A post by Pat

Austrian man convicted for yodeling while Muslim neighbours prayed

Helmut Griese, 63, was found guilty of “ridiculing” their religious beliefs and fined nearly £700 by a court in Graz. Rather than face a protracted court case, with all its attendant legal costs, Mr Griese agreed to pay.

The court heard how the Muslim family regarded Mr Griese as a “grumpy old man” whose open-air Alpine chanting was intended as a taunt aimed at their religion. The retiree was accused trying to “mock and imitate” the call of the Muezzin, who calls the faithful for prayer in mosques. They alleged that he always began his yodelling just as they knelt down to pray.

Mr Griese was charged the “disparagement of religious symbols” – an offence usually used to prosecute for neo-Nazis who desecrate Jewish graves – and hindering religious practice.

Oh yeah! Take this.

(I wonder if Michelle Obama made Mary an offer for her dress.)

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14 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tammy Bruce, jamie, Donnie, jack shaw, lauren harger and others. lauren harger said: Yodeling offends everyone. RT @HeyTammyBruce Austrian Man Fined–Yodeling Offended Muslim Neighbor http://bit.ly/fSO5I4 #tbrs […]

  2. RuBegonia says:

    Lay ee odl lay ee odl-oo

  3. thierry says:

    yodelling is not just for bavarians and aryans. i needed a good excuse to blast the Girls of the Golden West in a drive by of boston’s taxpayer/ terrorist funded mega-mosque:
    because if mohammad really loved me he would bring me edelweiss instead of death:

  4. Maynard says:

    Could this be mistaken for a call to prayer?

  5. thierry says:

    CAT YODELING! new form of islamophobia. hello eric holder this requires your attention:

  6. IloiloKano says:

    So let me get this straight. If I take the audio of the above and overlay it to this video (http://www.metacafe.com/watch/1707314/islamic_call_to_prayer/), then I could get fined?


    I guess that’ll be my weekend project.

  7. ancientwrrior says:

    I am so sick and tired of all this bend over backwards (or is it bend over grab your ankles) crap about not offending Muslims for this or Muslims for that. I, am offended by all their baloney in not respecting us or our customs or religions in our own nation. STOP offending us. You are not the only peoples in the world!

  8. trevy says:

    I’m offended by them killing Christians and burning down Churches.

    But, I’m a (sorta)young, hetrosexual, Caucasian, Christian man. So it’s actually encouraged that I be discriminated against.

  9. Joel267 says:

    I guess the dumb ass Austrians have learned nothing from Sweden. Oh well, stand by losers.

  10. thierry says:

    meanwhile ever so peaceful respectful muslims are defacing holy sites. no fines , no outrage from the international community.

    “More than a thousand Jewish worshippers from all over Israel who went up on Thursday to Joshua’s Tomb in the Samaria village of Timnat Heres were shocked to find that Arabs had vandalized the area with Arabic graffiti.

    This was not the first time that Arabs have vandalized the compound, but this time was particularly difficult, as entire walls in the compound were covered with the graffiti. The worshippers were also surprised to discover that this year, unlike in previous years, dozens of local Arabs gathered at the graveside and firmly demanded that the security forces who were present stop the dancing of some youths who broke into song and dance.”


    the significance of Joshua and Caleb is that they are the reason Israel was to be the promised land for the jews. Joshua was the successor of Moses.

    they call them ‘ arabs’ or ‘palestinians’ but the truth is it is muslims who have repeatedly tried to outright destroy the tomb of joshua.

    but don’t you dare yodel…, hate monger.

  11. Teri says:

    ~oops, my video would not post, sorry !

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