Oh wait, my bad, drinking isn’t the issue (obviously it’s an island and has no problem with liquid). The island of Guam will tip over if it gets too many people on it. At least that’s what a liberal Democrat American congressman says, so it must be true. To keep you from ever becoming susceptible to the myth that Washington politicians (especially liberal Democrats) know what they’re doing and are somehow smarter and better than you, just watch this clip. I think it will cure you of that pesky “Maybe-They-Know-Something-I-Don’t” irritation.

And a big “Ataboy!” to the Admiral for managing to stifle his laughter after he realized in a nanosecond that Johnson was serious about the capsizing issue. As background, Johnson is being treated for Hepatitus C. If that treatment in any way causes an episode like this, the man should resign. And if it’s not due to medical treatment, the man should resign.

And for those of you who like the occasional cocktail, don’t get all mad at me for immediately thinking Guam may have a drinking issue. This whole thing just reminds me of the time when Australia had a bit too much and wound up in the North Atlantic.

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17 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. BeforeGoreKneel says:

    Another Not-Ready-For-Prime-Time moment brought to you by a modern liberal voting block. Safe seats indeed. (We should all write our Congress Critters and urge that all committee hearing rooms be equipped with seat belts. After all, when pontificating on high, a fall would spell political doom. On the other hand, we should wait for the Conservative Restoration to pass the CSPAN Audience Electroshock Therapy Circuits. That’s for when we get to goose a Congress Critter with a harmless but fun jolt, based upon a web-based sampling of audience members. Settings include Giggle, Wiggle, Wake-Him-Up, Put-Him-To-Sleep, Frank-Him, De-Frank-Him and Goddam-Schumer.)

    ps. no-open-borders?

  2. lawmom90 says:

    Please tell me someone has filed to run against the mental giant.

    • franknitti says:

      Sorry but according to the Wikipedia article on the Congressman his district is one of the most heavily Democratic Congressional districts in the South. This clown replaced Cynthia McKinney, another mental giant, in the House in 2006 and had no opposition for re-election in 2008. It appears as though Hank Johnson will be in Congress for a long time. But hey, he is one of two Buddhists in the House of Representatives.

  3. JLThorpe says:

    This congressman has the charisma of cardboard. It was hard having to listen to him dragging out his sentences.

  4. Conservatarian says:

    This is actually my Congressman from GA, I live in his district, believe me, I wish we could get rid of him. This district is an eastern suburb of Atlanta and is heavily Democrat and votes along racial lines. He has some Conservative challengers but their chance of success is slim. Hank Johnson is just a Pelosi puppet. His primary Democrat challenger is a flashy, charismatic, well-spoken conman.

  5. Pat_S says:

    And the Earth’s crust will collapse under the weight of all the old National Geographic magazines people have stored in their attics and basements.

    • Gordon says:

      OMG! With all of the National Geographic magazines in my attic (along with the other ‘junk’), I’d better check the plumb of my house!

  6. Gordon says:

    I was just listening to another talk radio program and Jamie Dupree, one of the few rational newsmen, was saying that Hank Johnson was actually trying–through his brand of dry humor, says Jamie–to make a joke and implies that Johnson knows better. I think that the court will be out on this opinion for some time though; after all, Johnson, as franknitti has pointed out, now represents the same district that use to be represented by Cynthia McKinney (SNARK!).

  7. chicky says:

    OMG, that is just too funny, he’s (Johnson) an example of the sorts of people making some of the most important decisions for us oh lord help me. It looked like he was the one in danger of tipping, has this gone viral yet? Chicky

    • JLThorpe says:

      I just came back from lunch, and as I put my headphones on to listen to Andrew Wilkow, the Guam clip was playing. So it looks like it’s catching on.

  8. Maynard says:

    This illustrates the problem with big government and centralized control of everything. Sure, it would be nice if some wise, benign dictator could perfectly allocate resources. That would be so much more fair and efficient than the chaos of a free market and personal choices. In pursuit of utopia, all the wannabe dictators rush to Washington, but the problem is they’re not as smart or good as they claim to be. When people like this control our finances, we mostly go broke. When they control our access to health care, we mostly sicken.

  9. mrcannon says:

    Has everyone forgotten what day it is? By tomorrow this guy will claim that it was all an April Fool’s joke. If not that, then he’ll say he was tired, or he’ll pull a Harry Reid and say he never said it.

  10. NP Jules says:

    Whiskey Tango Foxtrot??????

  11. sandyl says:

    I heard on Rush that this man has been suffering from Hepatitis C for quite awhile, and it is ravaging his brain. I don’t know if this is true, but at first when I heard this clip, I thought how stupid is this guy. But if he really is sick, it is truly a sad situation for this man.

    But what does it say about everyone in DC when we can’t tell a mentally ill man from a regular congressman/woman?

  12. Conservatarian says:

    Hank wasn’t joking and it wasn’t April fool because this took place in March. I think it is in part due to his illness, which is sad, yes but he should resign for medical reasons. Regardless of his illness, he never did represent his constituents and votes along partisan lines and forget about expressing your opinion at any of his Townhall meetings….. He needs to be voted out for political reasons above all.

    • Shifra says:

      Agreed. But his predecessor, Cynthia McKinney, was also a real “mental giant.” For some reason, she and her cohorts went to Israel and tried to stop an Israeli Navy ship by ramming their boat into the side of the Navy ship. Then she claimed that the Navy was trying to “attack” them. Well, sure, the Israeli Navy has nothing better to do than to try to kill Cynthia McKinney. What a pathetic loser. (maybe she also has hepatitis C? I’m just sayin….)

  13. jmucciola says:

    Hepatitus C causes mental illness? I did not know that.

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