A post by Pat

CNN Poll: Majority disapprove of Obama for first time

According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday, 51 percent of respondents disapprove of Obama’s job performance and 46 percent approve of it.

Other news:

Reports emerge of vandalism at Democratic offices

Democratic offices in at least three states have reported instances of vandalism that party members say possibly were tied to Sunday’s historic vote on health care reform.

America is not happy.

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13 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. thierry says:

    what, someone is not thrilled with nancy’s present for us all ?

    how could that be? now that the free unicorn is passed we should be ohhhing and ahhing as all it’s magical treats are exposed.

  2. JHSII says:

    I don’t know why, but I keep getting the feeling that the democrats are vandalizing their own offices just to blame it on Tea Partiers or Conservatives. Hmmm…

    • Shifra says:

      JHSII, I had the same thought! It’s straight out of Alinsky’s playbook.

    • sandyl says:

      Yes, I also heard of a gun show where a gun went off. Everyone was saying that never happens, because people at these shows know never to bring a loaded gun, etc. The first thing my husband and I thought was– it was a plant, so they can say these things are too dangerous.

      We have to remember that these people are ruthless, and if we look like we are gaining ground as November approaches, things will get worse. But we must persevere.

      • naga5 says:

        red state has a video of john lewis NOT getting the N-bomb dropped on him. yet the lamestream media continues to talk about it like it really happened.

  3. gothicreader says:

    Well, earlier this morning someone vandalized our AZ Representative, Gabriel Giffords (D) office. I guess someone was pretty upset that she voted for the HC. Imagine that!

    This past summer I attended our town hall meeting, which by the way, she wouldn’t do – until finally she relented. I guess she was pressured into having one in our small city (Sierra Vista). Considering we have so many veterans, plus the military installation. You could tell she was overwhelmed with her audience. I’m hoping we can vote her out this year.
    I think it’s time I join the 9.12 project………………..

    • mrcannon says:

      My parents retired to Sierra Vista almost five years ago. I’ve been there many times, and I love it. Considering Fort Huachuca and the growth your city has been experiencing, how your corruptocrat voted absolutely floors me. However, I somehow doubt a little vandalism is going to result in any kind of meaningful epiphany among traitors.

  4. gothicreader says:

    Oh, regarding the poll……………duh………..did they expect to find folks overjoyed?
    Hello, we’ve been telling them that we didn’t want this cra-po-la – did they think we were just kidding?????

  5. radargeek says:

    What gets me is all the illegals that go through that area up their way to Tucson and then Phoenix. Cochise County used to be nice place, now I feel it is paradise lost. Maybe some illegals did this like how they break into private homes in that area. Seeing that illegal immigration is OK with these dems, they shouldn’t get upset when this happens to them. Let them get a taste of what their surfs go through…

    • gothicreader says:

      Well, since they completed the steel fence in December 2008, we’ve had a slow down of illegals – however that is not to say they are going via the Coronado Memorial. I only say this, because we haven’t had the blackhawk helicopter fly often through our area (on the Huachuca Mountains) – then again, I could be wrong.

      It’s beautiful where I live, lots of space – the quality of life is superb!

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