
UPDATE 1235p ET: Palin is not running she is QUITTING IN A MATTER OF WEEKS! Handing state over to Lt Governor who will be inaugurated at Governor’s Picnic at end of month.

Fox and CNN reporting Palin will not seek a second term as Alaska’s governor.

Politico is reporting. I’ll blog it live, so come here as it happens. More soon.

Halperin: 10 Reasons Sarah Palin Might Not Seek Re-Election

Politico: The world awaits (and speculates about) Palin announcement


12:05p: CNN is reporting GOP sources say Palin will announce that she is not running for re-election as Governor of Alaska.

12:10: Still waiting for Gov. Palin…

CNN is reporting Palin has made the announcement, not running for re-election. CNN did not air footage.

12:14p: Fox has Chris wallace saying they’re still waiting for announcement. Chris says he wonders if she wants a political future at this point. Which is why, f course, she has a PAC and has been traveling around to political events for the past months.

12:22p: Still waiting for the governor.

12:30p: Still no Sarah, but she’s gonna lose me, I have to get ready for airport. we know what the announcement is, not confirmed by multiple sources. Feel free to use this as you open thread of course, and if I’m here to comment I will certainly do so.

Obviously, if she intends to run in 2012 this is the decision she would have had to make. Her term is up in 2010, and this will free her up to campaign. This is good news, and I look forward to those with Palin Derangement Syndrome going absolutely berserk πŸ™‚

12:38: The announcement that she is stepping away at the end of the month is remarkable. Frankly I think the continuous bashing, which perhaps was meant to make her go away has had the opposite affect and she’s chosen to move into the field now. This is good, exciting news. Everyone get ready for the political and MSM machines to get a lesson or two.

No national cameras were able to get to Wasilla to cover announcement. Local TV was there, yet as Carl Cameron on Fox notes, she still is commanding national attention.

From KTUU in Alaska: Gov. Sarah Palin to resign her office

I must get to the airport. You’re all in charge πŸ™‚

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
31 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. cubachi says:

    I’ll support Sarah for whatever she decides!
    I do think being away from Alaska and traveling and such will do her a lot of good to defeat Urkel.

  2. TammyChicago says:

    Bad news for Alaska- good news for Conservative Americans. I think this is good news for
    people who want to see her run for the White House……. RUN BABY RUN!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Dave J. says:

    Ace is reporting she’s resigning before her term ends. I hope you’re right and this is good news, Tammy, but I can’t help worrying she’s just decided she can do without politics…though that doesn’t seem like her.

    RUN SARAH RUN!!! Please?

  4. ffigtree says:

    Is it true? Palin setting up a potential run for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012?

  5. Chuck says:

    I hope she’s doing this for good reasons, including running in 2012. This will shut up for a little while the Krauthammer’s of the world that were criticizing her for not dedicating time to develop her credentials and foreign policy know-how.

  6. Dave J. says:

    I don’t understand how this can be good. Resigning in mid-term just looks weird.

  7. Slimfemme says:

    I just heard the news on Fox News. Considering the Republican party is in disarry and the way she is being treated by them, maybe now we can actually hear what she stands for. I haven’t heard enough of her views on issues yet. Since the mainstream media and the so-called feminist establishment led the charge of denigrating her, she has to stand on her own, instead of being hidden in plain sight.

  8. PaleoPat says:

    I think she just tired of being drug through the mud. Poor gal. πŸ™

  9. coldwarbaby says:

    If there is an Alaskan senate seat open in 2010 I would like to see her get that and then run for pres. in 2 years like whats his name did. Whatever I will do what I can to help out.

    • TammyChicago says:

      IMO Palin needs to stay away from the Senate- she is better than that. Stronger, faster, higher, longer…………….White House or bust!

  10. CatB1 says:

    Whatever the reason — she has MY support!

    Everyone including McCain have tried to destroy her. Prayers for her and her family…

  11. CatB1 says:

    She is on America Right 166 XM Radio right now

  12. pdbh171 says:

    Dave J… is not good… can’t be. Quitting is NEVER positive. If she runs for President, it will work against her….if she is elected, will she quit that to? She had one year of her term left, she would have had two years to prepare for running.

    I am sadden, only today did I join this forum and declare my support for Sara in the KNST page.

    I only hope I am wrong and Sara has A BRILLIANT PLAN! ( perhaps video/sound bite that forces Urkel to resign) πŸ™‚

    • ibekatharine says:

      I was hoping she wouldn’t run for re-election, though resigning as a fiscal liability to her state just sounds…bad. I understand her reasons and admire her for putting Alaska before any self-interest, but right now I don’t see things going well for her unless she takes an active role in the Tea Party Movement. Only problem with that plan is the deliberate distance that movement has created between itself and (Democrat/Republican) party-affiliated politicians/political Commentators.

      Just wondering…would resigning as governor bring Tea Party protesters to consider her as a figure-head? Does the Movement even need clear leadership? Is she going to stay involved in the GOP or go “Independent?” I remember her giving the Tea Party Protests some press during that Lauer Interview back in June. It just makes me think, you know?

      Not even sure this is worth mentioning.

  13. CatB1 says:

    Sounds like she needs $500,000 for legal fees. She is doing it for the greater good? They aren’t letting her do her job.

  14. BruceTheOld says:

    I would have preferred for her to stay in the background and target a run in 2016 or 2020. It’s not that I don’t think she can do the job, it’s just that she would be in a better position to win if she were to get the extra four or eight years in the public eye. I can understand, though, that it looks like the country is going to collapse if we don’t do something drastic soon.

  15. TammyChicago says:

    By resigning she gets rid of the effing ankle biters – thus no more frivolous ethics complaints to eat up the $ that is donated to/for her. B Hussein is a prime example that money is absolutely necessary to win the White House- he bought it lock stock and barrel. Sarah Palin is no slouch and has more testicular fortitude than most who’ve graced the White House with their presence. This is either a move to remove herself from politics or a move to kick B. Hussein’s ass………. I pray its the latter but either way-I’m for it. Some people transcend politics- she is one of them.

  16. TLindaman says:

    After seeing the actions of some of the so-called Republican Governors lately, she may be resigning so her reputation doesn’t get sullied further.

    Maybe it’s me, but I get a bad feeling about the timing of the resignation. If she’s running for the Senate seat, then it’s a good time to get out and really bone up on the issues and how the Left will come after her. If she’s gearing up for a 2012 run, I’m thinking it’s a little early, which tells me there’s something else afoot.

    And if neither is the case, then something is DEFINITELY up.

  17. jerocat says:

    I am hearing TV comments that she is stepping down because all of the negative press “is finally getting to her.” I agree with those words BUT NOT with the idea that she might be buckling under from the pressure. After listening to the words she spoke during her announcement today which also happened to contain her resignation from the Governorship I believe this is Round One in a national slug fest between liberty loving Capitalists and the entrenched Marxists in DC.

    I think she intends to come out and clean Barack Obama’s clock.

  18. 74Conservative says:

    She can clean uh-bomb-uh’s clock AND kick it in one fell swoop. Good for her. She and her family will need all of our help and prayers. And by “our”, I mean us Conservatives….faint of heart, or lumpy middle road “Repubuics” need not apply – and that includes you statists. We Conservatives have work to do: saving this Country! Come on Sara…we got your back.

  19. c4400 says:

    And no, Tammy didn’t buy any damn “carbon credits.” And neither did I. :-p Al Gore, kiss it.

  20. JLThorpe says:

    A thought just occurred to me. If Sarah Palin is resigning because she thinks she is going to do harm to her state because of her possible future actions, then she’s making a noble sacrifice. She’s giving up power for the greater good. Compare this with Barack Obama, who’s policies may lead the country to ruin. Wouldn’t Obama resigning actually be beneficial at this point? By remaining as President until January 20, 2013 (assuming he’s a one-termer like Carter), Obama will keep power despite it being against the greater good. And that could be a campaign point regarding a possible 2012 Palin/Obama race – Sarah Palin is willing to do what is best for her country, even if it means giving up power for herself, whereas Barack Obama will not.

  21. thomaslhill says:

    I am surprised to say the least, but I like it. Not only is she [U]not[/U] abandoning ship, but she is setting a new course for America.

  22. jerocat says:

    It is no mistake that she declared herself firmly for the liberty and free enterprise of the American people. Today is 3 July 2009, 233 years and one day. She reaffirms that call to arms against greedy tyrants in a far away capital city, then London, now Washington DC.

    As she steps away from her title of Governor focus on her brilliant accomplishments there. Unknown by the bulk of national voters are her stellar accomplishments. The Left paints her as a backwoods trailer trash hick. (My apologies to hicks and those who live in trailers. Poverty in money does not mean poverty of dignity.) She cleaned out the corruption within the Alaska government. She swept away the corrupt relationship between the oil industry and the Alaska government. She returned the State to its original constitution and paid dividends to its citizens. As Commander-in-Chief of the Alaska National Guard she had the highest security clearance between candidates McCain, Obama and Biden. She would have to have been aware of the several intentional test penetrations of sovereign Alaska air space by Russian bombers. She would be aware of statements by high officials in the Russian government who said that Russia never sold Alaska to the US but instead leased it the US and that the lease is about up. She is involved in one of the largest infrastructure projects in the history of the United States, the energy supply line from Alaska to the Lower 48.

    As she sheds the Governorship she sheds the target on her back which enabled an endless barrage of frivolous law suits which sought to impoverish her family and destroy the effectiveness of the Alaska government. These worthless complaints cost nothing from those who made them but cost the Palins thus far $500,000 and the state $2,000,000 and 1,000’s of hours of state workers’ time.

    Sarah Palin emerges. I suspect she knows about the real Barack Hussein Obama, Jr including at least one of his more well known alias identities, his bizarre family background and his life history. She’s a competitor, a fighter and a long distance runner. She spoke today, from the heart. She didn’t need a teleprompter to know what to say or how to say it. This is a beginning.

    233 years ago Jefferson’s beginning, his battle cry, was a mutual commitment of blood, of treasure and of our sacred honor.

  23. jerocat says:

    Ha, ha, ha. ;-)))

  24. Bash1955 says:

    Where ever Sarah leads I will follow. Waiting in Iowa for her to say the word. Sarah still rocks!

  25. LoriG says:

    4th of July only hours away. Could our girl Sarah be declaring her independence…from the Republican party elites who refused to stand up for her? She is truly an independent conservative. In fact, she specifically mentioned getting away from the politics-as-usual crap in today’s announcement.
    Let the next round of Palin Derangement Syndrome begin. Can’t wait to see how this unfolds. My short-term prediction: she hits the speech circuit, finishes the memoir, formulates and articulates national policy positions (especially on illegal immigration, she’s never stated her position and it really is my one concern), raises money for like-minded conservatives like Rubio for 2010. In essence – community organizing for conservatives…meant to lead, not brainwash. :0)

  26. LoriG says:

    As an aside, I’m loving the redesign of the website. Tammy, it was worth the effort!

  27. LauraVW says:

    The revolution has begun and Sarah Palin has freed herself to lead it. It can’t wait. The insanity in Washington (DNC and GOP) has got to stop in the next few months before the country is run too far off the rails.

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