A post by Pat

David Axelrod appeared on a legitimate, unbiased network today. It looked more like a counseling session than a newsy Q & A. Poor Andrea Mitchell, clearly despondent over the disappointments of election night, needed some cheering up. I can just see the poor woman flipping between the HBO special reminiscing the glorious triumph last year and watching the gloomy election returns this year. Even New York 23 couldn’t cheer her up much. If Axelrod was in the studio, I’m sure he would have offered her his handkerchief, maybe a hug. He did his best consoling her on each of her worries, but Andrea wasn’t buoyed much by the pep talk. The interview ended with sad Andrea saying, “We loved you in the HBO documentary and we’ll always have the New York 23rd“. You could almost hear the music.

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile at the old days
I was beautiful then
I remember the time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. RuBegonia says:

    Mitchell to Axelrod: “you inherited problems far worse than anyone imagined…you..the rest of us..” Thank you for that insight… Mrs. Alan Greenspan. Not exactly a Casablanca moment. They both looked completely frazzled and exhausted.

  2. Palin2012 says:

    Pat – I must say this was “priceless”. Gee – where was your sarcasm? It’s nice to enjoy this brief moment until 2010. We have to “hit the ground” tomorrow to try and stop Deathcare, then Cap and Tax, Amnesty, and whatever else they throw at us.

    • varmint says:

      It will be my pleasure to get registered as a new if reluctant Californian, and vote against Barbara Boxer. She is pushing the cap and tax idiocy. At iceagenow.com I became convinced a repeat of the “little ice age” from European history will settle in, within a few years, for a decade or two or worse. The real (non little) ice age cycle is also due, according to something I read from NOAA or NASA somewhere. We may well be wishing we could bump up the atmospheric methane for some genuinely effective global warming. The latest research shows that co2 doesn’t trap any heat really, so no hope there. Damn that’s ironic. The famine and death during the last “little ice age” may have been bad but what about this time? We might need the nuclear power plants that Obama is choking off, and more besides. Indoor agriculture you know, grow lamps, hydroponics, that sort of thing. Funny how leftist legacies always involve massive human death.

  3. jap81 says:

    Did Axelrod just say if the president decides to run again? Interesting, isn’t it normally assumed that a sitting president will run again for a second term.

  4. franknitti says:

    The sad thing is that Andrea Mitchell used to be a good reporter. Back in the early 90’s when she covered the White House for NBC I thought she was the only decent reporter on the Peacock network. She was also hard on the Clinton Administration during Slick Willie’s first term. So hard that they complained to her bosses at NBC and got Andrea transferred to the State Department beat. Now she’s nothing but a pathetic joke. I know her bosses at GE (who own NBC) are big Urkel supporters and she can’t go full throttle against him if she wants to keep her job but Andrea has become so partisan that she is now a joke. I used to think that fellow NBC reporterette Lisa Myers was bad but she’s balanced and non-partisan when compared to Andrea. Maybe its because Andrea’s hubby, Alan Greenspan, hasn’t been taking care of business. You think?

  5. radargeek says:

    Notice this reporter says “we lost.” No impartial reporting here. So, apparently we DO have a state run media!!!

  6. CO2aintpoison says:

    On my way to catch the bus to DC!! Here we come baby! Can you smell us now Dingy Harry (reference to Reid complaining about tourists in the Halls of Congress – a la The Great One). Tammy – the great thing about this movement is that Congressman Bachmann only announced this last Friday night on Hannity. It hasn’t even been weeks in the making! She’s screaming like a banchee because Crazy Eyes Pelosi threw the bill gauntlet down, Bachmann figures it should come to the floor tomorrow. Once Bachmann realized the timing she’s been all over all press pleading for Americans to come and demand this bill be squashed. And, ya know what – if it is a tiny shiny ball and next week they pull the same thing with Crap and Tax and we are needed again – then we shall go again. After that, if they try to pull amnesty and we are needed again – then we shall go again. Endless arrows in the quivver are we. Silent NO MORE.

  7. Young American says:

    Enjoy & savor your HBO special fellas. It been all downhill from there 😉 *Big MSM sigh*

  8. Hannibal says:

    I think Andrea’s face was pulled to much.

  9. varmint says:

    Channel surfing on election night once, I saw a network type, don’t remember which, but not Fox, make the same slip checking the election returns between Al Gore and George Bush. She was the off camera person that network used to analyze or “call” results, state by state. Her back was turned to the camera, one of the “reporters” asked her how it was going and she was caught off guard, on camera, saying “we’re losing.”

  10. Patriotgal says:

    Tammy- YOU say what I think, very often. I simply hope that you are sincere, since I’ve seen the “dog and pony” (ass & elephant?) show before. Well, time will tell. I’m listening, and watching.
    Your friend, PG

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