

Via Weekly Standard.

As Obamacare was being pushed through Congress in 2010, the Obama administration and its allies were unequivocal in two claims: If you like your doctor and you like your current health care plan, you can keep them both. HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius and then-House speaker Nancy Pelosi backed the president fully in this regard. The White House even went so far as to post a “Health Insurance Reform Reality Check” on its website, where “Linda Douglass of the White House Office of Health Reform debunks the myth that reform will force you out of your current insurance plan or force you to change doctors.” President Obama upped the ante, putting the promise in the form of a “guarantee”:

THE PRESIDENT: Here is a guarantee that I’ve made. If you have insurance that you like, then you will be able to keep that insurance. If you’ve got a doctor that you like, you will be able to keep your doctor. Nobody is trying to change what works in the system. We are trying to change what doesn’t work in the system.

While there has been sniping back and forth between the administration and its detractors about the real-world application and implementation of Obamacare, the new Healthcare.gov website has taken some of the mystery out of the controversy. And President Obama and his administration do not fare well in this latest “reality check.” Among the questions that HHS recently added to the website: “Can I keep my own doctor?”:


“Depending on the plan you choose in the Marketplace, you may be able to keep your current doctor.” The bottom line is that Obamacare guarantees neither. Doctors may be only available through certain networks, just as in the current system. And only plans that existed in their current form on March 23, 2010, are even eligible to be “kept.” The vast majority of plans will be new, subject to a raft of new regulations, requirements, and restrictions.

Now that Health and Human Services has confirmed that the suspicions of Obamacare opponents were justified, the Obama administration will have some explaining to do to friends and foes of the law alike. Because now everyone is finding out “what’s in it.”

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7 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Maynard says:

    “The Obama administration will have some explaining to do…”? I don’t think so. At this point, no sensible person expects anything from the government. It is merely some monstrous unaccountable behemoth that blunders through the world, spouting drivel and trampling whatever shiny objects that attract its attention. To reason with the government is like trying to reason with an approaching tornado. So Obama will not be asked for, nor will he make, any explanation or apology. Except, of course, to the rest of the world on behalf of evil America.

    We have succumbed to creeping tyranny on the underlying assumption that, in times of trouble, only a strongman can lead us through the wilderness. Which sounds like a great theory, if only the strongman that rises to the top were an angel. Alas, he’s no better than the rest of us (and, some would argue, a lot worse).

  2. Dave says:

    You are so right Maynard. Charlantry has become the MO of the three branches of our government. The real question is, how long will the citizens of this nation put up with this sophmoric BS?

  3. dennisl59 says:

    This entire thing was nothing but a Confidence Game from the get-go:

    Read for yourself:


    posted 7/20 817am Texas[Trust Me]Time

  4. Dave says:

    While he has his chin in that position, can I slam it with an ANVIL?
    Just asking.

  5. Dave says:

    Off Topic…. BUT THIS IS FOR TAMMY!!! I bet she gets a kick out of the end of this video!!!
    He’s kinda like Obama…..


  6. Kitten says:

    Hold your nose, and your wallet. We’ve not begun to scratch the surface of this *behemoth*. So many goodies inside to discover. Like 3 day old fish that’s been rotting in the sun, it stinks to high heaven.

  7. Alan K. Henderson says:

    My doctor says he’s defecting to Estonia.

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