A meandering contemplation by Maynard

The headline: House Dems struggle for final votes. Ah, the final solution to America’s health woes is at hand.

Here’s the way it works, as I understand it (and this is not my area of expertise, so correct me if I’m wrong). The Speaker has a strategic advantage, in that she can bring a bill up for a vote when she’s ready…that is to say, when she’s got commitments for the necessary votes. So the vote will be delayed until/unless the outcome is known and favorable.

Pressure is brought to bear upon wavering votes. As I’ve noted, the party machine has many ways to bring an erring member into line. You can lose committee status or you can simply lose perks.

On the positive side, you can be promised goodies in exchange for your vote. You’ll get your bridge, your library, whatever. Maybe you’ll even get your name on it. You can go home to your district and claim you brought home the bacon. This is very good for your re-election prospects. The individual Congressmen know how to work the system.

Giving away goodies can get very expensive, of course. It’s impossible to rein in the deficit when Washington is free with commitments. Being frugal makes one unpopular in Washington. Fiscal responsibility may be good for the nation, but it’s bad politics. That’s why fiscal irresponsibility has especially ruled the day when the Dems ran the whole show or when the Reps ran the whole show. A balance of power has the advantage of each faction blocking the other’s stupid boondoggles.

Obama is pulling out all the stops to push this through. This probably means big political debts. So, although there will be pledges of fiscal responsibility to accompany this bill, in fact the budget-busting health control plan will probably result in reduced fiscal restraint on other fronts. Additional political debts will inevitably translate into bigger public debt. We’re accelerating into the train wreck.

Obviously many moderate Democrats have misgivings about this out-of-control health plan, and they might prefer to vote against it, either as a matter of personal conviction or, for those that have no personal convictions, then political expediency. There’s a very active opposition to this plan, and so those that vote “yes” and live in moderate districts will face invigorated opposition.

That’s one reason why Obama wanted the vote as far away from elections as possible…preferably last summer. As unpopular as this bill would be, many voters have a short attention span and this year’s treachery may be forgotten next year.

So if Pelosi lines up her votes, the count will not go much above the bare minimum majority. That’s because wavering representatives would rather take the safe option of voting “No” if their vote isn’t crucial for passage. Thus they get the best of both worlds…the party leadership gets its win and is happy, but the dissenter doesn’t have the stigma of having supported this awful monstrosity.

(You’ll remember that Bill Clinton’s tax hike got the bare minimum to pass, for exactly this reason. Once the Dem leadership nailed down a majority, everyone else voted “No”. And the next election cycle, the Republicans swept to power.)

There’s a very abnormal aspect to this bill. The implications to America are HUGE. We generally understand that the plan is to grow the public option over time, either driving private insurance out of business, or controlling it to the extent that it essentially becomes a government subsidiary, sort of like a regulated public utility. The government will then have its fingers into the most intimate decisions of every one of us. I’ve made the editorial argument before, so I won’t dwell on it here.

The abnormal aspect is that, for something this big, the general political game plan is to build something of a national consensus. Yes, technically a bill requires 50% plus one vote, but that isn’t what you want to do for a matter of such gravity. Both Bush presidents went to Congress before moving militarily against Iraq and, in spite of protests, did get support that went far beyond a bare minimum or partisan shutout. And as big and controversial as Iraq was, you’ll note that we eventually get out of it. Once the government gets into health control, we’re pretty much stuck with it until the country collapses. There is no exit strategy from Obama’s war on America. And that’s by design. But, as you see, this plan is being railroaded by an extreme faction with a momentary (and fading) political advantage. The principle of consensus has been thwarted. This bodes ill for any future prospects of Congress working for national unity and the national interest.

To exemplify the extent to which this health control plan would be eternal and uncontrollable, you can see how it’s proved impossible to make any structural changes to Social Security. George Bush was excoriated for pointing out the plan’s looming insolvency and daring to suggest that we needed to do something, anything. Bush called up a bipartisan committee of heavy hitters. But in the end, we did nothing. Thus we remain (and this is obvious and undeniable) on a course that will lead to a meltdown a few years down the road. Once again, lousy economics, but great politics.

I’ve said before that I regard Leftism as by-product of mental illness. I’m not saying that as a pejorative statement; I’m making a clinical judgment. And by the way, I think we’re all at least a little bit mentally ill. I certainly am. There’s nothing inherently wrong with a bit of kookiness. The problem with Leftism is it’s an aggressive kookiness. You can ignore Maynard the kook. But you can’t ignore Obama the kook. Both Maynard and Obama aspire to tell you what to do. But if you flip Maynard the bird, he’ll go home and cry. Obama will lock you up.

Because Obama is so aggressive in his push for control, and because America is inclined to resist control, the nation is likely to suffer a great internal conflict. If Obama is unchecked, then there will eventually come a flashpoint, which could grow to domestic discord the likes of which we haven’t seen since the Civil War. On the other hand, if Obama is blocked in his pursuit of power, there will probably be a White House meltdown of Nixonesque proportions. This could lead to something of a Constitutional crisis…but it would be, as with Nixon, a Washington thing. That would certainly be preferable to a national conflict with blood spilled.

Or maybe I’m wrong, and we’ll all go home and be good little serfs. We’ve put up with a lot so far. It’s now “natural” that we have government oversight, or must ask the government’s permission, for so many new things. Maybe there’s no limit. The analogy of the slowly-boiled lobster is often made, and I find it apt.



Although I blame Obama for this situation, I must step back and remember this isn’t about Obama. As awful as he is, a nation which should have known better allowed this avaricious man to rise to power. Therefore I have no fantasy that Obama’s sudden passing would solve our problems. There is a lesson that must be learned before we can be done with Obama. We will learn that lesson and move on in hope, or we will reject it and our great experiment will be ended.

In any case, there will be struggle ahead. Indeed, the essence of life is struggle, and never forget this or doubt it. Stay tuned, and, like Kim Munley, stand ready to do your part.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lord-ruler says:

    This is one of the things the founding fathers overlooked while drafting the constitution. It does not spell out the rules congress must follow in their respective houses. They are given the perogative to make their own rules and this has lead to the corruption we see today. I would much rather see House and Senate rules crafted by those in the Constitutional convention than the Jackasses we have in there today. All of this horse trading is just a bunch of nonsense. Barack Obama is a liar as well. When he said there will be no funding of abortion in the healthcare bill he did not mean it. If he did he would have told congress to get it out of there or he would Veto it. He has done nothing of the sort. This is him once again avoiding tough questions and transferring blame to congress while he gets credit for being against abortion funding. I have also notice that Tammy is right about Obama and his promises to the gays. He is all talk and no action. Since his speech a month ago when he promised them the kitchen sink he has done nothing but “dither”. Not that I’m especially upset about that but the man apparently does not stand for anything. (besides socialism)

  2. k.nelson5047 says:

    This 2000+ healthcare bill is a blessing in disguise. Its a no win scenario for democrats. As time goes on, the bill gets bigger with more unintended consequences and minimal support. Taxes in the bill start immediately and public option/benefits dont start for 4 years. Therefore, constituents will see the bad effects of the bill immediately, increased costs, doctors retiring, insurance companies laying off, other companies not hiring due to new costs being imposed etc. So there will be a big restructuring of the healthcare sector before anything can possibly get better (although I believe nothing can get better with this bill).

    If passed by years end, companies will immediately respond to the bill. Companies work on a 5 year plan and will have to make changes to their benefit plans and layoffs and no new hiring right away to help offset the costs of the bill. Throughout next year, voters will see what is in the bill more and more and really see what is happening in the bill and how their options will be limited and the distortions caused by the bill. They will also see NO new hiring which will increase unemployment next year going into the 2010 elections. Democrats will then turn to climate change and immigration reform which will cause even less hiring due to uncertainties for business.

    So the democrats brass ring of healthcare reform will be their downfall. It will be exposed next year and the real issues that voters have, jobs and the economy will come more to light as they fall off the cliff of their own agenda. And if voters vote for change in 2010, most aspects of the healthcare and other bills being contemplated can be changed in time.

    The democrats have it all now, congress and the president. They could relegate republicans to obscurity for a long time if they decided to do real healthcare reform (lower costs, tort reform etc) and really try to help the economy by doing things that produce jobs. Instead, they chose the route of their utopian dreams which will instead relegate their own party to minority status if the republicans can gain their voice and give the people real alternatives.

  3. Pat_S says:

    I am always inspired by remembering America’s proud history, our great accomplishments and the bravery of our people. From the Declarion of Independence: “…all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

    They understood human nature. People have to be pushed far before they push back. I think we’re at such a point. We can start “throwing off” this government in 2010 or at least incapacitate it from doing further harm until we get back our bearings.

    Empress Pelosi says she doesn’t care if the Dems lose seats over the healthcare vote. Imagine hearing that if you are a first or second term Democrat recruited by Rahm Emanuel to run in a Republican district. He had a master plan to replace “R”s with “D”s. He didn’t care if the candidates were liberal or conservative. He needed backs for the Democrat brahmins to stand on. It is undeserving to credit Emanuel profusely for his work. The performance of the Republicans during the Bush years accommodated Emanuel’s plan very generously. Will those Democrats submit to further disgracing themselves by accepting scraps knowing they were whored by Emanuel and prepared for sacrifice by Pelosi?

    Then: “…we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor”. Now: “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste.” What shame we have fallen into. Our forebears were willing to fight for Liberty. Are we willing to give it away for health insurance?

  4. jmargusity says:

    great post Pat. I’ve been making calls all morning to Blue Dawgs. Reminding them about our election here in New Jersey. I’ve told them I’m a Democrat and if you vote for this bill you will be next.

  5. Leon says:

    Seven Devils Express

    Death and taxes, rising in the street.
    Somehow it makes seven devils seem sweet.
    Woe to the house with servants stealing,
    a flood of debt that cracks the ceiling.
    Kabuki postures from a few,
    mild feigned unrest, but nothing new.
    While hope and fortune float like leaves,
    away in flood, consort with thieves.
    Just don’t start with the kissing.
    Where were you, you were missing,
    and then you want to ride like you were leading.
    Go do your constitutional reading.
    Throw my bag, on any freight car; climb me on the steel rail ark.
    Throw my bag on any freight car; drop me off, in someplace dark.
    Death and taxes rising in the street.
    This flood makes seven devils seem sweet.
    The mountains rise above it all,
    where pioneers stood strong and tall.
    The servants flooding, stealing boats
    down below, disguise in votes,
    thinly, theft disguised, as rule of law,
    so greed can rend, with tooth and claw,
    in arbitrary “social justice” administered by Czar.
    Cheering mobs are bribed with cash, and car,
    as houses fall what do they care,
    where born as slaves, kids will gasp for air.
    Solid laws are washed away,
    foundation gone, nowhere to say,
    here a worker, diligent, skilled,
    has ground, has rules, a place to build,
    where Czars and mobs, face laws hard plan,
    raised above mere rule by man.
    Does the Constitution, sustain your bidding?
    The Fascists say “you must be kidding.”
    Throw my bag, on any freight car; climb me on that steel rail ark.
    Throw my bag on any freight car; drop me off, in someplace dark.
    The mountains rise above it all,
    where pioneers stood, so strong and tall.
    This flood makes Seven Devils seem sweet.
    Death and taxes, rising in the street.

  6. Lois Jesek says:

    “Mr. Obama ‘the man-child president.'”

    He’s immature.  He’s a child.  I think… He’s got a five-minute career.  He was in the Senate for 150 days.  He was a community organizer in Chicago for however number of years.  He really has no experience running anything.  He’s very young.  I think he’s got an out-of-this-world ego. He’s very narcissistic, and he’s able to focus all attention on him all the time. That description is simply a way to cut through the noise and say he’s immature, inexperienced, in over his head.

    We’ve never seen this kind of radical leadership at such a high level of power in the country.?
    The economy is under siege. It’s being destroyed.? Anybody with any economic literacy would not do one thing this administration has done to try to revitalize the private sector.? They’re destroying it.? And I have to think that it may be on purpose.? Because this is just outrageous what is happening, the denial of liberty, and attack on freedom, I mean just a couple days ago they talked about the 650,000 jobs that they’ve “created or saved”? There’s no such thing as a “saved” job.? Besides that they’ve destroyed jobs, they’ve lost 3.3 million jobs in this country since Obama’s stimulus plan, and it’s going to get worse. Thanks Rush…

    His incapacity to ‘feel’ is not a surprise… he is in the process of destroying our Great Nation… too much Rev. Wright. Too much ‘God-dammed Åmerica’, Too much vile whitey hate. Too much Chicago thug politics. Too much radical Haaaaavahd. Too much Marx. His tiny brain is filled with crap…. no reality, no experience, just radical warmed-over theory. He hasn’t done crap – ‘for the country… he only wants TO DO crap “TO” OUR country.

    Too much Obama.


  7. Foreverautumn says:

    Well, the House passed the healthcare bill, narrowly and pretty much along party lines. I fear that if this becomes law, we will never be able to repeal it, quite simply because we have too many Republicans and too few conservatives, and more to the point, we have far too many government-educated sheeple who don’t know and don’t care about anything in the way of real freedom for us to get any real reform through; as long as they have their government goodies and programs, they’re fat, dumb and happy, and they think nothing bad is ever going to happen to them. They’re the ones who elected this bunch.

    I hate to sound pessimistic, but I believe history is on my side; we have not been able to push back Medicare or Medicaid, or The Great Society, or any aspect of The New Deal.

    In the meantime, I’m waiting for AmSoc (American Socialism), and the missile parades…

  8. Shifra says:

    When Nancy Pelosi pounded the gavel, she thought she was announcing the passing of the Healthcare Bill, but she does not know yet that what she was really doing was sounding the death knell of a whole lot of Democrat political careers.

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