I just have to say, I am not filled with confidence when I see a picture of the Supreme Court which includes Sotomayor and Kagen. Another reason why our victory in 2012 is clearly imperative.

As expected. Here’s some background. One thing everyone can start today is add this element in to your prayers for the nation–it is imperative they declare this monstrosity unconstitutional. Here’s your background.

Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on Health Law

The long-awaited Supreme Court showdown over the Obama administration’s health-care overhaul formally began Monday as the justices agreed to consider a high-profile challenge to the law.

The court, in a short written order, agreed to hear a challenge brought by a group of Republican governors and attorneys general from 26 states, the National Federation of Independent Business and two individual plaintiffs.

The case raises several issues, but chief among them is this: Did Congress exceed its constitutional powers when it required most individuals to carry health insurance or pay a penalty?

The court is expected to hear oral arguments in March, with a decision expected by the end of June. That timeline means the court will rule on President Barack Obama’s signature legislative achievement during the thick of the 2012 presidential campaign.

Read the whole assessment.

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12 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tinker says:

    But won’t Sotomayor have to recuse herself?

    • Tinker says:

      My bad. It’s Kagan that will probably have to.
      Washington Times “The Supreme Court’s announcement Monday that it will hear challenges to President Obama’s health care law have put the spotlight on Justice Elena Kagan, who worked in the administration while the law was being written and, conservatives argue, helped craft its legal defense.”

  2. trevy says:

    Proverbs 21
    1 In the LORD’s hand the king’s heart is a stream of water
    that he channels toward all who please him.

    2 Chronicles 7:14
    14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    God, please lay Your Hands on this land.

  3. Maynard says:

    Our fundamental problem is too many people in the system, including SCOTUS justices, don’t understand that the Constitution defines a Federal government of strictly limited power. This blindness, and public acquiescence to it, paves the path for a steady march towards a fascist state. We no longer have a government that serves the people; we have a people that serves the government. In exchange for our servitude, we are given grand promises; promises that of course will ultimately be broken, except in the case of special cronies. What we see in OWS is the pathetic plea of a certain class of disenfranchised people that they, too, must be treated as privileged cronies. Thus do we embrace our degraded status. I don’t see that this trend will peter out peacefully. We meet every trauma with a plea that our government will assume greater control over our lives. Our present momentum carries us either to total collapse or civil war, and not in the distant future.

    Then again, maybe I’m wrong about everything. That would be nice.

  4. […] Supreme Court Agrees to Rule on ObamaCare (tammybruce.com) […]

  5. FrankRemley says:

    It will probably all come down to one chucklehead Supreme Court justice named Anthony Kennedy who fancies himself some kind of kingmaker.

  6. Kat says:

    I have to agree Tammy, I have no confidence after looking at the pic of the SCOTUS! Is it just me or does anyone else have a feeling atleast four of the nine WILL NOT go by what the Constitution says and instead use their ideological interpretation of the Constitution?! Praying for the health of Justices Roberts, Thomas, Scalia, Aleto and Kennedy!

  7. BarbaraM says:

    Landmark Legal Foundation is challenging Obamacare. Mark Levin is President. If you go to his Twitter, you can see he tweets about SCOTUS and how Landmark will continue the fight.

  8. Shifra says:

    Is it just me, or did Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor both put on weight? They look hideous in their robes (size XXXL?).

    Ok, I am being snarky and have contributed nothing intelligent to Tammy’s post. But I am frightened of Obamacare and what it will do to all of us, and the snark makes me feel less vulnerable, I suppose. We all have alot of praying to do….

  9. Teri says:

    The Dumb Bastard put Kagan & Sotomayor on the court to put forth his machines agenda. Obama & the Marxists who put him there have one goal. To destroy America as we know it. To them the constitution is irrelevant. I need not say anything else as being a Tammy follower for 5 years now I know we all ‘get it ‘ .. Lets pray Ruth ‘Keith Richard’ with a scarf hangs in there until the Dumb Bastard is gone. Although I can see her stepping down to allow the Dumb Bastard to put another Socialist/Marxist/Communist on the court. We have to prepare & pray. Common sense. The people we are dealing with will do anything/everything they possibly can to achieve their goal. Please remember, firearms & food. We are in for some unprecedented times ahead.

    • FrankRemley says:

      The justices we need to pray that hang in there are Scalia and Kennedy (who might be a chucklehead but at least he’s not a Marxist). Both are in their 70’s now and who knows how much longer their health will hold out? Should either Scalia or Kennedy step down or pass away suddenly before Obummer’s term is up then we’re looking at a major shift in the Supreme Court’s ideological balance. We’ll have five hardcore radicals on the Court.

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