
**Bumped Up From TAM Wire. Posted By Chuck**

Your tax dollars at work!
Warning: you may need a drink afterwards.

Via Red Alert Politics:

I’m either on drugs, or the administration is this helplessly stupid. The Tell a Friend — Get Covered campaign, better described as “a tourist trap off Route 66,” began a six-hour live-streamed event Thursday afternoon that was advertised to “include stories, tips, helpful information and other details related to national health care options.” Really, it was as if the audio-visual club got wasted on malt liquor and hijacked public access television.

Get Covered, a partnership among state healthcare exchanges and the Obamacare missionary Enroll America, expertly fails to cater to young people. Its circus began Thursday with a dance-off between Richard Simmons and the contortionist Nathan Barnatt, overseen by the star of an Internet show whose premise is “drunk cooking.” How this is supposed to entice a 27 year old to pay $200 a month for health insurance, or even talk about it, is a question for the gods.

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21 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Dekamica says:

    OMFreekingG! I am absolutely speechless! This is sooo disgusting and bad on too many levels to even mention. On the bright side, if this is what they think is going to sell Obumbutt Care, bring it on! I can’t imagine ANYONE even being able to watch this entire video let alone being inspired to rush out and get any kind of insurance.

    On a side note…Is it just me or does Richard Simmons look like something they just dug up out of a graveyard to be in this video?

  2. Jeffrey says:

    This is so gross it’s actually kind of funny? Will Richard be at FOX anytime soon continuing the promotion??? Um…. Head shake? Face palm?

  3. strider says:

    Painful to watch. Doubt it would entice anyone to do anything. Just setting the table for more insanity.

  4. MaryVal says:

    There was SIX HOURS of this? I couldn’t get through 4 minutes of it. Pathology on Parade.

  5. Di Grace says:

    What Dekamica said: “This is sooo disgusting and bad on too many levels to even mention.” It’s an appallingly gross video and an insult to human intelligence. Coupled with the ad of the guy wearing a plaid onesie, it shows once again what the left thinks of the American public. I started to play it for my husband and he turned away in disgust after a few seconds. Let’s hope the public will be turned off enough to change the way they vote.

  6. Alain41 says:

    Can’t help but contrast this with Obama’s WH parties. For those, they get the best entertainers and spend megabucks for food and production. This production couldn’t have cost one-tenth as much as flying Bo to Martha’s Vineyard. Does it ever occur to the minions that they’re getting scraps?

  7. midget says:

    I lost weight watching this video. Another carpet ruined.

  8. Stopping half way through, the only thing I’m enticed to do is to #getcovered the floor with my vomit! But I still love Richard! He is innocently ignorant, and truly means well. He is also the only celebrity I know to be a living parody of himself. Adorbs!
    They all seem to have so much blind faith in Obama/Obamacare, that if they could some how channel that faith in Jesus, perhaps The Lord would do them a favor and make it all work with the wave of his hand. Geez, I thought they were going to break out, speaking in tongues at any moment!
    Big government, the preferred religion of nihilistic atheists around the world.
    Progressivism does not put faith in God, nor even humanity. It puts 110% belief in the false wisdom of a select few, that they may best run the affairs of man, if tried over and over again, enough times.

  9. PopArt says:

    I watched the first two minutes and then skimmed the rest and happened to jump right to the point where our dear Richard asks “can someone hand me a vomit bag?” Maybe he can have mine when I’m done with it. Any of the slight amusement I felt watching these people make fools of themselves was quickly evaporated when the hostess and our fitness guru started working in chants of “#GetCovered” and “Tell Your Friends”. Ugh.

    But this and other publicity stunts for this health horror have been SO horrendous, I’m starting to wonder if there is a mole in the administration (or at least someone who went turncoat) that is trying to sabotage this from within by coming up with intentionally bad ideas designed to turn off people. If the Obama inner circle look beyond their navels long enough, they’d realize how badly this repels Americans.

  10. LucyLadley says:

    Naturally, I was so astounded at the strangeness, I had even weirder thoughts. Next, the song They’re Coming To Take Me Away came to mind. So I went to YouTube & found this link to the lyrics.

    • ancientwrrior says:

      Yes lady Lucy, I wish somebody would take this half and half bozo away. If not the funny farm, then to the stupid farm.

    • PopArt says:

      Awesome. Glad to see great song choices are rubbing off on the TAMs from yours truly. 😉 And yes, perfect song selection. If poor Richard and the others are THIS hardcore in their worship of everything Obama, I think they all qualify to get a diagnosis of any number of mental health disorders… even if those psychological diagnosis’ aren’t covered by OMG care!

  11. hbmuzik says:

    On the other hand, nothing could make the public determined to be medically “covered” any more than seeing Richard Simmons do pelvic thrusts or pull his ankles over his head. The image can cause permanent brain damage! Yes, this was about as moronic and pathetic as we’ve seen yet.

  12. ashleymatt says:

    What in God’s Name was that?

  13. Dave says:

    God wants nothing to do with what ever BS these boys are selling.

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