This weekend was a bust one for everyone who went to CPAC. The highlight, it seems clear, was Sarah Palin’s speech. Here are the posts TAMs posted in the TAM Wire as well a other items of interest. The biggest theme is that the Republican Party is turning “Libertarian.” Do you agree? Is that a good thing? Does anyone really know? You can check out all the original posts listed below in the TAM Wire.

First, I have a question–has the romance between Ann Coulter and Chris Christie ended?!

Ann Coulter Jabs Chris Christie: “Even CPAC Had to Cut Back on Its Speakers This Year By About 300 Pounds”

**Post by Patricia**


She continues to inspire me even though deciding not to run was one of the biggest disappoints ever. Sarah Palin knocks the ball out of the park AGAIN at CPAC.

Ted Cruz stepped up to give an impromptu introduction to “His Friend”: “I would not be in the Senate today if it was not for Sarah Palin”

“Ted Cruz chews barbed wire and spits out rust.” Sarah Palin

“More background checks? Dandy idea Mr. President – we should have started with yours” Sarah Palin

“Saying the President is a good Politician is like saying Bernie Madoff is a good salesman” Sarah Palin

“Barack Obama YOU LIED” Sarah Palin

“At a time when our country is desperate for leadership; we get a constant campaign…Mr. President you won – we accept it. Step away from the teleprompter and do your job” Sarah Palin

Talking about their Christmas presents to each other this year – Todd gave her a gun rack for the truck and she gave Todd the rifle… “This go-round [Todd] has the rifle, I’ve got the rack”

Sarah Palin and she pulls out her big Gulp and sips as the crowd stands.

“To our young college Republicans, you gotta be thinking Sam Adams – not drinking Sam Adams! Just a joke – keep up the good work”

[“The architects can buck up or get back in the truck”] “One message for Washington – get over yourselves” she drew out the architect and then added the “s” take that Karl Rove.

At the end of her speech to a standing ovation – Sarah Palin raises her big gulp in salute as she leaves the stage.

**And from Dave Chmela**

This is my first ever post on The Tam Wire, but I was compelled to contribute.

SARAH PALIN, proved once again, she a notch or two above all others, she again, brought tears of joy to my face, simply by telling the stark truths, her clever humor that embarrasses and EXPOSES the left without being mean or condescending. I would LOVE to see a Palin/Cruz ticket on 2016. And once again, it was Palin who made my patriotic heart pound. I hope this short post is worthy of the Tam Wire, but once again Sarah got the precious message across, with class, and clarity….she was BETTER than Rand Paul, or Marco Rubio… I am hoping for a Palin/Cruz ticket in 2016. I would like to Thank Tammy Bruce for giving me a place to say how proud I just was of our young Conservatives, and all the TAMs, whom I’m sure agree with their message. I feel a little better today as an American Conservative. Thank You Tammy for this Forum.

In the meantime, Fat Boy Rove responds on Fox to Palin’s criticism.

**Posted by dennisl**

Pat Caddel Unloads On “Racketeering” GOP Consutants

(This is the man who said, “The Media Has Become the Enemy of the American People”…as seen and heard here:

Pat Caddell, the Fox News Contributor and Democrat pollster who engineered Jimmy Carter’s 1976 Presidential victory, blew the lid off CPAC on Thursday with a blistering attack on “racketeering” Republican consultants who play wealthy donors like “marks.”

“I blame the donors who allow themselves to be played for marks. I blame the people in the grassroots for allowing themselves to be played for suckers….It’s time to stop being marks. It’s time to stop being suckers. It’s time for you people to get real,” he told the audience that included two top Republican consultants.

Caddell stole the show as a panelist in the breakout session titled “Should We Shoot All the Consultants Now?” He spoke with a fire and passion that electrified the room. When the session began the large room was half filled, but as word spread of the fireworks going on inside, the audience streamed in. By the end, it was standing room only.

**Two Posted by RuBegonia**

CPAC 2013 Lady Liberty & the Palinistas

What fun! Picked up by the TwitchyTeam and tweeted by Sarah Palin! WOOFaw. Out: Tebowing and Eastwooding: In: The Palin Liberty Pose!


Cathy McMorris Rodgers ~ CPAC 2013 and beyond

After her CPAC speech, Fox News anchor Shannon Bream interviewed the Congresswomen for America’s News Headquarters – which was broadcast 3/17/13. Shannon introduced the segment by saying: “She’s one of the lawmakers who met behind closed doors with President Obama. But did GOP Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, who is also Chair of the House Republican Conference, think it was worthwhile? I asked her right after her speech at CPAC:”

Videos of her speech and followup interview (plus transcript) with Shannon Bream included.

Senator Ted Cruz Gives Keynote Speech At CPAC 2013

In case you missed one of your favorites or are catching up, here’s the link to CSPAN’s library for all the speeches at CPAC, including Rand Paul, Mia Love, etc.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
19 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. sourkraut says:

    First, let me thank Tammy for letting me post here. It is an honor. I felt Sarah’s speech was without a doubt the best. Yes, Ann Coultour was at her caustic best, however, she did not motivate the crowd. She was the comic fill in. Sarah touched on what is wrong with our political system and gave simple examples how the involved citizen can make a real change. Her calling Obama a lier was the best line, and spoke truth to power. Do we all wish she would run in 2016, yes. However, I believe she is more effective as king maker, than running herself. The press has made sure she could never run again. We need to continue to support her and pass on that enthusiatic conservative message to all we encounter.

  2. I will get around to viewing all the speeches I can in time, but I was struck by how awful the Rubio speech was. He was talking so fast and jittery. His talk about community organization didnt seem to go over well with the attendees, or with me either. I remember feeling odd about some of the themes he spoke about. Paul’s speech was good at times, but he is coming across as a real self promoter. I almost regret liking his facebook page as he was giving self congratulating status updates every 10 minutes for days after. I had to stop liking them after the 3rd one. It really cheapens the great thing that he did as he tries to squeeze every drop of publicity out of this act of defiance. Or maybe it was all just a stunt. West and Palin rocked!! I had to watch the Palin speech again to re-savoir one zinger after another:)

  3. Shifra says:

    Thanks, Tammy, for this post and link to all the speeches.

    But regarding the Rove-as-ham-with-glasses pic, can we change that, in spirit of the upcoming Passover holiday, to Rove-as-matzah-ball-with-glasses ? 🙂

  4. Alain41 says:

    WaPo blog take on Ted Cruz at CPAC (hint; after the ad, you get a talking DoDo bird).

    And in yesterday’s WSJ, another old Democrat asks what has happened to the Party.

  5. flaggman says:

    Once again, the left went (in the words of Ted Cruz) bat-crap crazy on Sarah after her speech on Saturday, which once again should make every non-leftist understand: she has the “it” that can take the left in America down. Speaking of Cruz, it was very heartwarming to see him give the impromptu gracious introduction to her speech. That was the intro that should have been given by Nikki Haley and Rick Perry last year (to name just two). Cruz is an uber-mensch.

  6. Alain41 says:

    In open thread news; Christo is back.

    “…’Art has to be useless,’ was the answer Christo gave a number of years ago when asked why his art is always so monumental in scale….”

  7. puba1800 says:

    Karl Rove has every right to take a shot at Gov Palin since she took a shot at him. Let there be a war between the GOPe and the conservatives for the control of the Republican Party. His response was so lame that I think that the war has already been won although there will still be many battles to be fought. The conservatives will win a few and lose a few but the end result will be a victory for the good guys who believe in America and not in achieving power.

  8. Kitten says:

    Sarah Palin’s CPAC speech was great, as expected. She inspired while throwing punches at the liberals and GOP establishment. I got 2 takeaways from her on moving our agenda forward:

    1-We need to send more (people) like Ted Cruz to Washington
    2-The next election is 20 short months away

    Let’s do it!

  9. Alain41 says:

    Nice & relevant little CPAC story.

    “…[Dino]Wright began shining shoes [at the CPAC hotel] after the airline he once worked for defaulted on its pension obligations, driving him to find a source of income in retirement. “I was able to create a pension for myself by creating an entrepreneurial activity,” Wright says….”

  10. Pat_S says:

    The rich are our heroes. They carry the rest of us on their backs. We should be grateful to the rich. If they have to pay an extra 5 cents in taxes they’ll get fed up and stop trying to make money leaving us in the lurch. We should all be willing to walk ten miles in the snow to our jobs and do whatever the boss says when we get there. That’s good old fashioned values. In the name of freedom, we don’t give a damn about anyone else’s life unless you want a gun (yes) or an abortion (no). Vote conservative or you’re a lazy good-for-nothing freeloader. That’s the sound of the conservative message. If it isn’t popular, just shout it louder, angrier, and add more snark. People will come around.

  11. rosebud2186 says:

    Clearly Palin isn’t sporting any of the GOP’s clothing this year. She looks comfortable & great. ; )

  12. lawmom90 says:

    How did I know Sarah Palin is still relevant? Every liberal media outlet attacked her and Ted Cruz, who graciously thanked her for having a major role in his election. I started off with the UK Daily Mail article this morning–that was entertaining 🙂 Thanks Tammy!

  13. ancientwrrior says:

    No matter what people may think, Sarah Palin still has it and it drives the leftists crazy. Sarah is a lone wolf, or in her case a lone Grizzly among countless packs of bleating sheep (the republicans), and the noisy donkeys (dummykins). They all run around screeching whenever she’s around, they all FEAR her. Go Sarah go, keep growling!

  14. otlset says:

    Karl Rove and Brit Hume are just two peas in the GOP establishment/elitist pod, Rove from the political end and Hume, as Fox’s “senior political analyst”, from the media end. Both have resorted to flinging out misleading and malicious ‘quitter’ memes regarding Sarah Palin since her insightful and hilarious CPAC speech. This is Hume’s second time to my reckoning, and these jibes don’t fly by this Palin backer without notice. Both can go to hades. I can’t even stand to look at Hume’s sad dog “wise” face anymore when he’s on.

  15. midget says:


  16. Alain41 says:

    “Students at Brown University will host a workshop called “Protect me from what I desire,” which purports to help gay minority students resist their same-sex attractions to white people….Students will be segregated by race for a portion of the event. White students will be in one group, and persons of color in another. Organizers described this session as “intentional, anti-racist, and feminist.”… is not an official student group at Brown University. The events and student activities departments did not know about the event, according to Campus Reform….”

  17. Alain41 says:

    Biased Bloomberg article about how congressional Republicans are not liked. (Yes, but so are Democrats). Article uses fact that in 2012, Democrat House candidates got more votes than Republicans though Republicans won majority of House seats. 2012 vote displays why Presidential vote should continue to be an electoral vote of States and not a popular national vote.

    “…A majority of Americans disapprove of the Republicans in Congress, yet the odds remain in the party’s favor that it will retain control of the House…. nationwide, Democratic House candidates combined to win about 1.4 million more votes than Republicans…”

  18. ShArKy666 says:

    NOTHING broke my heart more than when i think sarah palin made the biggest political mistake in the last 100 years by NOT running. i can only imagine with incredible sorrow how much better off we’d be with say, a PALIN/WEST ticket back in 2012..i however got a lil worried when she spoke about a constitutional amendement to define’s not a good idea to use the constitution like silly putty to legislate a luxury issue of the social compact between two consenting adults…i would have preferred her answer to be “GET THE GOVT OUT OF THE MARRIAGE BUSINESS”…maybe she’s changed her philosophy over the past few years… but after all that, she’s STILL the only one who can REALLY give our corrupt, collapsing, govt the booster shot in the arm of constitutional conservatism it so desperately needs to restore the dignity & LIBERTY of our great country…will she ever step up to the plate & give WE THE PEOPLE a proper chance to let her lead us???

  19. Alain41 says:

    Harry Reems, Deep Throat male star, has died.

    “…He hated, at the end, doing porn,” his wife said….”I met him long after he left the adult film industry. The adult film industry basically destroyed him,” said Mr …”

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