charlie rose-1

Poor Charlie Rose.

Wait until he finds out there’s gambling at Rick’s Café.

Via Daily Caller:

“CBS This Morning” host Charlie Rose was shocked Thursday morning when Florida Sen. Marco Rubio stood by his stance that the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton misled Americans about the cause of the 2012 Benghazi terror attack….

Rose defended Clinton by blaming intelligence….

“That’s not accurate,” Rubio countered.

“What was very clear is that from the very early moments of that attack she knew that it was a terrorist attack, as she shared by email with various people, and yet she continued to perpetuate the lie that this was something —”

Rose was baffled as to why the former first lady would lie about Benghazi.

“If you’re calling her a liar by saying she perpetuated a lie, then why do you think she did that? What was her motive?” Rose asked.

Rubio laid blame for her lying on the 2012 re-election and how President Obama was trying to avoid any narrative that he wasn’t strong on terrorism after claiming al-Qaida was on the run.

The CBS host remained stunned: “You are saying, senator, that Hillary Clinton lied because she wanted to help Barack Obama in his re-election campaign. That’s a serious charge.”

Via Breitbart: Hillary’s Media Attacks Marco Rubio For Calling Her a Liar

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8 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Alain41 says:

    And notice how Rose moved the ‘issue’ from Hillary lying to Rubio making a ‘serious charge’. I think Rose is practiced at ‘astonishment’ when you say something against one of his precious. Unexpectedly.

  2. strider says:

    It is one of the most serious charges and unanswered indicates a rule of law deficit equal to the fiscal black hole.

  3. Piquerish says:

    Libtards always develop rashes when that squeaky old saw “Speak Truth to Power” thingie of theirs is practiced ON theirs. Remember, both the Hildebeast and Rosie are liberal Precious Snowflakes and must not be jostled. Fie!

  4. Maynard says:

    That Hillary lied, and the reason for her lie, is as blatant and obvious as any fact has ever been in this world. What is going on in the mind of people like Rose who are presumably intelligent and honest, and yet manage to deny the reality that’s staring them, and the world, in the face? Or am I being too generous with Rose, and it’s really just an act?

  5. hektor says:

    Charlie Rose’s best days are long behind him…

  6. rickh says:

    Google his interview with Dr Ben. It is hilarious. Tells you all you need to know about these Elitist freaks in their little cocoon. They really are dumber than a bag of hammers.

  7. dennisl59 says:

    Hillary is a worse Liar than her ‘husband’…Let’s review this video of Christopher Hitchens interview of his book “No One Left To Lie To”…It’s incredible that the ‘Clinton Cult’ still exists after all this time. But selective memory is a ‘funny’ thing, isn’t it?

    posted 10/31 844pm Texas[Hillary for Prison]Time

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