The last time Obama called Bill Clinton for a private meeting was after McCain chose Palin and the entire game had shifted. Obama secured the nomination in June. The story linked to above is from September 2008, 3 months later and less than 2 weeks after Palin joined the race. Urkel had no idea what to do then, and this is a sign that he is once flapping around cluelessly in deep, dangerous water. The bad news, of course, is this isn’t about the game of a campaign, it’s about the future of your family and this divine nation.

The other major problem is calling Bill Clinton now is like meeting up with the fire department after your house has burned down. Not much can be done when things are so far gone.

Two Presidents: One Private Lunch

President Barack Obama will join former President Bill Clinton for lunch in New York this afternoon. The President will deliver a major address on the economy, one year to the day after financial firm Lehman Brothers collapsed, which at the time threatened the stability of the entire U.S. financial system. Aides say they will dine alone after the President’s speech, though no word on where the private lunch will take place.

The two men saw each other last week at the memorial for late CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite. They also spoke briefly at the funeral for the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy in Boston last month, where Mr. Obama delivered the eulogy.

Gee, could it be Urkel noticed the 2+ million patriots at his door on Saturday? Was it Tea party signs like the one on the right that woke him up? teaparty912I’m also wondering if Obama will apologize and then be censured for interrupting the campaign last year and having his goons call Bill and Hillary racists? Is he having lunch with Bill, a man who left this nation with a surplus, because he finally realizes he’s a set a fire he can’t put out and admits he doesn’t want to preside over a pile of ashes?

Whatever his reasons, it should concern us greatly that this disconnected Malignant Narcissist must be panicking, which means…buy more gold, call every politician who works for you, and remind Obama as often as possible that we reject his naive, incompetent and destructive policies. Oh yeah, as 9/12 Patriots noted, mention that Stalin called–he wants his policies back!

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    O Beautiful for Pilgrim Feet – Pres. Obama’s chickens come home to roost 9/12 DC March – a short video using our President’s own words to come back and bite him …Woof!

  2. morecowbell says:

    I wonder who’s paying for lunch ??

  3. Chuck says:

    Maybe Clinton is telling Urkel how to create “surpluses” like he did: by borrowing from Social Security. It’s all a shell game: federal spending has never gone down, and the debt has always gone up.

  4. Maynard says:

    For the record, that protest photo was taken prior to 9/12.

  5. Dave J. says:

    As much as I can’t stand Bill Clinton, he is nowhere near the lunatic socialist Obama is. On top of that, he is still orders of magnitude better a practitioner of the raw craft of politics, i.e., “the art of the possible,” something it’s obvious Barry & co. are total amateurs at (for which we should all be grateful).

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