He’s already pounding healthcare again AND Amnesty – and part of that is because, yes, he wants it, but also to turn the focus off Iran. DON’T LET THIS PIG SUCCEED IN DOING IT!

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