Oh, I don’t know, maybe the Obama adminsistration actually thinks we should now pay the Taliban to kill us. Nothing would surprise me at this point.

Hillary wants us all to text a $10 contribution for the Swat Valley, the region in Pakistan that is controlled by the Taliban because they got nailed by flooding. Well, at least Mother nature has the cojones to attack the Islamist terrorist mass murdering beasts! That’s right–the Secretary of State wants the American public, the people whose loved ones are serving in Afghanistan, to give relief money to the very people who are murdering our troops almost every day.

Clinton pushes flood relief for Pakistan, donates $10

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton pressed Americans on Wednesday to donate money to flood relief efforts in Pakistan, saying she is leading by example and just made a $10 donation herself. [Hahahahaha!! $10?! I guess Chelsea’s wedding set them back a few hundred million?]

“I just texted a contribution myself, because we know from our own experience, particularly in Haiti, small donations can add up to make a big difference,” Clinton told reporters on Wednesday.

“Americans have always shown great generosity to people facing crises worldwide. So I urge Americans to join this effort and send some much needed help to the people of Pakistan.”

The money will be put toward providing tents, clothing, food, clean drinking water and medicine to the more than 3 million people affected by the massive flooding in the Swat Valley, Clinton said.

The U.S. has already committed $10 million in aid, deploying a number of “relief experts” to airlift hundreds of people out of harm’s way. The U.S. has also been working with the Pakistani government, conducting search and rescue missions, supplying the area with temporary bridges and providing water purification systems to those in need.

The Swat Valley region is a known Taliban stronghold and has been the focus of an ongoing offensive by the Pakistani government.

Since this is the region that is controlled by the enemy and which gives aid and comfort to the enemy it makes absolutely perfect sense that we’re repairing their bridges and making sure we rescue as many of them as possible, while getting them clean and purified water. Which you really need in the summer there in order to murder as many American troops as possible.

Just in case you were wondering, July sees record death toll for U.S. in Afghanistan.

And don’t you worry, Petraeus has reasserted limits on our troops in fighting the insane enemy, by reiterating bans on air strikes and the use of artillery unless the commander knows no civilians are present, which, of course, means the Taliban simply choose to put even more civilians at risk by making sure they have enough human shields around.

Remember in November.

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11 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    I was going to correct Tammy’s spelling on “cojones”, but I checked the Wiki page and was surprised to find that the commonly-seen “cajones” is in fact a misspelling, and “cojones” is indeed correct.

    The use of human shields is one of the endless unintended consequences. These “civilized” rules of warfare were cooked up to protect civilians, but they’ve ended up having the opposite effect of dragging civilians onto the battlefield. For example, here is a video clip showing a Palestinian militant grabbing a child as a shield. If not for the “humane” rules of warfare, that wouldn’t happen. Which just goes to show that good intentions aren’t enough.

  2. Slimfemme says:

    I have an idea!! How about the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden donate their magnificent fortunes to the Pakistani sheep? Since its these individuals that have made Pakistan the hell hole it is. I’m tired of money we don’t have going to the enemy. When will this madness stop?!?!?!

  3. girlsgotrhythm says:

    Yes Maynard. I actually had misspelled ‘cojones’ on my facebook page, whilst quoting Sarah Palin. “Cajone” is a percussion instrument; a box drum, so I should’ve known that spelling was incorrect. So, yeah, Tammy had it right.

    As to the subject reported on in what Hillary Clinton is proposing, it is just too despicable for me to even comment on. I literally am so digusted, I don’t have the words…well, not without cussing horribly, that is.

  4. thierry says:

    clearly the state department consulted with the monkeys high on cocaine from the stimulus monies project.

    see-it was all worthwhile.

  5. Southrider says:

    You might be Taliban if:
    You can’t have sex with your first wife until she turns 13.
    You have at least four brothers named Mohammed.
    You refine heroin for a living, but have a “moral objection” to beer.
    You own a $500 machine gun and $5,000 rocket launcher, but you can’t afford shoes.
    You believe masturbation is evil but beating your wife is OK.
    Your mother would be happier if you blew up into a million pieces.
    You have more wives than teeth.
    You think vests come in two styles, bullet proof and suicide.
    You’ll kill anyone that says you’re not peaceful.
    You wear eyeliner but you have been acquitted at least once for murdering your wife, sister, or daughter because they wore makeup.
    You can’t think of anyone you haven’t declared jihad against.
    You consider television and video games dangerous, but routinely carry explosives in your underwear.
    You consider US soldiers uncivilized for dropping the Quran but you have no problem throwing acid in your wife’s face if she asks for a divorce.
    You are amazed to discover that cellphones have uses other than setting off roadside bombs. You’ve ever uttered the phrase “I love what you’ve done with this cave”.
    Your lifetime goal is to die.
    You’ve ever had a crush on your neighbor’s goat.
    You wipe your ass with your bare hand, but consider bacon unclean.


  6. MACVEL says:

    Can’t we convict Obama and his henchmen for treason?

  7. Nativevoice says:

    Did Hillary Clinton ask the American people to donate to the flood relief efforts of the Tennesseans?
    Just wondering.

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