Okay, for everyone in DC who wants to meetup with other Tammy Army members, here are some options. First feel free to use this post for messages to other TAMs in DC, sort of like a Bulletin Board for meetups and info. As you know this message is exclusive and viewable only by Tammy Army members.

Also, Tammy Army member and Tweep Patricia Smiley has been in DC and has already meet up with several TAMs. She has generously allowed me to include her Twitter handle and her email in this post so other TAMs can easily reach her to meetup. You can tweet Patricia at @PatriciaSmiley or email her at [email protected] if you’d like to connect with other Tammy Army members.

Also on twitter is TAM @cmoore324 and she is working on the march. You can follow her for updates and to connect. here is an email she sent along:

I am volunteering to help with the march. We were told in our phone conferences that people are being asked to bring their state flag with them, and to gather as states before the march. It isn’t alphabetical, but people will be grouped by states. At the front of the march will be some 1776 re-enactors drum and bugle corps, then the rest of the crowd by state.

The volunteers along the route are encouraged to stay at their posts until the last part of the crowd passes, then to jump in at the back of the parade. Maybe if people would rather walk as Tammy Army members rather than with their state, they can wait to gather at the end of the march, or congregate at a gathering point at the end of the walk near the Capitol.

Busses are being directed to drop people off at Union Station, another good meeting point. Other than that, Freedom Plaza is the start of the march.

Here’s a link (it’s a long one) from google maps

I suggest looking at the map site to see all the buildings surrounding the plaza and designating a meeting place there for Tammy Army folks if they want to walk together from there.

Here’s a link to the march on DC website http://912dc.org/agenda/

I’ll be in DC tomorrow night and will be able to tweet on my cell. I am also cmoore324 on Twitter if people want to follow me for updates. I’ll be at other events during Thursday,so I can send updates on the press conference, liberty summit, etc.

Feel free to post this email on the Tammy website in whole or in part if you think people will find it informative.

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Pathman says:

    If you are on twitter, I am @vannschaffner Posted pic of me in timeline. I am the one in red TPP shirt. Will have US flag, freedomworks 912dc.org hat. should be there before 9

  2. 74Conservative says:

    Precursor: Never having looked up the white house on google before, it was quite interesting to me nonetheless that in the middle of the lawn, it is printed Barack H. Obama. Is that weird, or do they do that with all sitting Presidents? Anyone know?

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