A post by Pat

We knew it!

(Sorry for two scatological posts in a row. Hey, there’s just so much of it out there.)

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Artgal says:

    Interesting this video was originally captured in ‘flowplayer’. Goes with the theme!

    That enema will be useful in 2010 when we shove it into DC and clean out the system big time! We may have to find the woman in this video. She strikes me as having a fully loaded body function arsenal which will be needed to get rid of all the obstructions in congress next year.

    Hopefully, Nancy’s ass (sorry if a visual emerged!) will be thrown out at that time, too. We may need to invest in industrial strength laxatives to get rid of that House Sphincter.

  2. makeshifty says:

    So…in other words the bill is a piece of &^#$? I agree! Why would we want &#$^? Keep congress constipated!

  3. sd6104 says:

    I think she points out the obvious, the bill is a piece of S H ! T, upsets all of our stomachs and should just be flushed. Or, did I see it wrong?

  4. CatB1 says:

    Yup– what I was going to say was what others have….only thing that comes from a laxitative is something you flush down the toilet!

  5. IslandLibertarian says:

    When, oh when, will we see the last of these professional activist fools with their stupid word play and childish bathroom humor? (HEY HEY! HO HO! We’re stupid Democrats, don’t you know!)
    And yes, the “Bill” is crap.

  6. lord-ruler says:

    Actually I would love to see that woman use the enema on Pelosi. If they could make that a pay per view event I am sure they could just about pay for their health care bill.

    “I said because of all that went wrong, of all that didn’t go right last week.’ And he said ‘What didn’t go right?’” Nancy Pelosi

  7. 1elder1 says:

    http://www.Bloomberg.com article* about O needing a stimulative crisis aka an enema (or crisis -in-waiting) to pass wad of Death Care Bill……his speechifying is not enough ex-lax to pass Death Care Bill.
    This article* needs to be read by everyone who is left standing so they can PROTEST. I say emphatically>>>>>>>>>
    Everything O touches is Death.
    Death Care Death Panels Death Book Dr. Death Zeke Emanuel -his advisor for Death Panels and Euthanasia and rationing Death Book at the VA hospitals.
    *Article to follow
    Enough …the NAZIS created food shortages and shortage of hospital beds. The they tricked the Jewish citizens to load onto trains to the Death Camps. They created CRISIS after Crisis and built a WALL AROUND WARSAW ,POLAND . We have H1N1 with people walled off for this year’s crisis.
    Keep shouting for LIFE at the TOWNHALLS.
    March on the seat of the Dictatorship and his Democrat Socialist Party members.
    Too loud for you?
    We will not March on Sept 12 quietly.

    Palin was right.
    Palin in 2010.

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