
Here are the drinking game rules, courtesy of Liz Mair, of Mair Strategies LLC. You can follow her on Twitter: @LizMair

(And for those who are not drinking alcohol, donuts work just fine 🙂 )

Cheers 🙂

Drink one sip each time:

– Donald Trump says “yuge,” “amazing,” “classy,” “smart,” “dumb, “stupid,” “Wharton,” “rich,” “successful,” “loser,” or “low energy”
– Cruz inserts a dramatic pause into… his answer to any question
– Carly Fiorina says “incent”
– Rand Paul gets shouty with the moderator or towards another candidate
– Relatedly, Christie yells, or references yelling
– Kasich invokes Jesus as a way of explaining a political decision he made
– Donald Trump gesticulates wildly or imitates the lady who fell asleep at that Jeb speech
– Scott Walker invokes the “royal we/us/our,” starts a sentence with “yeah” or “absolutely,” mentions “hardworking taxpayers,” or says “ultimately”
– Ted Cruz talks about the establishment or says “constitutional conservative” or “courageous conservative”
– Huckabee cracks a folksy joke, mentions grits, or playing bass
– Marco Rubio drinks one sip of anything
– Ben Carson mentions Jesus, God or the Bible
– Someone invokes Ronald Reagan
– Anyone compares the US to a fascist, authoritarian or totalitarian regime of any kind

Take one big gulp each time/if:

– Jeb Bush gets pinned on a question requiring him to either agree with his brother, or dissent from his brother
– Trump talks up the Canadian or “Scottish” health care systems
– Fiorina talks about flying around the world being an activity, not an accomplishment
– Walker compares any non-union-related challenge to taking on unions in Wisconsin (two gulps if it’s something foreign policy or national security-related)
– Kasich references being the son of a postman

Finish your drink each time:

– Trump says anything bad about anyone else’s appearance
– Trump suggests Ben Carson was an “OK” or worse doctor
– Cruz and Huckabee try to out-Kim-Davis each other
– Anyone says anything remotely praiseworthy of another candidate
– Trump attacks Columba Bush
– The DNC sends out an email, tweet or other communication implying Carly Fiorina is a six year-old girl
– Trump attempts to defend his hair-do, or argue that it’s not that bad

Vampire chug three cans of beer back-to-back each time:

– Trump shows up on the debate stage wearing one of his hideous hats
– The moderators ask trump about his support from Neo-Nazis or white supremacists of any sort
– Huckabee tries to physically block Cruz reaching the podium or in any manner prevent him speaking
– Christie takes off his jacket and throws it at someone
– Trump’s hair falls off
– Moderators ask Trump about the “face” criticism
– Walker again fails to use all the speaking time allocated to him

Down an entire bottle of Jagermeister and pass out if:

– Moderators ask Trump about having scalp reduction surgery
– Christie and Paul wind up agreeing on anything
– Marco Rubio uses an entire answer to talk about hip-hop
– We go a whole debate without anyone bringing up Trump’s bankruptcies, bond payment failures, support of Democrats, pro-choice views, support for single payer medicine, or backing of wealth taxes

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. jmm says:

    OMG following these rules i will be drunk for a week and weigh 500lbs.

  2. Alain41 says:

    Since it’s the Reagan Library, I propose that jelly beans be used with these rules. We need live voters.

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