I have been supporting Sarah Palin but always with the reminder that we had not heard her own stance on the important issue of immigration and our nation’s sovereignty. During the campaign she indicated support for McCain’s untenable position, but we would expect her to considering she was on his ticket.

Since then, however, I’ve been waiting for her to articulate some position on the issue which would alert us to her own thoughts on the issue, and we finally have it, via a Tweet. Here’s what she posted last night:

Twitter - Sarah Palin- Rep.Lynn's good HB3 Visa-D ..._1248206861083

This is a nice hint at her sense of sovereignty and the notion of legal versus illegal immigration. Personally, I’m thrilled with this glimpse, and look forward to hearing a lot more authentic conservative common sense from Governor Palin.

UPDATE: Here are additional details re the legislation Palin references.

Related Link:

Sarah PAC

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. mmeusa says:

    Wow, someone in a position of power is actually going on record as supporting enforcing our laws and valuing our national security and national sovereignty? How refreshing!!! How about we throw the bums out and put more of these types in there?! Someone who, for example, believes this is a Judeo-Christian, NOT Muslim, nation, someone who understands and respects the Constitution of the United States (especially the First, Second, and Twenty-Second Amendments!) and doesn’t think Sharia Law should be on par with our Constitution (let alone ANY part of our legal system!), someone who understands the importance of borders and screening in immigration in furtherance of national security AND national sovereignty, and someone who recognizes, like MANY of us well before the Election, that the Obama machine is the evil abomination that it is.

  2. Laura says:

    The government probably expects the tax payers to pay for their car insurance as well

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