He teared up referring to his father, and no matter what you thought of him during his terms (as you know I was not happy during his last two years), the video of his speech reminds you how important it is to have a decent man as president. I’m also guessing the Obamas could not stand having to endure an event that had nothing to do with them. W also got quite a few jokes in and Laura also had her portrait revealed. Both were gracious and kind as you would expect. Another reminder of their decency and generosity.

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22 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. gkin31 says:

    It depresses me knowing someday the same thing will happen for Obama, if only we could skip that portrait

  2. tamcat says:

    It’s going to be an ugly day, when the food stamp president & the greedy vacation loving Michelle has their portraits hung in our house.

  3. dennisl59 says:

    Published last year, ‘Decision Points’ by George W.Bush is worth reading, in my opinion. Agree(Guantanamo Bay) or disagree(George Tenet), it’s a first person account of American History.

    posted 5/31 715pm Texas[W!]Time

  4. RuBegonia says:

    Recommended: Laura Bush’s book “Spoken from the Heart” ~ http://tinyurl.com/3xxrl2b I downloaded the audio book (read by the author) from iTunes and particularly enjoyed the listen. A first class lady with grace and wisdom.

  5. IloiloKano says:

    I also did not care much for George W. Bush as President, but love him or not, even a fool must concede he was and is still a very decent man.

    Thank you, Tammy, for posting this and reminding me of this man’s general graciousness.

  6. Trish S says:

    Thanks for this post, Tammy! Thank you also for not including Obama’s introduction of George W. BO artfully pandered and blamed Bush for the economy. I was angered that he went *there.* Laura’s speech was quite good, as well. She talked about the White House belonging to the people etc.. She was delightful and classy. Sigh… Romney2012

  7. Chuck says:

    Class, dignity, and respect for the Office. What a sad contrast with the current occupants of our house.

  8. mrcannon says:

    I’ve missed GWB since January 2009. He was a leader who actually knew how to do his job.

    DFB isn’t just a malignant narcissist, he’s downright corrosive. His portrait should be nothing more than a hazardous materials placard.

  9. Chuck says:

    At least the DB hasn’t inserted himself in W’s portrait … yet.

  10. geezee says:

    i was incredulous hearing that cheeky bastard, even on this occasion, blame bush for the bad economy. with bush standing right there. what a pathetic, contemptuous, bottom-feeding bastard. he is downright pathological.

    tammy, i’d just like to point out, in the abortion thing (and yes i agree with you at the moment it’s a distraction) … it’s not logical to say a woman has a right to an abortion for any reason … but not gender or race. don’t you see that we are at the door of women aborting when they identify a fat gene, a gay gene… this is madness. unless we are ALL protected, none of us is.

  11. Maynard says:

    Speaking of Americana…I just saw “The Avengers”, and it’s good.

    Also, although everything is global these days, I was pleased to note that principle filming was done in America.

  12. Maynard says:

    By the way, the official Obama portrait has already been done. See it here.

    • Alain41 says:

      Must be a first draft. The halo is a little small.

      W picked the painting in his background and is appropriately proportioned to the painting size. I predict that Barry will somehow include a halo, greek columns, a toga, corinithian leather, and maybe a crescent, and will appear magnified to the painting size. And just outside the frame will be TOTUS.

  13. persecutor says:

    Nah–DB’s “portrait” will be a composite photo

  14. midget says:

    I admire Pres Bush because though he has been severly ridiculed for the past 11 years, he has been able to rise above it and remain gracious. He doesn’t bad mouth previous presidents like Jimmy Carter does and he doesn’t grovel for popularity with Hollywood like Clinton and Obama, he simply did his job as best he could. When 9 months into his duties, he was blamed for not expecting 9/11, its ludicrous that Obama still blames him for the economy after 3 years. The Bush’s are lovely.

  15. BruceTheOld says:

    Seeing the two of them together is a stark reminder of the difference between sophistication– which is what liberals value the most– and class– which is what Bush has in spades. Like hope and change, sophistication provides an illusion of character without substance.

  16. I thoroughly enjoyed watching both the Bush’s give their speeches. I couldn’t help but notice another difference between them and the current occupants. The love that George W. and Laura have for one another is obvious, and sweet.

    Pure class. And dignity, grace, and a genuine warmth toward their fellow American citizens.

    You either have it or you don’t. They have it in abundance.

    Our current unfortunate first couple not only don’t have it, they don’t have a clue what it is.

    I miss Pres. Bush and Laura. God bless ’em.

  17. rosebud2186 says:

    ….a few thoughts of mine:

    I miss Laura Bush more than GW.

    This couple loves each other dearly.

    Mooch would fail Public Speaking 101. What a lousy speaker she is.

    Barack Husein Obama – nothing. No thoughts on his embarrassing, awkward intro.

  18. geezee says:

    Laura Bush is better looking than portrait, I think… fab dress tho!

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