**Bumped up with video**

This time we’ll discuss the chaos surrounding the so-called ‘public option’ of Obama’s DeathCare bill. For an indication of just how much chaos, take a look at what you get from a Google search on the issue.

As I noted in today’s Tammy Radio, the fact that conflicting messages are coming out of the WH and Congress on the issue indicates chaos in the WH itself, and that Obama has lost control of his most important project.

Why? Not just because the idea is disastrous, socialist and idiotic (three things which naturally go together) but because Urkel does not know how to govern. And make no mistake–this is not the doing of any Republican effort. If Republicans knew how to organize that wouldn’t have lost last year’s election. In fact, I’m beginning to think conservatives can’t be organized at all, but you will come out and act in an independent, organized fashion when you’ve had enough. And thank God you do.

Remember, Democrats themselves warned us about Urkel’s inexperience last year, with Hillary noting this was “no time for speeches and on the job training.” Now she and the rest have been reduced to facilitating the biggest and fastest political collapse we’ve ever seen.

UPDATE: A correction in Comments from morecowbell:

Tammy above you stated : ” Conservatives can’t be organized”. You missed the essence that makes us so powerful , frustrating and impossible to defeat in the end. “Conservatives won’t be organized”. Our report cards read: “Doesn’t play well with others”…

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. morecowbell says:

    Tammy above you stated : ” Conservatives can’t be organized”. You missed the essence that makes us so powerful , frustrating and impossible to defeat in the end. “Conservatives won’t be organized”. Our report cards read: “Doesn’t play well with others”.

    Just Saying…. have fun with O’Rielly, he need’s to be schooled Tammy Style!

    • Tammy says:

      You are absolutely right, I’ll make that note 🙂

      • ffigtree says:

        Like Tammy said last week, ‘Trying to organize republicans is like herding cats.’ . It’s true…we’re all independent thinkers with the common goal of preserving liberty.

        We knew Obama couldn’t lead that is one of the reasons we didn’t vote for him. There is a saying going around and I do not know its origin but is sums up my sentiments: “I already have a savior, I just want a president.”

  2. Tinker says:

    I won’t claim victory until the healthcare bills are off the table completely. Anything from the Dems is going to put them nearer their goal, they just might have to take the long way around. This whole public option hoopla today is a bunch of bull. Even with Co-ops, the government will set them up, which means all they have to do is create identical widget plans in each Co-op. We still lose.

    • ffigtree says:

      I shudder when I hear the word “co-op”. It has been my experience that liberals do not know how to run a true co-op. All the libs want to do is take take and take sucking the life out of those who give. I can only imagine who will ultimately run these co-ops…ACORN.

  3. Neox99 says:

    I simply, and literally, can’t watch TV. A few of the FOX folks I can watch but the problem is I never know when they will be on.

    Beck is too radical and conspiratorial.

    O’Reilly is in love with his success and is about 75% pro Obama. I think he’s really an Obama supporter but wants to play it down for his misguided ‘fair-and-balanced’ show.

    Hannity is the ‘Obama-all-the-time’ show. Anti-Obama I’ll grant. I know Obama, et al, is Evil. I don’t need to be reminded on a daily basis by means of just citing different examples.

    I will put Bill on my second computer screen this evening (volume down) and watch when Tammy comes on.

  4. karenfromny says:


    Saw you on the OReilly factor. Great job. Wish he would make his segments longer than a few minutes..

  5. naga5 says:

    good=tammy looks hot in hi def
    bad=o’reilly fails to give you enough time. again.
    ugly=liberals desperately sputtering in public
    ok, now off to listen to today’s podcast…

  6. kwebb says:


    You kick that liberals’ butt all the day long and all the way home. Great job! You look marvelous too!


  7. thomaslhill says:

    Leslie Marshall has no business debating Tammy Bruce, not sure she should debate anyone at all. She seems to always fall back on her giggle when she has no point to make, or when she realizes she has blown a point, which is quite often. Tammy quit picking on those hapless liberals.
    Great job by the way. You were concise, to the point and unlike Ms Marshall your argument was sound and valid.

  8. ranchoevans says:

    Tell BOR I only watch his show when you’re on. I hate the arguement/debate format. Is it too much to ask for BOR to just let you talk for a couple of minutes? BTW, great show today. Love the ratings graph in TalkStream.

    Question? How do I save my picure to my profile for posting? My mom says I’m handsome.

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