<> on December 13, 2011 in Washington, DC.

Like all good Leftists, Bernie Sanders is terrific at shouting slogans:

Income Inequality! Climate Change! Social Justice! War on Women! Save the Middle Class! Free College! Single Payer! Tax the 1%!

But not so terrific when pressed for details about his agenda:

Via Guardian:

….Appearing on HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher, Sanders walked on stage to rapturous cheers from a traditionally liberal studio audience. Maher began softly, by declaring that he supported the 74-year-old independent Vermont senator for the Democratic nomination.

But in a surprise move, Maher then challenged Sanders to explain exactly how he would raise the money for policies such as universal healthcare and free tuition at public colleges….

Maher began by asking Sanders to help him “undemonize” the word “socialist”. Sanders describes himself as a “democratic socialist”, a label which opponents have sought to use against him as he runs on a platform of taxing the nation’s wealthiest and leading corporations.

Maher said: “The tax revenue that you would get just from taxing the people who I think your fans think you’re talking about, the people who own a yacht, doesn’t come close to covering what you want to pay for.”

Sanders looked surprised.

“Not true, not true,” he said. “There have been articles out there that have been really unfair and wrong….

“But it couldn’t even work in your home state of Vermont,” Maher said. “They were going to institute it, and the governor said, ‘It’s going to cost too much money. We just can’t do it. It would be the entire budget.’ That’s true.”

Sanders seemed unsure how to respond.

“No … well, it’s not…” he stammered. “I’m not the governor from the state of Vermont, I’m the senator from the state of Vermont …”

Bernie’s stumbling begins @ 3:25 mark


Weekly Standard: Bernie Sanders, Economic Illiterate

Hot Air: The “Swedish Model” Bernie Sanders cites is a myth

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4 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. strider says:

    Just lie dude.

  2. Alain41 says:

    Interviewer (I): I’m here today, not with the Governor of Vermont, not with the Senator from Vermont, but with the dogcatcher from Vermont. Mr. Dogcatcher, my viewers are interested in the difference between a dogcatcher and a democratic socialist.
    Dogcatcher (DC): Let’s proceed.
    I: What is your plan for dealing with immigrants?
    DC: Everyone should be tagged and have a chip implanted.
    I: What is your position on universal healthcare?
    DC: If you’re not picked up healthy within one week, you’re euthanized.
    I: What about preventive medicine?
    DC: Shots are mandatory.
    I: Should there be free advanced education?
    DC: Everyone should be taught to stop when commanded. It’ll pay for itself.
    I: What about green energy?
    DC: Cars driving down the street induces exhilaration that can lead to accidents and injury. If people have to travel, they should use public transportation.
    I: What is your view on privacy?
    DC: Nothing escapes me.
    Thank you and the election is a year away, try the veal.

  3. Piquerish says:

    “Undemonizing” the epithet “socialism” is like undemonizing the word “pedophile” (another thing libs actually want to do, I believe). Socialists almost never worry about funding anything because they intend to run the economies and EVERYTHING else. Things will just of necessity take care of themselves (See – Obama “Care”). As to commie-pinko Sanders, perhaps he’d sound less commissar-ish if he were to climb up onto Jeff Dunham’s knee and try again from there…?

    Watching these leftist loons make out and pet in public truly is stomach turning, and the flying monkeys in the audience give me an Imodium Moment every time I hear them shrieking the Take Class cheer.

    PS – Maher is not quite as funny as a terminal case of plaque psoriasis.

    • Cathode Rays says:

      Sanders snorted the fairy dust as a young man and got hooked. Now, if only he can the have power to command! He’ll command as much money as needed to fairy dust us all!

      Command is not what seems to such ilk. The only power it gives socialist ilk is the power to order misery and death for fellow human beings.

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