A post by Maynard

Tammy touched on the rumor that Hillary was considering leaving her post.

Rumors mean nothing. I wouldn’t take this seriously.

Out of curiosity, I looked around and found this blurb from Michael Goldfarb of the Weekly Standard: “The boss hears from two sources that Hillary Clinton is considering stepping down as Secretary of State this fall in order to run for Governor of New York.”

If there were anything to this, we might eventually see the once-anticipated “Hillary vs. Rudy” election contest in an unanticipated venue. But don’t hold your breath.

Anyway, setting aside the fantasies, here’s a point to keep in mind. IF the time comes when Hillary does step down, this would be a substantial indication that the Democrat leadership had decided the problems with Obama were serious enough that they had to be dealt with by the party itself. Of course, many rank-and-file Democrats already believe this, but Obama still controls the structure.

Likewise, if Nancy Pelosi were to be replaced as Speaker, it would indicate the House intended to chart a more independent course. Pelosi has been pretty much a cheerleader and a rubberstamp for Obama’s excesses.

I wouldn’t cheer any of these events, because there’s no quick fix to our national problems, and I don’t see wise political leadership rising to the forefront in the near-term. But Obama is digging the nation into a deeper and deeper hole, and Congress has thus far been backing him. The day Hillary leaves or Pelosi gets the boot will mean the party has tipped toward ending the craziness. If that day comes, we may finally hear a few words of fiscal sanity and real-world pragmatism and even (dare I say it?) Americanism emanating from Washington.

If the Democrats decide to put their house in order, what you won’t hear is a loud condemnation of Obama. To openly acknowledge the situation would serve to aid and abet the enemy (that is, the Republicans); an unthinkable option, even with the life of the nation at stake. If the squabble goes public, it will only be because Mr. Obama himself is unwilling to accede to diminishing status, and so he takes his battle to the streets. If he makes that choice — and, being a narcissist, it’s distinctly possible he will — then things will get very, very ugly, and perhaps even bloody.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. franknitti says:

    It’s no use to tout Hillary as some sort of savior of the Democratic Party. She isn’t. She’s every bit as arrogant and corrupt as Urkel. Just because she’s willing to turn the United States into Romania as opposed to Urkel wanting to turn it into Somalia doesn’t mean the future will be any brighter under say, a Hillary Clinton Presidency. Still, I can see the Democrats wising up somewhat and perhaps purging themselves of Urkel and Pelosi the way they did to the Clintons in 2008. The only problem with that scenario is the alternative. Romania really isn’t that much better than Somalia.

  2. lord-ruler says:

    Obama’s silence on such issues as Van Jones and Acorn is like telling the American people they don’t matter. I totally understand what Maynard is talking about here. If Obama continues on this course there very well could be violence in the streets. Not that anyone wants it but our voice is not being heard and there is a feeling that the person in power feels like he can do anything he wants . It is only natural for things to escalate. When we hear the President say “They cannot stop us” on the day of the 9-12 rally’s that does nothing but give people a further feeling of disenfranchisement.

  3. morecowbell says:

    OMG. Hillary is so yesterday. It’s like the Republicans with Newt Gingrich. The democrats out there, like the republicans, have to find new blood. Plus, the democrat leader is now Obama. For eight years the Republicans had to have Bush’s back, it’s the democrats time to have Obama’s back.

  4. 74Conservative says:

    Maynard, that is a disturbing post (I mean that respectfully). Maybe I’m too simple-minded, but what does your last point intimate? Maybe it’s not proper even to post what it means here? Anytime I see “bloody” and “battle in the streets”; I get nervous. Do you mean he would call up his Civilian National Defense Force (as well-funded and well-armed and well-trained as our military) or whatever he’s called it, to go door to door? OMG – that’s a very scary and sobering thought indeed. Am I overreacting? Admittedly, some folks do refer to me as being “on the ceiling and perhaps I simply need to calm down.

    Also, do you think if the Dems get their house in order (reference Clinton and Pelosi), Conservatives may lose ground? Do we need to begin to re-double our efforts just in case? If the house cleaning is performed, could it be we’ll be hearing during next year’s election cycle: “see….we saw the problem and it’s been resolved. No need to overreact at the ballot box. Tossing people out of office now, in the middle of (fill in the blank for whatever catastrophe they’ll have drempt up at the time) would only serve to hurt you (us – the regular Americans).”

    We need to be ready.

    • Maynard says:

      74, this is a speculative post, and I don’t know more than you do. But clearly tensions are high and rising, both domestically and globally, and thus the risk of a critical flashpoint increases. There’s some similarity to the period prior to the American Civil War, or the 1930’s in Europe. Of course, we can look back at historical events with more perspective and objectivity than we have for the present day. I would argue, to the extent that I’m capable of making an objective observation, that the tensions continue to rise because Obama is pushing into our lives in unacceptable ways. I’m hoping he’ll take the hint and back off, because we’ve all got better things to do than fight with each other. Also, the Constitution should protect us, in that it overtly limits the powers of the Federal government. So in a sane world, our quibbles would be relatively inconsequential. However, it doesn’t seem to be playing out in the “sane world” scenario. Hence my concerns.

      With respect to Dems getting their house in order…Such an event would not be overtly good for “conservatives”, but it would be good for the nation. I know my thinking cannot prevail in Washington, so I’m doomed to compromise; under the circumstances, I’ll wildly applaud any scenario that ends Obama’s march towards bankruptcy and centralized control. If that scenario happens to be good for the Democrat party and bad for the Republican party, so be it. I don’t love Republicans; I’m painfully aware that Clinton balanced the budget and Bush broke it.

  5. sharon says:

    Hillary is forever tainted by the presidency of this man. She chose to take a position on his administration because she agrees with his agenda.

  6. thierry says:

    hillary was mau- maued from start to finish. you let yourself be mau-maued. the entire f’ing congress was mau-maued, rolling over and playing dead or lap dog to not counter dear leader because- let’s not be coy- he is a black man. maybe hopefully they are slowly waking up . they’ve been no better than hillary in dealing with being rolled by some one just because you are white and they are black. every republican who sits there on his paws saying nothing or sniffling like a prim and proper school girl over decorum while this country is raped, pillaged and enslaved is not any worthier of office than hillary- she was just one of the first casualties.

    i don’t think anyone could have predicted obama going down in flames as quickly as he has, his own doing of course, but hillary would have been better served keeping her senate seat than carrying urkel’s malarial bucket of water. imagine the position she’d be in for a presidential run against Himself if she sat now in the senate nipping at him like a dog mad for blood . she was effectively muzzled- and don’t think they don’t know it- by sucking her into his administration.

    i was wondering when being called a racist cracker wasn’t going to be enough to stop people speaking up. the citizens are there now but the problem as with hillary is the leadership/representatives.it’s the sworn duty of the congress to uphold and protect the constitution from all enemies-don’t they think it’s about time to start honoring that? trouble is they have become the enemy and they show very few signs of being able to properly act as a check and balance to the other branches of government. i think they’re so delusional that they’ll be shocked when a bunch of them get tossed out on their asses. they will have to be forced to clean house- i don’t think they’d do it on their own. too arrogant. too smitten with their own power.

    • naga5 says:

      thank you for not being coy.
      the world sat silent because no one wants to contradict the black misogynist (who is actually a half-rican) and his socialist agenda. his team always cries racist at any and every challenge and no one has the integrity to call them on it, least of all the broadcast media and print media. the 9/12 march shows a populaton that is waking up.
      i agree he was quite clever in muzzling hillary. it was surprising that hillary fell for it.
      as tammy has mentioned, these guys really don’t have a plan B. they also think they are the smartest people in the room. that arrogance must be feeding their inability to see what the american people are trying to show them.

  7. mindywic says:

    Today I briefly flipped channels between MSNBC and CNN (I like to torture myself). BOTH cable channels were talking about the 9-12 March on Washington and that the anger and protests of the crowd on Saturday were racial. I swear every time I hear a conservative stand blamed on racism I want to bang my head against a wall. They lie, lie, lie. It makes me crazy.

  8. TLindaman says:

    I’m not convinced Hillary has ruled out a 2012 run for President yet. With Obama and his Congressional minions rearranging the deck chairs on the USS Titanic Mistake, Democrats could be looking for an alternative if for no other reason than to stem the tide of Democrats and Independents handing the White House and Congress back to the GOP. The question then becomes how many of those Democrats and left-leaning Independents would go for Hillary? Would it be enough to get the DNC to dump their golden man-child and stump for the wife of their previous golden man-child? I wouldn’t rule it out yet, especially if the Democrats lose control of one or both houses of Congress next November.

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