ashleigh banfield

Nice try, Ashleigh, invoking the terrorism of the Jewish Defense League.

Here are some of the terrorist ‘atrocities’ perpetrated by the JDL:

In the early 1970’s, to protest the harsh treatment of Soviet Jews, JDL members poured blood over the head of a Soviet diplomat.

And once, they planted a smoke bomb in a Carnegie hall performance of a Soviet orchestra.

Oh, the horror.

Wait, there’s more:

In 1981, twenty members of the JDL took over the offices of the ACLU to protest its representation of neo-Nazis in court.

And, that same year, a JDL member admitted throwing firebombs into a home of Boleslavs Maikovskis, an accused Nazi war criminal, in Long Island.

Since its inception, in 1968, the JDL has been accused of several murders.

But Ashleigh Banfield misses the point: JDL’s activities were vehemently condemned by the vast majority of American Jews.

So, where is the same outrage of the Muslim communities against the San Bernardino massacre?

Via Jerusalem Post:

In reported cases of Jewish terror attacks, should all Jews be barred from obtaining visas in order to enter the United States?

This was a question posed by CNN’s Ashleigh Banfield Tuesday morning during an interview with former Ronald Reagan White House administration official and current Donald Trump supporter, Jeffrey Lord, when asked if his preferred presidential candidate was not applying a double standard to Muslims.

“If you supplant the word ‘Jews’ for ‘Muslims’ in a lot of the rhetoric that we’ve had this morning, I think people would find it sort of cringe-worthy and reminiscent of a really ugly time in our history,” Banfield said. “There have been Jewish terrorist attacks. Should we therefore ask no Jews to please apply for a visa?”

The CNN anchor then provided specifics examples: “From a period of 1980 to 1985 there were a reported 18 terror attacks committed in the United States by Jews, 15 of them committed by the Jewish Defense League,” Banfield said. ‘The head of the Jewish Defense league was in jail awaiting trial…accused of trying to bomb a mosque in Culver City, trying to bomb [US Congressman] Darrel Issa’s office, an Arab-American.”

“Are you really saying to me that there’s an international Jewish conspiracy to take over the world?” Lord asked in response.

“There are no Jews coming to [the US] to destroy America,” Lord added….

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5 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. rickh says:

    This loser was on MSLSD the day of 9-11. Back when they were still a semi-legit news channel. She was walking around in the middle of the rubble and covered in dirt and dust, horrified. How dare she. They are all totally brain damaged.

  2. Ginger says:

    Tammy, I can log into your site and comment, but can’t access the podcasts. Is anybody else having this problem? This has been happening for about the last 3 days….Thanks

  3. Alain41 says:

    Gee, another Canadian-American newsperson, terrif. (Born in Canada, naturalized U.S. 2008.) Cue SouthPark, Blame Canada…

    Seems like legacy media didn’t score a hit with pausing Muslim immigration is just like turning away WWII Jewish refugees, so now it’s taking the opposite approach of, Jews are terrorists too. Waiting for, bitter clinger Christians want another Crusades.

    • sweetexp says:

      Absolutely amazing. I totally agree Alain. Also, thank you for the contextual nugget that Ms. Bansfield probably didn’t want us to know that shapes her opinion; The fact that she has only been a U.S. loving citizen since ’08. Absolutely stunning what she is trying to pull out her hat.

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