That’s right.

Sarah Palin: The Rise of the Renegade


Although completely unknown to the world east and south of Juneau one year ago, two words on Twitter by Sarah Palin sent the president of the United States in a panic to the op-ed page of the Sunday New York Times in opposition…

Gingrich, Rick Perry, Carly Fiorina and others seeking office should take note: If Sarah Palin goes to a baseball game with Rudy Giuliani, it remains in the press for two weeks. When Sarah Palin talks, or does virtually anything, people watch and listen. They listen even to her silence, waiting beneath the window for an appearance…

History always begins its cycles with renegades. There is no longer any question in my mind that if a new political day is to go forward in our country it will start with Sarah Palin, Citizen and Renegade.

Oh, and Newt? Keep your “advice” to yourself.

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. karenfromny says:

    I agree Newt keep your advice to yourself.

    There is a saying “If you do not understand my silence, you will not understand my words”

  2. Young American says:

    Yes ! The best thing Sarah can do is just to keep doing what she is doing. Don’t listen to a word any insider ( Newt, Rove, etc..) says.. Like they matter ?? Stay away from Washington ..

    I get ill listening to these Newts & such giving advise to Sarah .. Oh, now they feel they must offer their opinion & advise to a woman who can change the world with the wave of her hand ? These fair weather DOPs will follow where the wind blows, but I will never trust them again. Fooey.

    Sarah on the other hand has not bowed to anyone. I see a genuine person here who appears to love America & all she stands for. I see a strong, fearless, outspoken person who is scaring the left to death.. all the more reason understand she is the real deal.

  3. prmaven says:

    Saw you on O’Reilly tonight, Tammy. Loved your commentary. Keep up the good work!

  4. morecowbell says:

    Both the GOP and Palin profit from the rift, because the pendulum is going to swing way to the right. Think about it, the Old-White-Guy GOP will attract traditional Democrats (reluctantly) and Palin has locked up the conservative base. The Democratic party under Obama-Pelosi-Ried and are bleeding moderate members day by day. This gives the disenfranchised and independents who absolutely hate Palin a choice. It opens the door for conservative wild card (maybe Bachmann or Ryan, who knows). This just happened last year with the Democrats, Hillary and Obama. If Palin doesn’t blink like Hillary, she’s in.

    Just saying… the only democrat besides Pelosi, Reid or Obama who is in the news is today is Edwards ! That’s a real good thing.

    • 1elder1 says:

      Speaking of rifts , I am glad Tammy and O’Reilly agreed that the riffs in the Democrat Socialist Party over H/C is pretty pleasant to observe.
      Don’t you agree, More…?

      I like to see Howard Dean dictating what should be in HR3200 . He has no power and is just a blowhard but that rift is a “good” one.

  5. Newt had his big opportunity at leadership about a dozen years ago, and yet all he does now is get in bed politically with libs. He needs to zip it.

  6. thomaslhill says:

    So that is what Gingrich, Fiorina, Perry, Romney and McCain have been up to? Reading Palin’s words, translating them to the media in eloquent fashion, who then are caught up to the citizens who understood it when Sarah wrote it. Makes perfect sense, they should all apply for jobs at the U.N.

  7. lord-ruler says:

    Newt is a big disappointment. I nominate Jason Chaffetz for vice president if Palin Runs. They are cut from the same cloth.

  8. Artgal says:

    While we’re at it, let’s make sure to squash that cockroach Tim Pawlenty right now, too.

    Apparently, Timmy was paying attention when Sarah Palin posted on FB last week and sees that actually going against the president and this bill is very popular with those of us he has been dismissing for quite a while. Oh, I’m sure Timmy was like all the others (Dem & Rep alike) laughing at and dissing Palin on the Death Panel comment. But wow! What a difference a week makes when the administration is dealt it’s first major blow by Palin! So now, Pawlenty (and I’m sure others) will be riding the coat tails of Palin’s success to try to take it for themselves.

    Don’t be fooled by Pawlenty. He’s a big government Republican who supported taxing drivers’ mileage, dissing Reagan about a year ago, and is just an extention of the GOP dolt machine.

  9. 1elder1 says:

    Um ..isn’t duh Newt going to be busy sitting on the Education Couch with Al Sharpton and what’s her face the Education Dept head? He wanted to use his last words as he walks into oblvion to be a “teaching moment” for Sarah Palin. No thanks. He is trying to find a place for himself in the headlines but he should just give up and write his memoirs about the good he did back when.

    Watch out for the edge of the cliff Newt ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooo too late.


  10. jruppel says:

    Saw you on O’Reilly last night, Tammy. You were great. Keep up the fight

  11. Morgan says:

    I’ll support a renegade like Sarah Palin over the rest of them any day of the year. As for Newt Gingrich’s advice, she’s heeding the first bit (writing a book), and I can’t wait to get a copy of it.

  12. carminedesapio says:

    Sarah Palin would make a great President, probably even better than Reagan. Shes a lot tougher. I’ve only heard about Tammy Bruce for about a month. She is one of the most logical person I have ever heard speak.

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