A post by Pat

The propaganda soap opera is over. I feel sick.

They’re trying to sell this as holding down costs because that’s the sales pitch that polled well under current economic circumstances. Baloney, nationalized health care has been a Liberal dream for decades. Medicare was an initial step to get there. If the American people fall for this it’s over for the country.

We’ll be hearing all the sad stories of sick people without health care. Sympathy is not a reason to sell out our future. There are sad stories to hear from places with socialized health care too.

Once again, there is no time to wait. It has to be done now. They’ve got it all figured out how much it will cost and how they can pay for it. Just like they had it all figured out for Medicare when they were selling that.

In his usual charming way Obama spells it out as though it’s simple and then tells us it is complicated, but not to worry. Arguments against the plan are fear-mongering.

Here’s the video.

The White House is having an online Townhall about health care “reform” today starting right now. You can send feedback via Twitter and Facebook or at the online site. Let them know what you think.

Today: A National Discussion on Health Care Reform

The Facebook comments are scathing.

Government is overstepping.
Who’s going to pay for free health care.
Obama worse than Carter.
“Moral imperative” to not bankrupt patient Obama sez. I say “moral” imperative is not to bankrupt country.

Taking questions from audience, a sobbing women tells her heartbreaking story about having cancer but no health insurance. Obama calls her over and hugs her telling her we’ll take your information and see what we can do.

Now a video question from a women holding her small child. The child asks a question about how to get affordable health care then the mother elaborates the problems with being a small business owner. Obama understands and says his reform will help small businesses.

In answer to another question Obama says the Recovery Act has nothing to do with rising deficits. It is Medicare and Medicaid costs that are responsible for the projected deficits. He ridicules the idea that we shouldn’t rush into this. That’s not what’s going to happen this time, he promises. He will see that it happens this year.

Questioner from Texas asks about capping non-economic damages citing Texas as an example that has such caps. Obama says he’s opposed to artificial caps because in some cases there is neglect and the patient should be compensated. In cases where there is no negligence, Obama says he will work with the AMA to work out a way to reduce liability. He then takes issue with the questioner on his boast about Texas. Obama points out that McAllen Texas has the highest health care costs even with caps. He notes that McAllen, TX is on the border but oblivious to understand the implications of that.

Now he’s amazed anyone can say he wants to take over health care. He wants us to keep the care we have, just make sure the taxpayers are getting what they’re paying for. Alludes to Comparative Effectiveness to choose the best treatments. Why is the private sector worrying about competing with the government plan, he asks. I DON’T WANT TO TAKE OVER HEALTH CARE. Choosing the best treatment isn’t rationing he says. [Bogus argument. The whole sales pitch for reform is to cut costs. The ultimate purpose of comparative effectiveness is to decide whether or not a treatment is worth it for you. — p]

An SEIU member sks, “What can I do as a member of the union to help the president”

Be informed, Obama says. Obama tells us don’t be afraid then exits the room while The Stars and Stripes Forever plays.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RobbieK says:

    Oh goodie, goodie, another campaign appearance by Urkel! OMG, I can’t wait. Anyway, I caught a glimpse of it and it was hilarious. Everyone looked like it was the last place on earth they wanted to be. I guess Urkel doesn’t get it yet that everyone he pulls out of the closet that voted for him doesn’t support him anymore.

  2. jupaczyn says:

    Just heard on Monica Crowley show that Helen Thomas, of all people, was giving the WH Press Sec. grief about prescreening the press’ questions about health care and accusing the Administration of trying to control the media. Urkel better watch it — if the press corps zombies turn on him the Truth might actually reach the people and then it’s all over.

  3. Palin2012 says:

    CBS, Helen Thomas Challenge Gibbs On “Controlled” Town Hall Meeting (from Real Clear Politics)

    Helen Thomas accused the White House of “controlling the press.” She said almost all White House/Obama events are “prepackaged.” She accused the White House of not “having any answers.” You can watch the video at http://tinyurl.com/mehdcx

    Patience, everyone (mostly myself) the tide is changing.

  4. Slimfemme says:

    I’ve been giving my physicians’ a pamplet written by my favorite writer Dr. Leonard Peikoff. Here’s the link: http://www.aynrandbookstore2.com/prodinfo.asp?number=LP08DV. The title of the lecture is Medicine: The Death of a Profession. I figured this was the best for me to fight against this onslaught. Mark my words, if this passes our health care will be destroyed. When I say healthcare, I mean research and development, all innovation and a lot of doctors quitting en mass.

    Remember the United States is the ONLY country in the world that is at the forefront of medical innovation. Whenever I hear a person complain about the cost of medicine I tell them to think about how much it cost to develop that medication and to thank their lucky stars the option is available to them. I try to put that anti-business mentality in check. I think this whole health care debate is about our capitalist(semi-capitalist) system. No one discusses that medicine is the most regulated business now. Hence the cost of medical care now. I encourage everyone to spread the word to your physicians. Give them ammunition to fight for their rights!!

  5. paboki says:

    I live under socialized medicine. What I’d like the American public to know is that it is indeed rationed care, and medications will be limited and most will not be covered. Here in Finland only some are covered but only 42%. IN USA they start monogramming screenings at age 40 I believe, here they don’t start untill age 50. I have an appt for my mamogram scheduled for May of 2010, only because two of my cousins had breast cancer. I am in a waiting line for an MRI 4 months from now due to my severe headaches that are not responding to the limited treatment.

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