

The chaos which now defines the disaster of the Obama administration continues. And serious kudos to Sarah Palin for making clear yesterday the craven nature of Obama’s gang, exemplified by Henchman-in-Chief Rahm “Retarded” Emanuel. And really, once they’re done apologizing to the Special Olympics people, the entire Obama gang had soon realize they owe the entire nation an apology for what they’ve done to this country.

Emanuel Steps Up His Apology

Washington Wire reported earlier today that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel privately apologized last week to the Special Olympics after the Journal reported that he used the word “retarded” in a derogatory manner.

But advocates for people with disabilities didn’t think that apology, coming in a phone call to Special Olympics head Tim Shriver, was enough.

Now, Emanuel is taking his contrition one step farther – hosting a delegation of advocates, including two people with mental disabilities, at the White House.

A statement from the Special Olympics issued late Tuesday described the session as a “face-to-face discussion with Rahm Emanuel about the suffering and pain of people with intellectual disabilities that is perpetuated by the use of the terms ‘retard’ and ‘retarded’ as well as the damage that can be done by the casual use of the R-word – even if it is not directed toward people with intellectual disabilities.”

Maybe we should give him a little slack, he was just following in his bosses footsteps.

Related Link:

Obama chief of staff’s ‘retarded’ insult brings fallout, Palin criticism

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  1. bjohnson73 says:

    The fact that Barrack Obama would hire someone like Rahm Emmanuel speaks volumes about his character. Rahm is a hypocrite, has absolutely no tact, and should have never even been considered for the position of Chief of Staff, much less hired. Since he is Chief of Staff, when Rahm speaks, he is speaking for the administration. How are they supposed to accomplish the “change” they promised during the campaign with him out there calling more than half the American public (who don’t want the deathcare) vulgar and offensive names, specifically calling them, “f***ing retarded”? I know that he was supposedly referring to liberals who don’t want the deathcare, but we all know that he really meant all of us who don’t want the deathcare. And now Rahm is going to host delegates, including two mentally disabled people at the White House-how touching! Just like B.O., he’s only sorry when he’s caught and confronted, and he thinks we’re all so stupid that we’ll believe he truly is sorry. This incident shows what kind of man he really is, and it also shows what kind of man the President is. The fact that B.O. has not asked for this jerk’s resignation tells me all I needed to know. I can’t wait for 2012, when us “retards” send B.O. and his band of Chicago thugs packing!

  2. bjohnson73 says:

    A correction to my previous post-apparently I misread the article. Rahm didn’t refer to dems who oppose the deathcare as “f***ing retarded”, rather it was directed at some folks who wanted to run attack ads against the few dems with sense enough to oppose the deathcare. That was a stupid idea, but Rahm’s response was abosolutely unacceptable. It reveals a great deal about his character and though he didn’t say it, I believe that he believes the same thing about those of us who don’t drink the administration’s Kool-aid. As I stated previously, I can’t wait for 2012!

  3. thierry says:

    rahm is a prime example of little man syndrome- angry wee troll from hell- give them power and heaven help us all.

    before he was in barry’s deranged lollipop guild rahm was a craven member of the clinton cartel- that’s when his most infamous known examples of his runaway mouth and temper occurred- from the fish head incident to screaming at tony blair using the f bomb to waving steak knives and claiming ‘death’ to anyone who had betrayed billy bob.

    as head of freddie mac he oversaw a cesspool of corruption with clinton blocking any attempts at review. rahm emmanuel was one of those behind hillary care.

    and his brother represents the ‘ ethics’ behind deathcare- being something akin to what went on under national socialism in germany.

    these people are not just wrong- it’s not just that their points of view aren’t in accord with most americans. these people are at heart malicious- they’re little more than well scrubbed thugs as all tyrants are. for all the talk of cheney being darth vader and bush being hitler not one of those men was caught saying such down right malicious things about people-about citizens.( think of nancy and harry calling us brown shirts and nazis for not agreeing with them). the most vicious slander imaginable was said about those 2 men- so you’d think they’d have every reason to lose it and lash out- but they didn’t. it speaks to character and ultimately their intentions. barry has surrounded himself with what passes for being admired and successful in chicago gangsta politics- slash and burn via any means necessary.they think we’re stupid racists who need to be punished. barry is the’ clean’ personable face and indifferent ice queen personae over a malignant destructive power hungry infernal machine.

    none of this is surprising and nothing no matter how vulgar is shocking coming out of their filthy lie holes. if i was barry i’d sleep with one eye open- rahm threw hillary over for him. what makes him think the rats closest to him arent gonna bolt as he continues on his slide?

  4. mrcannon says:

    I have mixed feelings about this.

    When Barack Obama took a swipe at Special Olympians, it warranted an apology, no ifs, ands, or buts. However, I think the Sarah-Letterman squabble was a little over-the-top, as it enabled a needlessly angry mob to boycott his show and brand his sponsors as supporters of child rape. Now Sarah has gone after Emanuel, and I’m getting a little concerned that she’s joined the word police. I fully support the movement to expose those at the executive mansion as the chowderheads that they are, but I don’t have a problem with Rahm’s choice of words. I think he meant what he said and I don’t think he’s sorry he said it. I feel the same way he does about certain liberals, but calling people “retarded” doesn’t mean I harbor any ill will towards those who happen to be developmentally disabled. I’d like nothing more than to say that to Barack’s face. Would we all feel better if Emanuel had referred to his detractors as “douchebags” instead?

    I also happen to think that the response to Chris “I forgot he was black” Matthews was a complete overreaction. If we continue to nitpick everything liberals say we are going to lower the bar to their level. We have better things to do than to try to read too much into whatever nonsense they throw our way. Let’s let them be who they are, otherwise we run the risk of having to censor ourselves, and I’m not going to be told what words I can and can’t use.

  5. bjohnson73 says:

    I don’t think that Sarah is out there trying to be the “word police”, nor are those that agree with her criticism of Rahm Emmanuel. As for the David Letterman incident, there was no “needlessly angry mob”. Those who were outraged at his comments about Sarah’s daughter were justified in their anger, as are those who are outraged over Rahm’s words. No one is telling anyone what words they can and can’t use. We have freedom of speech in this country and that includes speech that reflects ignorance and bigotry. However, our speech often has consequences. One can call someone a “retard” or call someone they don’t like “gay” or even “faggot”, but those of us who possess some intelligence, class and decency have an abolute right to point out hyprocrisy, ignorance and character flaws in those who engage in such thoughtless slinging of epithets. This is especially true when the person demonstrating their ignorance possesses high public office. To sum it up, freedom of speech works both ways and I applaud Sarah for calling Rahm, David Letterman and every other thoughtless troglodyte out there who spouts off at the mouth.

  6. bjohnson73 says:

    Oh, and one more thing. A poster on here who didn’t have a problem with what Rahm said wonders if everyone would feel better if he had called them “douchebags.” Here’s a question-why can’t we clean up our language and conduct ourselves with some class and tact? The juvenile name calling and vulgarity are uncalled for and unbecoming educated adults. I work for a company that has fired employees for vulgarity, name calling and disrespect. I’ve seen managers escorted out of the building with their personal effects in a box for making comments like Rahm Emmanuel made. We’re not the only company that does this and I do wonder why our government employees are held to a lesser standard… Professionalism, class and common decency are NOT too much to expect.

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