
At last night’s townhall meeting, Hillary had just quoted her “good friend” Michelle Obama advising “when they go low, you go high.”

And then, her foreign policy spokesperson Jesse Lehrich, sent an obscenity-laced tweet to Donald Trump.

Maybe Michelle meant: “When they go low, you *get* high.”

Yes, there was the obligatory “apology.”

But the offending tweet is still on his time-line.

Oh well…

HT BizPac Review.


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  1. Maynard says:

    Perhaps there’s a misunderstanding here. Michelle was merely falling back on Obama’s old standby of the “choom wagon”. When your crew is low, just light up a joint and you’ll get high. Problem solved.

    Seriously, what troubles me is I’ve heard Hillary’s people repeating that meme as if it weren’t total bullsh. The psychology of self-deception (I’m giving some of these people the dubious benefit of the doubt that they actually believe what they’re saying) is a terrifying thing. Sure, it’s obvious Trump has gone low, but then so has Hillary; the only breach of etiquette here is that Trump has used the Democrats’ own weapons against them. And I will say this in defense of Trump: When Trump goes low, he targets specific individuals, or external threats to America; what he does not do is target broad swaths of the heartland. None of these charges directed at everyone of being racist, etc etc. In short, Trump’s being a hardball politician; the Democrats have resurrected Joe McCarthy, and they’ve got the lot of us scrambling in fear. Which is one reason I actually feel grateful to Trump: He’s bravely standing up against the ferocious crapstorm that most of us run the hell away from.

  2. Alain41 says:

    Yesterday on Twitter, some nevertrumpers were crowing that notice that Trump’s campaign manager Kellyanne has gone silent on social media. Yeah that Kellyanne, amateur.

  3. TigerAim says:

    Hillary & co.: a lying, low, disgusting bunch of people.

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