

When my husband and I lived in Israel, about a million years ago (Ok, it was 1970, but it feels like a very long time ago), there was no Internet. There were no cell phones. And calling the U.S. was very expensive: twelve dollars a minute. (Sounds like a lot of money? In 1970, it was considered a small fortune.) When our first child was born in Jerusalem, we sent telegrams to our families in the U.S.

There were, however, lots of newspapers. Unfortunately, no American ones. I would have felt totally cut off from whatever was happening  in the U.S., except for one saving grace: Time Magazine. Once a week, I would take the bus to the center of Jerusalem, to the “international newsstand.” There, among the many Hebrew, as well as Polish, Hungarian and who knows what other languages, I would get the latest edition of Time. It cost me several dollars (at a time when, back in the U.S., the newsstand price was fifty cents), but I considered it a necessity. I needed to know what was happening back home.

When we returned to the U.S., I practically “overdosed” on newspapers, and I stopped reading Time on a regular basis. And, when my political leaning shifted to the right, I stopped reading it altogether.

Anyway, I was wondering if you were as surprised as I was by the  cover of Time two weeks ago – a picture of Putin, with the caption:  “America’s weak and waffling. Russia’s rich and resurgent—and its leader doesn’t care what anybody thinks of him.”

You didn’t see it? Oh wait… neither did I.

via The Weekly Standard:

…Well, that’s because it ran on the magazine’s Asia, South Pacific, and European editions. The U.S. edition ran with Texas A&M’s quarterback sensation Johnny Manziel, under the headline “It’s Time to Pay College Athletes.”

We’ll concede that a college football cover on the U.S. edition might sell better than the Putin cover. Still, it’s fair to suspect that Time may be covering for our incompetent commander in chief. Last week, it was announced that Richard Stengel, the managing editor of Time for the last seven years, is departing the magazine to work for Secretary of State John Kerry. And in case you had forgotten, the current White House spokesman Jay Carney came to the administration from, yes, Time. Since 2009, at least 15 journalists have joined the Obama administration….

With such seamless integration between the White House and the Fourth Estate, you can bet that the media think criticism of the Obama administration amounts to friendly fire. Indeed, after a week or so of pathetic rearguard attempts to deny the undeniable fact that Putin has rendered our president “weak and waffling,” they are now in full retreat….Politico editor John F. Harris co-bylined a piece for his publication headlined “And what’s right with President Obama?” In case you had forgotten, Harris wants you to know, “His smile remains dazzling, even if he flashes it less often.” …And, Harris assures us, Obama’s “longstanding ability to coolly assess his circumstances and then adapt to them means that he is still better positioned than most of his peers to work his way out of problems.”

Really, Mr. Harris? Because, without the help of fawning media sycophants like you,  POTUS-with-the-still-dazzling-smile wouldn’t be able to work his way out of a paper bag.

Just saying…


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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. strider says:

    The rest of the world is cringing at Prezy of the Stezy. All he seems able to do is try to hurt domestic political opponents with willing assistance of the media For some reason almost all of cable media is churning on whether Republicans will win or lose and avoiding the existential issue of debt increase outpacing economic growth. (The sublime dazzle smile coolness could have a chemical origin reaching back to adolescence.)

  2. Vintageport says:

    I hadn’t noticed, but does the Clean and Articulate Obama (Uh, huh, err, uh, Michael) still have sharply pressed creases in his trousers? Feeling a chill…

  3. Di Grace says:

    In saving Obama the journalists are saving themselves from admitting they are wrong. One would have to have a completely seared conscience not to see the corruption in this administration. If Obama were a Republican we would hear the screeching of the media night and day. They huddle so tightly around Obama in part, I think, to save-face. Even Liberals can’t be in denial over this man’s shenanigans.

  4. Kitten says:

    One of the many problems associated with being a harlot is that you get no respect when the deed is done. Your *John/Barry* doesn’t respect you, and your reputation is forever sullied. This is what has happened to the MSM in America. They have cashed in and *laid bare* all their chips on this man. They’ve been reduced to a parody and the picture in this post says it all. I sure hope he was worth it.

    On a side note: We all know, if OBummer wasn’t black, he wouldn’t get near the protection he enjoys by the LSM. Is that RAAAACIST?

  5. LucyLadley says:

    The media here certainly does seem to like “that smile”. But,…… what does that smile REALLY mean? We, as readers or viewers have more discernment than the organizations that feed us “that smile.”

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