Hope you can tune in 🙂 Please check out Laura’s site for affiliate, time and streaming information. As a result of filling in for Laura, Tammy Radio will be a “Best Of” for Wednesday.

And, of course, a special welcome to Laura listeners! Please check out the blog and I’d love to have you join me here as a subscriber. My show, which airs M-F 11am-1pm PT exclusively on new media hub Talk Stream Live, is completely independent and exclusively listener supported. Thanks!

This section is for comments from tammybruce.com's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
18 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. WalkStar says:

    Yay Tammy! You did an amazing job filling in for Laura last time. Hope we got some new TAMs!

  2. gkin31 says:

    Go Tammy! Ill be sure to tune in.

  3. Juanita says:

    I’ll be listening…..good luck!

  4. dennisl59 says:

    Location: TAM Listening Post, Deep In The Heart of Texas
    Mission Name: Pharoah
    Code Phrase: Itchy Underwear.

    Now opening sealed envelope…

    posted 5/9 1130am Texas[Sam the Sham]Time

    • Alain41 says:

      After yesterday, I believe that Democrats have modified their stance that felons should have the ability to vote to; felons except those in Texas should have the ability to vote or be on a ballot.

      • dennisl59 says:

        Back in ‘the old days’ in Virginia where I was educated, after you were a Convicted Felon and had ‘paid your debt to society’ you still had two(2) life long punishments for your transgression against the civil society and it’s laws:

        1) You permanently lost your right to vote and
        2) Lost your right to own a gun.

        And only a pardon from the Governor could change it.

        I was taught it was ‘shameful’ to lose your right to vote by committing a Felony because of the blood spilled by our forefathers defending that right to vote.

        But now it’s ‘The Death of Right and Wrong’, isn’t it?

        posted 5/9 350pm Texas[Capital Punishment]Time

  5. Juanita says:

    Great day to sub for Laura and share Mourdock’s great primary victory over Lugar with her audience and yours. Three hours flew by even with commercials!

  6. georgeNY says:

    Able to even surpass her recent fill in for Laura, Tammy was awesome today. Her commando approach is obvious and will undoubtedly draw more members to The TAM ARMY.

  7. jeaneeinabottle says:

    I. can’t. stop. listening! Tammy you were so great this morning, I can’t stop listening, it’s fantastic!!!!

  8. _CarrieP says:

    I concur with all of these comments. I don’t know what you did differently today, but I have to say that, in my humble opinion, it was one of the best shows you’ve had filling in for Laura.

    Obviously the format is different than the regular Tammy radio and so you have to ‘mind your manners’ more, which is understandable. So when you do fill in for Laura your tone is a little bit more subdued, a bit more under control – also completely understandable. Don’t get me wrong, we still get glimpses & glimmers of “our Tammy” (i.e. – the “Commando-Tammy”) when you fill in, but today was…different.

    The only way I can describe it was that there was MORE of “our Tammy”…and it was fantastic! I was so excited while I was listening just thinking about all of Laura’s listeners who were getting to hear more of your ‘commando’ style and how wonderfully refreshing that must sound to them. Also, I know Laura has to have peeps on Capitol Hill who regularly listen to her show and you were simply killing it with the Mourdock win and the Tea Party talk! Love, love, loved it!!! I was wondering what the pucker-factor was on the Hill this morning while they were listening to you verbally and with eloquent passion make the bed that so many of them will soon be lying in!

    So whatever you did/didn’t do this time when you filled in, I hope you do/don’t do it again, because you really knocked it out of the park today! (My guess is lack of sleep & lots of coffee, but I won’t go public with that – ha!)

    P.S. I hope nobody minds my using the term “our Tammy”- I didn’t mean it in a crazy-possessive/obsessive way. I meant it in like a familial, proud Mom kinda way 😉

    • _CarrieP says:

      Tammy –

      Thrilled & humbled beyond belief that you read my comment on the air today – thank you!

      If clouds need to be registered and licensed then I’m completely screwed because I’ve been flying around on a cloud since you read another of my comments on air regarding the boy scout post not too long ago. (Again, beyond thrilled & humbled!)

      (((“I am not worthy!”)))

      BTW – No need to worry about me popping in on any of your dinner plans 😉

      I’m just a wife & full-time Mom of a 7-yr old little boy, living on the other side of the country from you in Maryland who enjoys the priviledge of being a TAM and getting to listen to you kick butt…for me, my family and the rest of America.

      Thanks for keeping me informed and in turn, motivating me to be involved and inspiring me to keep my heels out of the donation pile. I’ve found I do still need them every so often to do a little bit of the kicking here on the East Coast.

  9. Alain41 says:

    Washington Examiner columnist quotes Tammy from Laura show.

    “…While many lawmakers of both parties say compromise is needed on Capitol Hill if Congress is going to accomplish anything, Tammy Bruce, a conservative talk show host, summed up the Tea Party’s view of political compromise on Laura Ingraham’s radio show Wednesday.

    “You know what bipartisanship means?” Bruce said. “It means conservatives give up.”…”


  10. paul14 says:

    You were freeking awesome!!
    Thanks Tammy.

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