For the first time, we’ll be having a special TAM Chat to have fun, discuss the blog, politics, and whatever else is on our minds. The TAM Chat will appear at about 650pm PT on the main blog page and it will go until 8pm PT. I hope you can join in or just lurk if that suits you:) This is an exclusive event for our subscribers, aka Tammy Army Members. Please do subscribe and you will have immediate access to the entire podcast archive and this event.

If you are a subscriber and haven’t been in TAM Chat yet, try it out during the show chat which posts at 1045am PT and make sure you take a look at the How to Get In post.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KatieSilverSpring says:

    You west-coasters! who stays up this late anymore? I’ll try to be there but no guarantees.

  2. Kimj7157 says:

    Nuts! I’m working tonight so will have to miss it. Too bad there won’t be a transcript. That couldn’t help but be an interesting read to say the least. 🙂 Perhaps someone could post some of the more newsworthy hightlights. Maybe??

    Enjoy yourselves!

    P.S.–I’m thinkin’ next time Tammy should be live on a video cam while responding to questions and discussion in the chatroom. I’d pay extree for that. 🙂

  3. hatter83 says:

    past my normal bedtime, but will try to be there

  4. ecu22331963 says:

    Lol, 2100hrs CST that’s my dinner time, hmmmm maybe just maybe.

  5. dogbite says:

    Miss a chance to talk to Tammy? I’ll eat a flea first! (bowing down repeatedly) I am not worthy, I am not worthy..

  6. Slimfemme says:

    Is the chat going to start now?

  7. BarbaraM says:

    Hey, where is everyone? Just joking…
    I am really bummed out that I was not able to be in the chat…I could do it NOW!

  8. dennisl59 says:

    TAM Live Chat Review Time!

    Upside: Getting the TAM suggestion inbox created on the fly…well done.

    Scene: Tammy is walking down the hall towards the classroom, all she hears is hell breaking loose(yelling, the sound of chairs being tossed, etc…) She opens the door and all the TAMs go immediately silent. She thinks…”mmmm…this can’t be ‘too’ bad”. Goes to the desk, puts her stuff down, writes her name on the blackboard. Turns around and the TAMs all go beserk!

    All raising their hands at once to get her attention. Me, me, me, me!!!
    Spitball firefight breaks out, paper airplanes tossed, some dude screams ‘I brought my pencil’, a tie-dyed wearing, purple hair streaked EMO chick yells…”You call those SHOES?!…then manical laughter and high fives with her girl peeps. Tammy immediately calls into question her sanity, takes a deep breath, reaches into her bag, pulls out Snuffy and fires a few rounds into the ceiling. Tile dust everywhere,ceiling light fixtures swaying…one drops to the floor with a loud crash and the buzzing sound of an electrical short.

    Dead silence. It’s too quiet, waaaay too quiet now. Stunned TAMs.

    3,2,1…Cheering breaks out! Tammy is put on everyone’s shoulders and carried down the hall to the Coffee Shop, chanting Tammy, Tammy! Non-Fat Lattes for everyone! The Principle pays! More cheering and fist-pumping for Tammy!

    School PA system kicks in with “All Fired Up”


    Pass the Ju-Ju-Bees and Snowcaps please.

  9. Los2000 says:

    aw man….I missed it.

  10. jimmer says:

    Drat missed it. Next time. Saving up my ‘unruliness’? 😉

  11. Shifra says:

    Yes, chat was really fast. Several TAM complaints about dizzyness. My suggestion to take dramamine did not go over too well 🙁 But a good time was had by all 🙂

  12. lawmom90 says:

    I missed it too. *sigh*

  13. ffigtree says:

    Chat flew last night. Literally! At last count, 75+ TAMS in chat! Happened pretty much as dennis59 described. Still brushing tile dust out of my hair. 😉

  14. Tinker says:

    I am so sorry I was AWOL last night, but it couldn’t be helped. Hope I don’t get court-martialed and discharged from the TAM army. :o)

  15. Cernunnos81 says:

    It was fun, for the 20min I was able to attend. as I said then, 0430 comes Too damned early, especially on the East Coast. Maybe on a friday evening, if everyone wasn’t so busy. Otherwise I’ll have to just catch the early rounds each time. No issue though.

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