I know a few of you liked the idea of him running, but I’m glad he’s chosen not to, and announced that fact relatively early. As I’ve mentioned on the show, I think his use of the eff word over and over again at that Republican event in Las Vegas was the tipping point of his undoing. He saw the poll reaction and acted accordingly. The general reaction to him, though, and his style is really a testament to how hungry we are for someone on the scene who ‘tells it like it is.’ I do think we can find someone like that who does so but with class and dignity, who hasn’t given $50,000 to Rahm Emanuel and is a conservative to boot 😉

Trump Not Running for President: ‘Decision Does Not Come Easily Or Without Regret’

After a roller-coaster flirtation with a presidential bid, Donald Trump bowed out of the 2012 contest in true Trump fashion, sayng that while he would not be a candidate this year, if he had run, he would have been able to win the primary and the general election.

“I maintain the strong conviction that if I were to run, I would be able to win the primary and ultimately, the general election,” Trump said in a statement. “I have spent the past several months unofficially campaigning and recognize that running for public office cannot be done half heartedly. Ultimately, however, business is my greatest passion and I am not ready to leave the private sector.”

Trump, who had contemplated running for president in years past, seemed poised take the plunge this year. He even had a tentative date set for a campaign announcement: May 25 in the atrium of Trump Tower in New York City.

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. KatieSilverSpring says:

    The expression on Trump’s face during the Seth Meyers slap rant at the WH Correspondents’ dinner convinced me that Trump wouldn’t run – it was a “I don’t need this sh*t” look.

  2. flaggman says:

    I think what he was really doing these past few weeks was trying to rally his brainwashed lib friends to the idea of turning against Obama. When he saw how uterly futile that task was, he bailed. I think in the end, what bothered him most was being questioned by conservatives on things like his political donations and his abuse of eminent domain. He learned that the right can no longer be fooled.

  3. Palin2012 says:

    Trump was having fun stirring things up – I don’t believe he ever had any serious intention. It was good to have someone out there, besides Palin, willing to go on the offensive for a change. The Republicans should learn something from this, although I doubt it will happen. Run Sarah Run!!

  4. Maynard says:

    Trump was a poor candidate but a welcome interlude. Had I been polled, I probably would have named him as my choice — not because I wanted him as president, but as a statement about the lack of choice and substance so far. Obama is on track to destroy the country and ruin us all, but the Republican Party is so dysfunctional that it’s showing no sign of being able to field a credible candidate. Trump, in his clownish way, gave voice to the heartland’s sense of dissatisfaction and disgust, and he’s shown us that the right person could walk onto the stage and take it away from the fools. For that we owe him a debt of gratitude. Because if something like that doesn’t happen, they’ll hand Obama his second term on a silver platter, and our fate will be sealed.

  5. morecowbell says:

    Trump… really ? And Huckabee?? Did anyone out there really believe either of those two were even serious. For those lost in the hyper-analysis of the media, here is a list of those who will not run for president in 2012 or drop out before the primaries:

    Rick Santorum
    Michelle Bachmann
    Marco Rubio
    Cris Christie

    Other wannabes who will whither

    Newt Gingrich
    Ron Paul
    Bobby Jindal
    Mitch Daniels

    Big Question mark for 2012


    Definitely running with a chance to win


    The one person, who could rock the election in 2012 by running

    Hillary Clinton

    Obama may be so damaged in the next 6 months, the Democrats may have no other alternative than to dump Obama and beg Hillary to run.

    Hillary is the one person that can beat either Romney or Palin

  6. Cernunnos81 says:

    Even if he ran he’d just have been a RINO. The Donald has been giving masses of money to Socialist Democrats for Years and not a dime to Repubs or conservatives. He’s one of those that don’t make any sense to me, a Capitalist that supports Socialists. Of course I’m sure he feels that he’s part of the Elite and therefore will be exempted from the ruinous regulations that are being instituted. Wonder if he’s gotten his NObamaCare waiver yet?

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