I just wish she’d stop strangling the dog.

Sorry, what happened? I was watching the “Huckabee Show” and fell asleep.

Mike Huckabee won’t run for president in 2012

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee will not run for president in 2012, taking himself out of contention despite polling that suggested he would be a strong player for the nomination.

“All the factors say go,” Huckabee said during a live, final segment of his eponymous Fox News Channel show. “But my heart says no.”

Huckabee noted that while all of the “external” factors pointed toward him running, he only found an “inexplicable inner peace” when he decided not to enter the race.

Me, too.

I’ll address this in more detail, and what it means for a Palin candidacy, in tonight’s “Palin report,” coming up at about 10pm ET.

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16 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dennisl59 says:

    Well at least “The Huck” didn’t screw up the bass part and was able to play through the chord changes of my favorite Ted Nugent song: “Cat Scratch Fever” (Close second is ‘Wango Tango’)

    “All the factors say go, but my heart say no.”

    but we say…GAME ON!!!

  2. Tinker says:

    Wow, PhilipJames, harsh lately?

    I’m glad he’s not running and ditto what Dennis said “Game On!”

    (pssst! Sarah, we’re waiting)

    • ecu22331963 says:

      Tinker I told Tammy on you……..trying to steal the Television (TV) spot light from Tammy. Tinker you looked great and sounded the same, great!
      3 Cheers and can I have your autograph?

      Oh yea the topic, Huck is boring and I don’t watch his show, period.

    • PhilipJames says:

      Sorry… its just that he never was running, never intended to run. And, lets be honest, did a hokey, ridiculous build up to a non event. Another image I have of him is a fellow who apparently messed up as Governor, got the heck out of dodge and would not be relevant if he didn’t portray himself as an evangelist type. Take that away and what have you got? a RINO type who has the personality of a duck and has an uncanny ability to smile at you while you are thinking… how is this guy screwing me?

  3. Shifra says:

    Whew! Now I can continue to not watch his show….

  4. dennisl59 says:

    No one has made a comment about the matching shirts the men are wearing!?

    Come on TAMS!!! The jokes write themselves…Geez…LOL!

    • Tinker says:

      Dennis, it’s cause Tammy did this to us in 2008 with that pic. See how mean she is to us? I just squint my eyes almost closed until I scroll past it really quick. (Honestly, it sort of makes me feel sorry for them…I can’t help it)

  5. flaggman says:

    I bet it’s because he doesn’t want to go on a diet again. Dude would have to lose 50 pounds again to be presentable.

  6. aggedor says:

    Best news I’ve heard all night!

  7. mrcannon says:

    Wise decision on the Huckster’s part; who’d want to go up against those powerhouses Daniels and Romney? In his own mind he thinks he just did Sarah a favor.

  8. trevy says:

    Yet another pro-amnesty RINO. Now, if only Mitt and Newt would follow his lead.

  9. sohali99 says:

    Gosh, Huck was so heavy in those old pics, but still a lightweight compared to the rhino RINO, Chris Christie.
    I am annoyed that most polls on who benefits from Huck no run, leave Palin’s name out. That will be the next plan to leave Palin’s name out from the polling as more candidates flock in.

  10. Teri says:

    Grown men who dress alike are scary. That’s something moms do to their kids when they are tots. Palin/West 2012

  11. Hrankta says:

    Good. He might have been able to beat Obama, but he wouldn’t have gotten the Republican nominations and would have pulled enough votes away from a better candidate. After all, he is the one who gave us McCain by killing Romney’s momentum on Super Tuesday. Well, that and Florida moving its primary up, giving McCain momentum when the liberals and old people voted for him.

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