The New F

The New F

Hey Dumb Bastard, while you’re at it how about giving us back that $500 billion still unspent from the Crap Sandwich?

White House lists some proposed cuts in 2011 budget

President Barack Obama will propose cutting or changing some 120 items in his budget for fiscal 2011 that will help save $20 billion this year, [Whoa!!!! Amazing!! And I’m gonna use that quarter I found under my couch cushion to pay my mortgage!] the White House said on Saturday.

Obama, who on Monday presents his budget proposals for the fiscal year starting October 1, has promised to tackle record deficits by initiating a spending freeze on some domestic programs and eliminating programs that are redundant.

The White House gave a preview of some of those cuts in a statement published on its blog on Saturday.

One of the proposals would eliminate the “Advanced Earned Income Tax Credit,” which allows eligible taxpayers with children to get a portion of the a tax credit paid out in their paychecks throughout the year.

The White House said only 514,000 people — 3 percent of those eligible — claimed the credit and the error rate for the program was high, with 80 percent of recipients not complying with one or more of the program’s requirements.

“This ineffective and prone-to-error program should be eliminated,” White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said in the statement.

Hey, that’s weird because I know of another ineffective and prone-to-error program that will be eliminated in 2012: The Obama Administration.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. lord-ruler says:

    Tammy should follow suit and lower our subscription fee by a penny.

  2. 1elder1 says:

    Lord Ruler, or Tammy should follow out great idiot leader and charge us $1 trillion dollars for a monthly subscription.
    It’s all counterfeit money anyway.

  3. BeforeGoreKneel says:

    Here in Pennsylvania we have a tradition of WAM — Walking Around Money. That’s cash put into the pockets of our largely Democrat pols and somehow magically appears around election time in tight races. For instance, Governor Fast Eddie Rendell has had a huge wad ($2B in bonded indebtedness) for economic development. Every now and then he swoops in and blesses some obscure business with a couple million.

    Obama’s various slush funds and stimulus programs are starting to feel like Democrat WAM, to magically appear starting in May through November. Harry Reid is feeling so much better.

  4. mrcannon says:

    Barack Obama and the US Congress will have nearly $4 trillion to spend in 2010. Uh . . . I may a knuckle-dragging narrow-minded right-wing pinhead, but didn’t we hear time and time again something from the Messiah about “budget-busting tax cuts courtesy of the Bush Administration”? If that’s true, I wonder all that money came from, unless, of course, it’s actually just the credit limit on a Platinum Visa card issued by the National Bank Of China.

  5. Maynard says:

    Obama will now run into the practical problem of having blown his political capital on his now-failing health care agenda. When you beat Congress into submission like that, you have to give way on other fronts. How can Obama rein in spending when he’s desperate to keep an increasingly-skittish Congress from bolting? To pursue fiscal responsibility, the president must stride boldly into the party and take away the punch bowl…and doing this does not make you the most popular man in the room. So Obama will weigh the national interest against his personal ambitions, and you can guess which will win out. By the way, this is the same problem we had with Bush. It’s sadly ironic that the candidate for “hope” and “change” is in critical ways the third term of Mr. Bush, only more so.

    • CO2aintpoison says:

      Question: How can the once rein in spending when he’s been trying to bitch-slap Congress? Answer: You can’t. Ping-pong-balls-Pelosi (uh, that’s a reference to her eyeballs) has already given him the finger on the curbing of the spending thingy.

      Oh man…these guys would crack me up if they weren’t setting us on fire. They can all play checkers, but none of them can play chess. Scott Brown = Check Mate.

      BTW Maynard – where the heck ya been?!

  6. CO2aintpoison says:

    Hey…who sneaked into the White House? (HT the UK Guardian, cuz they don’t print that kinda stuff over here…): “US raises stakes on Iran by sending in ships and missiles. Pentagon says Patriot shield will deter strike on American allies in the Gulf”

    What? Us, protect Israel? It’s a joke, a con, a scam, a shell game, a shim-sham, a flim flam. Is it me, or is anyone else feeling a bit like Linda Blair?

  7. angelaisms says:

    Maybe that’s why he appears to be bowing to the mayor of Tampa (google it); there was some spare change on the ground and he was going to pick it up.

  8. cmoore324 says:

    Sarah Palin’s latest facebook RE: Rahm Emanuel and the budget talks>

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