A post by Pat


Weightlessness used to be a problem for NASA when they were going into space. They’ll be having another kind of weight problem soon. Instead of going to space, NASA is going to the bakery. They still ring up a big tab though. They paid $66 per person for snacks at a training session for, get ready, procurement officials.

NASA Caught Paying Sky-High Prices for Snacks

The nation’s space agency paid the out-of-this-world price of $66 a person a day for bagels, cookies and juice at a conference, a new report found.

The subject of the NASA conference? It was a training session for its procurement officials, the people who do the buying with taxpayer money.

During the three-day conference, the 317 attendees snacked on “light refreshments” of soda, coffee, fruit, bagels and cookies at a cost of $62,611, according to a NASA Inspector General report. That’s $66 a day per person.

The training conference in December 2008 at a Hilton hotel in Baltimore, Maryland, took the cake for most expensive per person of the eight conferences examined. The conference cost NASA a total of $495,173 for 317 people, a cost of more than $1,500 per person. But the eye-opener was the coffee and snack costs.

No fortune cookies on the menu. Maybe when they visit China’s moon colonies.

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JHSII says:

    Did anyone else notice that they did this just after canceling America’s manned space flight program to “save money”????

  2. Chris says:

    You know, give me a budget of $30,000 and I’ll drop by Costco, and I’ll deliver the same, and save NASA half! (and walk away with $28,000.)

  3. thierry says:

    i’ve worked for high end caterers for years.

    a cookie platter is around 3-5 dollars per person. coffee service is a couple of bucks per person. we always gave discounts for companies who had several conference days planned out.no one screams louder or haggles more for discounts than government agencies and universities, in that order, on a local level which makes this even more outrageous.

    all money to the government was printed by monopoly because it is not theirs- it’s ours.

  4. Chuck says:

    I’ve been to many professional conventions, as well as involved with planning of meetings, and this is way off the charts, even taking into consideration that the meeting took place in a hotel.

    Thinking about it, probably the cost includes delivery charge to space aboard the shuttle, just sayin’ …

  5. RuBegonia says:

    Tang and the Moon. Those were the days.

  6. Carol-1R says:

    This is the new “game changing” technology. Yeah, only in Maryland, home of the brilliant climate change research pukes.

  7. bjohnson73 says:

    I’m in the wrong line of work-I should be selling bagels and cookies to NASA. Talk about a profit margin!

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