Here’s the entire segment, posted over at Real Clear Politics. 74Conservative has also posted an extensive comment I think is worthy of the commentary on this situation. Wilson said he will not apologize on the House floor for yelling “you lie” to the President during his address on Wednesday night. One apology is indeed enough, in fact, IMHO, it was too much.


Wilson Defends Outburst, Says He Will Not Apologize on House Floor

Rep. Joe Wilson said Sunday that he will not apologize on the House floor for his outburst during President Obama’s health care address, even though Democratic leaders have threatened to formally discipline him if he does not.

Wilson noted that he already apologized directly to the White House after shouting, “You lie,” to the president during his Wednesday address to a joint session of Congress. The outburst triggered a political firestorm, but Wilson told “FOX News Sunday” that Democrats are just “playing politics” by trying to drag out the issue and force another apology.

“I’ve apologized one time. The apology was accepted by the president, the vice president. … I am not apologizing again,” he told “FOX News Sunday.” “I believe that is sufficient.” … Wilson said he felt “provoked” and attributed the outburst to a “town hall moment,” referring to the town hall meetings where constituents frequently shouted out their frustrations over health care reform.

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13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Count Crash says:

    The Honorable Gentleman from South Carolina is my new Hero. We are strongest when we speak the truth in the face of those who lie and should never appologize for speaking the truth. A pleasant change from hearing the Pelosi wanna be’s speaking lies to the cameras’ and then smiling in the face of those they have slandered.

  2. lord-ruler says:

    I hope they censure him. It would be a badge of honor.

  3. Maynard says:

    Obviously ObamaCare is being sold to America based upon a transparent pack of lies. Of course it will increase the deficit, of course it will extend to illegals one way or another, of course it will fund abortions one way or another, of course it will ration (“allocate”) health care, of course any “public option” is intended to eliminate alternatives, of course it will put private decisions into public hands, of course Medicare is going broke. That we even have to make these arguments and state these obvious facts is stupid beyond belief.

  4. Dave J. says:

    Count Crash, I bet the Dems will censure him. It’ll blow up in their faces, and it’ll time spent away from actually ramming through ObamaCare, so I look forward to it enormously.

  5. thierry says:

    when is mad dog pelosi going to be ‘ disciplined’ for calling americans who do not agree with her dictatorship too well dressed ‘ nazis’? when is babs boxer going to be censored for her clearly racist condescending beat down of a black american citizen on the floor?

    one of the original versions of this crap in fact excluded illegal aliens from the fines to be imposed on actual citizens who do not carry health insurance. and because of existing laws they still can get free health care by going into emergency rooms who cannot turn them away. how does this make things better or more stable for anyone except people here illegally? punish law abiding citizens who won’t hand over their rights to their own damn bodies- continue to reward and protect law breakers who are still allowed to drain the system without punishment.

  6. proudgayconserv says:

    My concern is that the Republicans are too weak-kneed to stand up and stop the bill altogether. As so many talk hosts have pointed out–usually when Republicans end up compromising the Leftists get at least something that they want. I would like to see the whole thing go down in flames. And…considering some of the wishy-washy attitudes I’ve been hearing, both from FOX News pundits and Republican congressman, I’m not so sure that’s going to happen. I would like to believe the big march on D.C. made a difference…..but….? I will continue, however, to do what I can on my end via emailing and calling my congress folk.

    • 74Conservative says:

      Even if every “Republican” voted it down, the Dems still have the votes to pass it. They just want to be able to SAY it was “bi-partisan”. What a bunch of crap.

  7. IslandLibertarian says:

    Hey, what’s the big deal. Our President “0”(pronounced zero) has been going all over the world making unnecessary apologies to appease the weenies of the world. Take the example of the big “0”(pronounced zero) and appease the weenies in the House. It’s the “progressive” thing to do.

  8. PT in SoCal says:

    My question is why MORE REPS did not join Mr. Wilson in spontaneous outbursts of ‘You Lie’ throughout the speech! Why only one outburst from one man?

  9. theroys88 says:

    On the floor, Joe Wilson should whip out the bill that Pelosi “thinks she knows” and read the
    points out loud that justify his comments. Put it right back in their botox laden faces.
    To 74Conservative: quoting an opinion piece from Maureen Dowd is just about as stupid as
    my asking my dogs if they think the Boston Red Sox will make the playoffs this year. My dogs
    don’t know or care and Maureen’s opinion of anything is worthless.

  10. SoCalGal52 says:

    Hey Chris Wallace, What part of NO (I will not apologize again) do you not understand?

  11. dr4ensic says:

    I will never tire of seeing the clip of Mr. Wilson scream “what Joe Wilson said”, just to see Nancy “the mask” Pelosi do that evil eye twitching thing she did. Her head jerked his direction so fast I’ll bet she still has a whiplash. Yes-ir-ee…I never tire of watching that eye twitch.

  12. 74Conservative says:

    theroys88: You misquoted and misrepresented me since my comment did not quote MD’s piece thank you very much.

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