hillary with BLM

From the pic, looks like ‘a fun time was had by’…no one.

Via Breitbart:

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton disappointed “Black Lives Matter” activists who managed to get face time with her at a New Hampshire campaign stop this week….

….The activists planned to disrupt the event to ask such questions as “Can you give at least one tangible example of how you expect to reverse the health and human services disaster you orchestrated in impoverished, urban, non-white communities through the domestic [War on Drugs] policy you’ve championed as FLOTUS & Senator?”

….But the protesters got locked out of the event by Secret Service.

After getting in touch with the campaign, the young men and women got to talk to Hillary…..

“I didn’t hear a reflection on her part in perpetuating white supremacist violence,” one of the protesters told reporters in a grammatically elliptical word jumble….

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6 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Alain41 says:

    My understanding is that when the first Black President meets with Hillary, everyone is disappointed.

  2. Piquerish says:

    Black lives do not matter – not one jot, one tittle, nor even one quark more than everyone else’s life. If you disagree, then I’d say that makes YOU a racist.

  3. idaho_karen says:

    That’s a $600 haircut (not including tip, which should be enormous at that price)? I get mine done for $11 and it looks better… .

  4. hektor says:

    I though Hillary was married to the “first black president?” Is our society going to allow street thugs to dictate who speaks in an honest debate/speech?

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