A post by Pat

After more than seven hours, the real purpose of the Health Care Summit was revealed in Pres. Obama’s closing remarks. It was to set an excuse for reconciliation. Earlier in the day Harry Reid scornfully denounced any talk of reconciliation as unfounded.

All day long the President showed impatience with Republicans. Democrats told sob story after sob story. They claimed passing health care was within reach. Republican points were parried as either politically based or addressed in the pending legislation. Only Republicans were challenged to show a serious effort to compromise the differences.

Obama said he put some things on the table he hadn’t supported [?] and was willing to work with Republicans. He asked Republicans to do some soul-searching and show significant movement not just gestures. He wondered aloud if perhaps politically they would not be able to do that, but he felt it was worthwhile to give this meeting a try.

[…] If we can’t close that gap, then I suspect Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi and John Boehner will have a lot of arguments about procedures in Congress about moving forward.


We cannot have another yearlong debate about this. The question I ask of myself and all of us, is there enough serious effort that in a month’s time or few weeks’ time or six weeks’ time, we could actually resolve something.

And if we can’t then I think we have to go ahead and make some decisions and that’s what elections are for. We have honest disagreements about the vision for the country and we will go ahead and test those out over the next several months until November.

So that was the purpose of the day. The Democrats can’t stand idly by while children die and people are forced to use dead relative’s dentures. They are going to make reconciliation an act of heroism.

It was a trap….for the whole country.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Chris says:

    Admiral Ackbar warned them… but did they listen.. no!

  2. americanegoist says:

    Mabye its a bit pre-mature, but I am in mourning for my country now. This will be the end (for a while) of the Democrat Party, The Left, and probably spells out a one term Presidency, but those things are secondary. I mourn for all the fates of all the lives that will be claimed by this in the form of long lines, administrative mistakes, cost containment measures, ect. And how the idea of “Need” progresses in America, and the idea of “Ability” regresses. This Great Leap Backward will damage the spirit of America. “God Bless America” won’t make as many eyes swell with tears anymore. “The Pledge of Allegience”, won’t straighten as many spines anymore, Our “National Anthem” won’t bring the same numbers of people to their feet anymore. This is an assault on the very spirit of Americanism.

    Then again, someone once said, ‘wheres theres life, theres still hope’, and this isn’t over yet.

  3. mrcannon says:

    Anyone but me notice that Obama talks a lot? He gives speech after speech after speech, and he probably actually believes that it’s work. Unfortunately, if he was a real leader, we would see his vision for America. We might actually be inspired. But no, he blathers on in his usual childish, inarticulate way, and he takes it for granted that some maroon somewhere on the planet is going to make sense of his socialist bilge, and act on it. The Messiah-In-Chief basically wants lipstick on a pig, but refuses to show anyone how it’s done.

    “I’m Barack Obama and blah blah blah HOPE blah blah CHANGE blah blah blah effing blah CORPSEMAN, now get out there and make it happen, cause I’m sure as heck not going to do the legwork!”

    Somewhere in Illinois, Jeremiah Wright is shaking his head.

  4. Shifra says:

    Just curious: The woman who has to wear her dead sister’s dentures, is her sister the one who was buried in an Obama t-shirt?

    The Dems sure tell good stories. Just wondering if these people actually have names. Who makes up these stories? Oh, right, the Stories Czar.

  5. radargeek says:

    Tammy, maybe you can get your producer to play that Kink’s song, “I live in a welfare state.” The Kinks have a couple of great songs that lament the fact that England used to be a great country, but now has lost its luster. Its kind of prophetic of the socialist take over of this country. How can logic, education, facts, and history prove that socialism drains and saps all wealth and innovation in the people and the governments, and our government can fall for the lie that socialism is the way to go? Don’t these ignorant congress people travel to other countries and see how crappy other socialized governments run? These guys act like dogs who run after their own tails. Why play with obama and give him another photo-op? Just tell him to go to hell!!!

  6. Maynard says:

    If Obamacare passes, not only will we be stuck using our dead relative’s dentures; we’ll have to share dentures with our living relatives. The bureaucrats will note that sharing dentures lowers the national carbon footprint, and it’s no big deal to stop eating together and just take turns at the dinner table. This follows the honorable precedent of the three ancient “Gorgon” women of Greek mythology, who shared between them not only a single tooth, but a single eye.

  7. bigbud66 says:

    Not having the facts on their side Dems resort to half truths, distortions, and imagery to score a few cheap points with the American public to prepare them to get Obama care shoved up (or down) pick your own body part.
    When the issue is in doubt, resort to “government by anecdote” to hoodwinks Americans.
    Hello! That doesn’t work anymore. Inflicting one more pathetic government bureaucracy on Americans is not going to fly one way or another.
    Go ahead and go all in on this one — bet your Presidency urkle. I hear construction has stopped on Mt. Rushmore.

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