And ObamaChernobyl keeps churning out toxic ash and smoke. There’s also a new site,, where you can post your health insurance cancellation letter! Check it out and post if you’re one of the millions who have already received the letter.

Via Heritage/The Foundry.

As a health policy expert, Hadley Heath has warned about the problems with Obamacare for years. Now, like so many other Americans, she’s facing the real-life consequences of the law.

Speaking to Fox News’s Greta Van Susteren, Heath said her current health care plan is no longer an option. The $113 per month she pays for that plan includes hospitalization, preventive care, immunization, X-rays, and “all the basic things that someone might want in a health insurance plan.” Her deductible was $2,700 per year.

But because of Obamacare, Heath said the most affordable plan available to her now through the Washington, D.C., exchange would double her insurance premium, and her new deductible would be about $3,500 per year.

“I can’t believe that would be better for me or something that I would choose to do on my own,” Heath said. “That’s why I imagine they have a mandate making this mandatory.”

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  1. I work for a Fortune 500 firm. This week we had our annual enrollment meetings. The good news is that we still have employer provided coverage. The bad news is that my premiums are going up by 60% for the same plan from Blue Cross that I had last year. Some people at the higher income levels are going to see increases of 100% or more. Thanks Obama. Thanks Obama-bots. We told you so…

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