Sweet. Another of the many reasons to be liking Elton John these days. I was especially impressed when he played in Tel Aviv, slamming boycotts of Israel as well.

Elton John’s choice words for boycotting musicians

Elton John didn’t mince words in slamming his fellow musicians for boycotting Arizona over the controversial SB 1070 immigration law. From the stage at his sold-out Tucson Arena concert Thursday night, John savored a few choice, not-so-family-friendly words:

“We are all very pleased to be playing in Arizona. I have read that some of the artists won’t come here. They are (expletive)wits! Let’s face it: I still play in California, and as a gay man I have no legal rights whatsoever. So what’s the (expletive) with these people?”

John has never been one to cave into political pressure from his musical colleagues. He ignored an artist boycott of Israel in June over the flotilla fiasco and played a show in Tel Aviv. He also played Rush Limbaugh’s latest wedding reception in early June, which drew the ire of gays and lesbians. Limbaugh is vehemently anti-gay marriage; John is married to his longtime partner David Furnish.

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10 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. JLThorpe says:

    If only he were a Sarah Palin fan…

    I guess no liberal is perfect.

  2. Gordon says:

    Elton also played at Rush’s wedding…

  3. franknitti says:

    Reminds me of Bob “I Don’t Do Political” Seger. Kudos to Elton John.

  4. Kelly says:

    If Elton keeps this up, I may just forgive him for “The Lion King”.

  5. SmallgGay says:

    This piece is incorrect. Elton has a civil union. The UK does not have gay marriage either. Elton is against gay marriage and pro-civil union.

    I think his remark was aimed at the hypocrisy of California liberals “cherry-picking” (as he said in Israel) their offenses and letting others slide. He’s a welcome voice of sanity these days.

  6. mrcannon says:

    Thank goodness for some level-headedness from a liberal artist with a long track record of making great music, who will actually try to persuade you. I can’t wait for Kanye’s response.

  7. Maynard says:

    I appreciate it when people take the attitude that we’re all not going to agree on these things, but we can live and work with and respect each other. I try to do the same myself, and not declare someone an enemy unless they’ve truly crossed a line. That’s why the current Democrat leaders are so despicable, because they throw every filthy word in the book at reasonable people with reasonable opinions. Pelosi says the tea party people carry swastikas, and Reid says they’re racists, and Howard Dean says Republicans don’t care whether children starve. You just can’t go around saying things like that about decent, innocent people in mainstream America and then go on to lead the nation. It’s a terrible irony that the current crop of leaders, having pledged to unite the country in the wake of the “divisive” Mr. Bush, are deliberately turning brother against brother as they fan the flames of hatred. It may make for great politics, and it’s red meat for the angry base, but it’s lousy humanity.

  8. lord-ruler says:

    I would like to see Elton Sing at Glenn Beck’s 8/28 rally just to see the liberal reaction. Glenn kind of took a shot at Elton when he was in Idaho for the fourth of July though. Complained about a time when he attended 4th of July celebration in philly and they didn’t mention the flag or the country but Elton sang and talked about Aids. I am not ripping on Elton just thought the story was funny. Elton is the man!!

  9. thierry says:

    because i have no children( what about the cats i say?) and am single right after 9/11 my company stuffed me on a plane to vegas for a food service convention- everyone else refused to go on a free vacay. it was for one of the huge food service purveyors. our big entertainment surprise was sir elton. elton ain’t shy about making the monies for sure to play for a food service convention or a right wing icon.

    even though i tend to find most anyone in the entertainment industry not worth listening to about politics, i’m glad elton isn’t a libranazi. i still like ‘mad man across the water’ better than anything else he’s ever done.

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