UPDATE Saturday: All fixed. Thanks for your patience πŸ™‚


Just a heads up, apparently Google’s purchase of Feedburner requires a few changes to be made with our feeds, including the podcast feed to iTunes. As a result the RSS feed and the iTunes feed are down. As soon as we rework them I’ll let you know. In the meantime, please download the podcasts directly from the podcasts page.

Thanks πŸ™‚

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. John Steed says:

    Thank you Tammy. I was wondering where the podcast was on ITunes πŸ™‚

  2. teckwrek says:

    I’m new, and glad I subscribed. Must be tough financially being independent. I hope you can fashion a new revenue stream sufficient to sustain you.

  3. barbhugunin says:

    Still can’t download from iTunes. Am trying to download from website and can’t. πŸ™ I will keep trying.
    By the way, is there a way to increase the volume level? Your volume is lower than other podcasts I get, and when there’s too much extraneous noise I can’t hear you. Thanks!

  4. Nemesister says:

    Living in the People’s Republic of Vermont as an ex-liberal I am surrounded by leftists. The few that I talk to are horrified by my mutation into a conservative. They are often surprised by my knowledge of what is going on, who said what, the quotes, and the details of current events. I often hear “Where did you get THAT?” or “Where do you get YOUR information?” I listed a number of websites for one such friend and now he wants to know what I listen to.

    Being in the mountains of Vermont, you have to be in Burlington to get any kind of talk radio. We live in Warren where Sugarbush ski area is. I get all my talk radio by streaming it from the web. So, my request to Tammy is, could there be some free sample clips available to the general public to entice people on the fence to subscribe to your podcasts? As an example go to WarRoom.com and check out the “Click here for free sample clip” right under the top green band of menu items.

  5. 74Conservative says:

    I can’t get to your yahoo blog site?

  6. aaroell says:

    Iwas using the the itune link and it suddenly quit working…….

    • Tammy says:

      Please visit the “Members” subpage for a message about the changes for downloading on iTunes, including URL, username and password. Thanks πŸ™‚

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