Move over Sherlock Holmes. After ingenious analysis HuffPo theorizes the Occupy Wall Street protests may be composed of activists on the Left.

Occupy Wall Street Map: Where Are The Most Popular Facebook Groups?

The Huffington Post analyzed the state of activism on Facebook in response to the Occupy Wall Street protests. Over 450,000 Facebook users have joined Facebook pages related to the protests so far.

The main Occupy Wall Street page not surprisingly is the largest page with over 125,000 likes. The next largest pages are based in the progressive strongholds of L.A., Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Portland. The smaller size of the activity in Republican regions bolsters the idea that these groups are largely composed of activists on the left.

Will CNN and MSNBC confirm findings?

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. kmsimchak says:

    WOW, really glad I was able to log in tonight! Would not want to miss that groundbreaking news. ?? Where have they been, just saying…

  2. greenlantern2011 says:

    Blown away!

  3. otlset says:

    The tools at HuffPo obviously have minds like beehives. That’s what several of my bees up there are saying anyway.

  4. IslandLibertarian says:

    And I thought they were just “Lemmings”.
    Thank You, HuffPo……..

  5. ronald says:

    The left will never admit they are wrapped up in this to the extent they are. I think this is a ruse to divert your attention away from such things as FAST and FURIOUS, that is a total attempt by this administration to pass gun seizure laws and to take away more of your civil liberties.

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