
I suppose we’re expected to be grateful the rule has changed, but I have a tendency to not say thank you when the banning never should have happened in the first place. The GOP has been in charge of the House for two years. Why are they only getting to this now? And, as an aside, with how much Rep. Miller uses her hands, she’s got to have some Italian heritage in her background 🙂

Via Daily Caller.

Members of Congress may now include holiday greetings in mailings to their constituents, following a change in policy by the House Franking Commission.

Until Wednesday, any expression of “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Hanukkah,” “Happy Holidays,” or the like was forbidden from official congressional correspondence. The postage on such correspondence is paid for with taxpayer money, or “franked,” so there are regulations to ensure that members do not abuse taxpayer funds for their personal use.

But Republican Rep. Candice Miller, who chairs the Franking Committee, has changed that policy.

“As Chairman of the House Franking Commission, I am pleased to announce that, effective immediately, Members of the House may include holiday greetings in their communications to constituents,” Miller said in a statement.

Members are still not allowed to send holiday cards on the taxpayer dime, but the sentiment can be included in mailings related to other topics.

“I feel it is entirely appropriate for members of Congress to include a simple holiday salutation, whether it is Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, and so on,” Miller added.

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2 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. strider says:

    Until they find a way to stop the flagrant rule breaking in DC, who cares what kind of greeting is issued by lawmakers.

  2. ancientwrrior says:

    And another puffed up windbag throws a bone to the serfs. Aren’t we so good to you? Why is this government riddled top to bottom with insanity? Because we are too stupid to flush this offal down the bowl to clean the toilet that is Washington.

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