He simply is a jackass. There is really no reason to describe it in any other way. He thinks our lives exist to get him on TV. What a freaking menace.

Transcript via RCP:

“It’s the craziest thing ever to have happened to me,” Jimmy Fallon, the host of “Late Night” said about President Obama appearing on his show.

“We keep going to each other on the set, ‘Hey, it did happen right? We did Slow Jamming with the President of the United States?’ What happened is they called us, the White House called us because we did a piece with Michelle on,” Fallon said.

“He booked himself on your show?” Matt Lauer of the “Today” show asked Fallon.

“The President booked himself,” Fallon said. “He didn’t call, the White House called us.”

While recalling a visit to the White House where he was throwing dodgeballs around historical paintings with First Lady Michelle Obama, Fallon revealed more about the request from the White House.

“We got the call about the president of the United States wants to do maybe a bit because his initiative is to not raise taxes on student loans. And he was going to different colleges and so I said — ‘will Jimmy come to the college?'” Fallon said.

“And I said, ‘I’d love to come to the college, but would he be up for doing a whole show when I interview him?'” Fallon shared.

“And they go, ‘I don’t know, we’ll call you right back.’ So then they called us back and they go, ‘I think he’s in.'” he said.

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23 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Cernunnos81 says:

    Yeah, no use for Fallon or any of the rest of that Lefty Laugh-off politics crowd. They do love to spread the propaganda and offer the younger crowd the Kool-Aid. Hates them I do…


    FIRST! hehe

  2. Timbo says:

    This is a very dangerous man…He frightens and appalls me on weekly basis…5 months and out…

  3. jmm says:

    Ok, if you ever had any doubts that this President hates us and all that we stand for, here is another example on Today with lib Matt and Fallon.

    Mr. and Mrs DB have no problem desecrating the WH. I guess its a liberal “thing” with DB following in the foot steps of Kennedy and Clinton.

    I especially lol’d when Fallon casually mention that DB booked himself on the show.

  4. midget says:

    He reminds me of the immature adolescent,living in the basement out of HS,playing video games while his parents are breaking their backs working to be able to support him. Their little darling…

  5. WalkStar says:

    Oh, brother!

  6. otlset says:

    Does he ever work? I realize presidentin’ is hard (or should be), but I never hear of him doing any actual work. It’s all TV shows and political campaign fundraisers and golf games and photo-ops with foreign dignitaries and fawning press banquets and injecting himself in racial controversies and yet more campaign fundraisers and on and on. I want a president who works!

  7. snit3 says:


    That’s not all he does! I saw him eating a hamburger and fries, and…ahhh…Gee! Maybe you’re right!

  8. radargeek says:

    You got millions in the middle-east name Hussein and you got barry Hussein; can’t we just throw all of them in a Hussein Asylum?

  9. Alain41 says:

    He very rarely speaks with the cabinet secretaries (excuse me, His cabinet secretaries) and rarely speaks with senior congressional Democrats. He does speak often with union leaders and lobbyists. So he doesn’t speak with constitutional positions, but does speak with back-scratching money givers, celebrities, and fawning media. College students and the military are good props too.

    He is so narcissitic that he may think that he is working or (my view)he long ago learned that not making footprints is the best way to keep getting promoted. Don’t write law review articles, get to be head of law review anyway. Vote present, and campaign for the next higher office. Thesis, college transcript, and birth certificate, don’t release. Write autobiographies to fix the narrative instead of outside forces showing the narrative. Attack anyone who veers outside the autobiographies narrative. The Peter Principle can’t work if you make no tracks. Modus operandi has always worked, so why wouldn’t it work for reelection. No budget. Promote compromise verbally, but don’t write anything down.

    Darn bitter clingly tea partiers! And TAM proud of it!

  10. strider says:

    It would be interesting to see an MRI scan of the brains of these folks. Could be some similar deficit or damage in all of them.

  11. TX Soldier254 says:

    Can I say it, can I say it?

    Why thank you I will, Obama is such a Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) Embracing Media Whore.

  12. LucyLadley says:

    We, Patriotic Citizens, have profound respect for the Office of the President. Shouldn’t the President and the First Lady have respect for the history of the “Office Space” that they are blessed to use? Why would someone so blessed to be elected as a historical representative of our profoundly great nation, want to be associated with the inane silly things that happen on T.V., during the four year term of highest honor? It’s just 4 years, is it too hard to attempt to be honorable & dignified? After their 4 years are finished, then they could be silly. Is “silly” the way a President wants to go down in history?

  13. Shifra says:

    This is nauseating to me. Oh wait…

  14. greenlantern2011 says:

    They all nauseate me: Fallen, Lauer, and BO. They all have the emotional poise and development of 13 year old girls gossiping. “Oh he DID???!!! Do you think it means he LIKES you?? Didn’t you just like DIE when you realized HE WAS RIGHT THERE on your show!!! Did he ask you OUT later?” (Collective sigh, fanning themselves, slumping back in their chairs with eyes closed.)

  15. AniMel says:

    Well, waddya know…Narcissus has been reincarnated!

  16. JHSII says:

    I bet they didn’t play “Lyin A$$ Ba$tard” as HE walked out on stage…

  17. strider says:

    Commander in Chief? . . . really?

  18. mrcannon says:

    I’m not able to have a cow over this one. Not only is the DFB acting like the same DFB he’s always been, Fallon probably has fewer viewers than Piers Morgan.

    The Messiah jumped the shark, and now the shark is having him for breakfast. Let’s just point and laugh.

  19. geezee says:

    Once again, i wonder if the hollywood likes of jimmy fallon has any use for obama after he loses election… 6 months later will fallon be giggling like a schoolgirl with lauer as he is now? i just can’t see it. can’t even imagine anyone wanting him to speak. for what? i see a divorce for him and michelle as well… they don’t like themselves, how can they like each other….? what will become of them? any takers on this thinking?

  20. Brontefan says:

    In my entire life, I have never known of a president who had to be on camera every single day. He thinks he’s a superstar and frankly, I find him repulsive. Our Narcissist-in-Chief is sure every American wants to see and hear him daily. He’s mistaken. I have gotten to the point where I avoid any of his press conferences, etc. because later, the news media will flood the airwaves with his clips. And for a lawyer.. he’s a very poor example. Most lawyers don’t go on TV and announce that they know nothing of the details.. but they have an opinion? How intelligent is that? His law degree, like everything else, is just window dressing for his ad campaign.

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