And it says she knew she was married to the scum of the earth when she won her Oscar. The pain on her face is difficult to watch, but it confirms that that James guy is biggest ass on God’s green earth.

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19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. gothicreader says:

    i didn’t see the video/picture – what venue is this being hosted on? I’m at work and it may be blocked.


  2. carol276 says:

    Love her heart….she is strong….the chin in the air shows me……….she will be fine

  3. RuBegonia says:

    Wondered about that exchange at the time.

  4. Red Barr says:

    H e should craw off with the rest of the pigs!

  5. gothicreader says:

    What’s sad is who he screwed around with – another dirt bag.

  6. eMVeeH says:

    Oh my G-d. Poor thing.

    A crowning event is empty when the heart is burdened with the weight of the sadness of betrayal.

    No word exists to describe the profound and deep loneliness that is felt when one is betrayed by a parent or spouse. No word.

    May G-d help and mend Ms. Bullock.

  7. JLThorpe says:

    At least now Sandra has something to hit him with. 😉

    Or at the very least, she can shove it where the sun don’t shine.

  8. longviewcyclist says:

    Can’t say I gleened much from the look on her face, but what kind of jackass would cheat on Sandra Bullock?

    What a loser.

  9. jimbower says:

    I NEVER want my wife to look at me like that. Good thing I don’t fool around. What a schmuck.

  10. DAVID says:

    If I was married to SANDRA she would put a dog dog tag on me because I would follow her around like a puppy dog.

  11. Tinker says:

    Hmmm, I’m not sure that’s what’s going on. I’d be really surprised to learn that she knew about the cheating around that time. If so, she should be given another Oscar.

    She’ll survive, and she’ll be better off. Better only 5 years in with him than 10… and she didn’t have a child with him! There’s always a silver lining even if you have to push a hundred clouds out of the way to find it. :o)

  12. MRFIXIT says:

    I think she was just overwhelmed with the win. It’s hard for me to tell. I’m amazedat how that “tell” flashed by if that is truly what it was. That guy is a selfdestructive crud. Someone suggested that they may have met in rehab. That’s an interesting angle. people don’t have to fall in the gutter to realize they have a problem. Often, others aren’t aware of a problem, even friends and family. It sure would explain how their paths crossed. I doubt she’s into racing welded together junk on an ice rink. (From a Jesse J. episode)

  13. Tinker says:

    They didn’t meet in rehab. The story goes that they met when she took her godson who was a fan to one of his shows or garages or whatever it is that he does.

  14. makeshifty says:

    Huh. I’m inclined to agree with you, Tammy. I didn’t watch the awards that much, but looking at this clip, it looks like she knew something was up with him before they came to the Oscars. When her name was announced I expected her to have a big smile on her face, an excited look, embracing her husband, you know, like the other stars always do, because this is the biggest moment of their career. She looked quite the opposite, more in the realm of betrayed and pissed.

    If you look at her interview on Barbara Walters’s Academy Awards special, Sandra looks totally at ease, even a bit giddy when talking about her husband. They talked about her winning moment at the Golden Globes where she credited her husband, saying, “Before I met you I didn’t know what it was like to have someone who had my back.” Sigh. I hate to say it, but I imagine it sucks to be her right now.

  15. lawmom90 says:

    Sandra is beautiful and precious; she’s usually been a great role model for young girls. She doesn’t take herself too seriously and she knows that others look up to her. My heart breaks for her, but better to find out now.

  16. gothicreader says:

    now, that I’m able to see the video – it looks like she already knew what was happening.

  17. jmucciola says:

    I like Sandra Bullock as an actress but is it really a big surprise that her dirtbag husband cheated on her, especially with such a sleazebag as this heavily tattooed stripper? This guy had a previous relationship-and a child- with ANOTHER full body tattooed hosebag (a porn actress named Janine Lindemulder) BEFORE Ms. Bullock ever came along!! Ms. Bullock knew this going into her relationship with “Jesse” so I have to question her common sense and taste in men.

  18. johnmoore4 says:

    Why waste your pity? She made her own bed by marrying a loser – she certainly has the resources to get out of it. Unless she is masochistic like so many women who pick bad guys.

  19. sharon says:

    I generally do not get involved in the whole Hollywood mess, but I have to admit, this one bothered me alot… She is one of the most regular people there. She did not deserve this at all… god speed to you Sandra, and I guess we all know that since you moved out you are not the type to be treated like a door mat.

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