Ba-rack & Ba-rokeAn opinionated post by Maynard

They say Obama is off to Washington to give his health care package the final push. The big wheels are grinding toward…what?

I think one of the most fundamental errors of the Left is an excessive focus on economic distribution. The implicit assumption is that if only goods and services are “fairly” shared, then peace and harmony will prevail.

Of course, I, too, think my ideology is “fair”. But I’m more interested in enabling and encouraging individuals to be productive, and I’m opposed to the accumulation of excessive power in a central authority that seizes wealth for “fair” redistribution. On that path lies short-term cronyism and long-term tyranny.

Life has also taught me that people don’t become happy and peaceful just because they’ve got lots of goodies. Material wealth is a fine thing, but possessing it doesn’t diminish the natural human tendency to be lazy and mean and stupid. Whatever our economic situation may be, the true battle is internal and it lies within the human heart. It’s a battle every man and woman must fight.

So much for ideology. What happens next?

Our president has pushed health care reform to the top of his agenda. He intends to get this at the cost of everything else. His success, if he achieves it, will be Obama’s triumph and America’s undoing.

I won’t again repeat the ideological arguments against government health care. My point here is that the finance is a killer. First of all, Washington is undertaking a huge new commitment — which we won’t notice at first, because the expenses are cleverly back-loaded, so it will look like we’re doing just fine for about five years. Second of all, when a leader expends so much political capital on a doubtful issue, he owes a zillion favors — which means any hopes of fiscal discipline in the foreseeable future is out the window, because Congress will be cashing in and bringing home the pork in exchange for their vote.

America’s fundamental economic problem, as I’ve discussed before, is that we’re out balance with respect to national production versus national consumption. We’re living beyond our means, consuming more than we produce, resulting in a horrendous balance of payments deficit. We hemorrhage dollars into the world, and the world absorbs those dollars with increasing reluctance. The trend leads us to a worthless currency and an America that is owned and controlled by foreigners.

The danger of endless “stimulus” programs is that they merely fuel the fire by prolonging and even accelerating the unacceptable status quo. The theory of stimulus is that artificial consumption boosts production, which boosts jobs, resulting in a jump-start of prosperity. The problem is, if the consumption is domestic but the production is abroad, we’re again expanding the debt bubble. That’s why the trade deficit has jumped up during this recession, whereas the normal reaction would be a reduced deficit due to consumer retrenchment. The stimulus, however popular it may be, actually hinders the natural healing process.

A president who was concerned about America’s national interest would be looking to guide America back into balance. Obama is doing the opposite. Because his budget is moving hopelessly out of control, he’s got to borrow from China — and thus he’s got to appease China and other dollar-holding powers. Obama’s snubbing of the Dalai Lama was just a small, visible piece of the picture. For the sake of seizing control of America’s health care, Obama also forfeits his tools to encourage American productivity and balance excessive imports. Obama chooses to collude with foreign tyrants in his pursuit of centralized domestic power, rather than pursue the national interest of a productive America in which Washington does not reign supreme in domestic affairs. Given the option of working with Chinese Communists or American Republicans, Obama decides…well, you see what he’s doing.

In a nutshell, Obama is steering us toward a diminished America and an impotent heartland, with global power ceded to foreign tyrants and domestic power held by Washington bureaucrats. And the economic fallout from this monstrous health care reform package is a key element of the transformation.

Remember that Ronald Reagan won the war against communism by bankrupting the Soviet Union. Nobody understood what Reagain had accomplished until after he passed from the scene. Likewise, Barack Obama intends to win his war against capitalism by bankrupting America, although this, also, will not be understood until it’s too late.

I think plenty of Democrats look at the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) projections and understand the threat. But there’s so much peer pressure, and such an overwhelming feeling that it will be okay somehow; that it “can’t happen here”. Democrats are more afraid of embarrassing Obama than of destroying the nation. Better to court catastrophe than to give the Republicans an edge.

As we steer toward national penury and cower in fear of nuclear ayatollahs, I take scant comfort in a Copenhagen conference that strives to protect us from a 2-degree rise in temperature in the next century. It seems pretty pointless to obsess over the imagined travails of our children’s children’s children while at the same time we’re dumping debt and doom upon the heads of our children.

How does one react to a world gone suicidally mad? I wish I had a plan to overtly save the republic, but I’m drawing a blank right now. Perhaps clarity will be forthcoming. For the moment, there’s nothing to do but shoulder our burden and testify to the truth, and what will be will be.

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. padrooga says:

    Many conservative talk show hosts have been reminding us about true conservative values by referencing speeches and quotes from Ronald Reagan, and rightly so. Someone is missing from that mix though. That someone I haven’t heard much about is Barry Goldwater, who was a great voice of conservatism, but also, warned us about how mixing “religious politics” with true conservatism would be the death of the republican party. We are seeing the effects these days as the Republican party seems to have forgotten they are conservative in so many ways. My hope for the future is that Sarah Palin channels Barry Goldwater. I think many folks who believe in the core principles of conservatism are scared off at the thought of voting for a party that at times, seemed as though it wanted to institute a Christian Theocracy. I know this isn’t true, but I believe the perception was out there.
    I think the country is ready for Barry Goldwater’s kind of conservatism-The Tea Party movements speaks to it. I’m going to throw a few Barry Goldwater quotes at you here, to give you an idea of what I’m speaking about and then a link to his 1964 Republican presidential nomination acceptence speech. It is completely relevent today. It is what the Republican Party SHOULD be!

    If I could spend 5 minutes with Sarah Palin I would tell her to posture her campaign philosophy to reflect Barry Goldwater’s perspective. I would tell her to be a true Conservative, focus on the constitution. I would remind her that the constitution is about restraining the government, not the people (i.e. she once spoke of being in favor of constitutional amendment against gay marriage- that’s not necessary and not that important an issue) and to not worry about kow towing to the extreme religious right. If she expresses core conservative principles, stresses the importance of individual freedom, responsibility and liberty, she will get their vote and earn more moderate votes as well. I would tell her it is wonderful to profess her Christian faith and use her Christian faith to guide her, but make sure people know that she doesn’t intend for the government to enforce hers, or any particular faith upon folks and she’s a sure win!

    Here’s the Barry quotes:

    I’m frankly sick and tired of the political preachers across this country telling me as a citizen that if I want to be a moral person, I must believe in “A,” “B,” “C” and “D.” Just who do they think they are? And from where do they presume to claim the right to dictate their moral beliefs to me?
    And I am even more angry as a legislator who must endure the threats of every religious group who thinks it has some God-granted right to control my vote on every roll call in the Senate. I am warning them today: I will fight them every step of the way if they try to dictate their moral convictions to all Americans in the name of “conservatism.”

    Mark my word, if and when these preachers get control of the [Republican] party, and they’re sure trying to do so, it’s going to be a terrible damn problem. Frankly, these people frighten me. Politics and governing demand compromise. But these Christians believe they are acting in the name of God, so they can’t and won’t compromise. I know, I’ve tried to deal with them.

    Said in November 1994, as quoted in
    John Dean, Conservatives Without Conscience (2006)

    When you say “radical right” today, I think of these moneymaking ventures by fellows like
    Pat Robertson and others who are trying to take the Republican Party away from the Republican Party, and make a religious organization out of it. If that ever happens, kiss politics goodbye.-Barry Goldater

  2. radargeek says:

    You hit the nail on the head. The socialist is destroying this country by using Ronald Reagan’s play book. The socialist knows it cannot prevail in this country by ideology, so they seek to destroy it by using the very institutions put in place to protect the country. The citizen isn’t the wiser, because they were taught that government will protect them. It’s a shell game with rotten nuts inside. Bravo on your analysis!

  3. morecowbell says:

    Why so serious ? How do you react ? I react with glee ! I want them to keep going… keep pulling the tail of the Tiger. We live in America. Even though it does not feel like it right now, we the people still rule . We are not powerless, the exact opposite is true… we hold all the power. Look around you, people are engaged to a level of intensity I have never seen in my lifetime. The people are starting to realize how much power they really wield… politicians, to their dismay, are beginning to understand that as well! The answer is so simple, I like you, almost missed it.

    Let your representative know on no uncertain terms who you are, who they are and what their damn job is. Exercise your power by spending the time understanding the issues, the players, the legislation and letting your reps know where you stand. Trust the divine nature of our system and watch the Liberal whole insane agenda completely collapse. It’s never worked in the past, it won’t work this time either…

  4. Slimfemme says:

    You are right Maynard. In fact, I believe we are living in the Twilight Zone. We are witnessing a willfull evasion of reality. Unfortunately I have to give up my apartment because I can no longer afford it. But I take comfort in that I have a loving family who is welcoming me with open arms. What I’ve decided to do is prepare for the worse. Do anything you can to stock up on food items, tolietries, whatever. Be prepared for anything!! Take care of your own!!

    As far as intellectual ammunition, I talk to my physicians about how to defeat this bill that will enslave them. We will be in a census year, I have decided not to participate in it. I told my mother that we should not participate in this at all. One particular blogger I frequent said he will not pay income tax. That’s a huge risk, but he’s willing to take it.

  5. thierry says:

    this is the exact opposite of a democracy, of freedom.

    i watched a very interesting show on pbs about the beatles and the soviet union. although it was about the influence of rock n roll on teenagers it spoke volumes to me about the here and now. a country where you could go to jail for smuggling in a piece of vinyl with innocuous pop music on it – music about peace, love and yellow submarines. it seems like a joke- but it was real. people suffered . people died under such a regime that seeks to dictate what reality, what truth is for everyone according to whatever set of men are in charge of the government. democracies exist to allow individuals the freedom to make the own choices in life. tyrannies by any name seek to take those choices away and although they always claim it is for the ‘ common good’ that’s a lie. it’s in service to their own power and wealth.

    i’m dropping my comcast cable. in their bid to buy up another big media company they sent a mash note to obambi about how they loved the obamacare. “if you let us scarf up more media outlets in violation of the anti-trust laws we’ll support your violation of the constitution.LOL” it’s capitalism in service to fascism. as if they’ll miss my one account but f’ them- i refuse to support my own enslavement especially to a company that controls so much of the pro obama media.

    nazi germany was evil and did the same thing- after all they were the national socialists. islam is based on a socialist system of theocratic governance- period. it’s in the koran. the soviet union, china today… if you don’t see that these systems of governance as oppressive and evil you are either lying to yourself, ignorant or a tyrant who right well knows what they’re doing.

    what the democrats are doing now in particular is unconscionable.they were elected to represent the will of the people who elected them- not the will of obama, pelosi and reid even if they get some big fat ‘ho bribe to go along with it. what the hell are they drinking on capital hill? visions of their own amassed power over others.

  6. tamcat says:

    I do not know if Obama & Co will ever be held accountable for their behind the door secret meetings. How insulting to Americans. Change for transparency? What a joke. If congress will not represent the people, we will have to use our voting power in 2010 & 2012. If our liberty lasts until then.

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