Saudi Arabia is the enemy, in so may ways. For us to continue to support this monstrous regime is unconscionable. The Saudis, which includes the so-called “royal” family and the religious elite (the cancerous Wahabbist terrorist enemy) both need to be vanquished from this earth.

Saudis might take Bibles from tourists

Despite a series of initiatives aimed at generating foreign tourism, the Saudi Arabian government continues to bar Jews and Christians from bringing items such as Bibles, crucifixes and Stars of David into the country and is threatening to confiscate them on sight, The Jerusalem Post has learned.

“A number of items are not allowed to be brought into the kingdom due to religious reasons and local regulations,” declares the Web site of Saudi Arabian Airlines, the country’s national carrier.

After informing would-be visitors that items such as narcotics, firearms and pornography may not be transported into the country, the Web site adds: “Items and articles belonging to religions other than Islam are also prohibited. These may include Bibles, crucifixes, statues, carvings, items with religious symbols such as the Star of David, and others.”

This latest declaration is nothing compared to the Chopping Center where they chop off various body parts of those who commit petty crimes; where homosexuals are subjected to having a cement wall fall on them. if they survive, fine, if they don’t too bad. And if you are caught with a Bible or having any sort of Christian meeting or ritual, you will be arrested and imprisoned.

And we’re in bed with this beast. That’s gonna come back to haunt us, just like our little romance with Saddam Hussein did.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. dmg333 says:

    We need a bulldog for our next President. Apparently we have a neutered one. No nonsense, and no compromising by any circumstance, and no pandering with the devil. These countries/cultures are better left as a second thought.

  2. artgal says:

    I had the pleasure of meeting a very brave, wonderful and amazing man some years back. He was not a Saudi citizen, but had been living in Saudi Arabia while on a work contract. When he was ‘found out’ to be a Christian and refused to convert to Islam, his work contract was taken away along with his home, pets, vehicle, communication w/ family – everything. He was arrested, interrogated, and ultimately wound up in an overcrowded prison. He lost over 120 lbs in mere months because the rice and chicken were undercooked, and the meat old and hard. Water ran for only 45 min. a day for the 1,000+ inmates and there were only 7 toilets which were never cleaned. There were no beds and nights were often spent hearing the cries and suffering of other inmates. Eventually, an international organization intervened on his behalf, and he was released along with some of the others being persecuted for their faith.

    After nearly being starved to death, beaten, having his life ripped away for months, unable to communicate with his family, imprisoned for having a faith other than Islam, and surrounded by filth and uncertainty, he was very calm, happy, loving and possessed a wonderful sense of humor. There was no shred of hatred, cynicism or bitterness in this man for all he went through. His faith certainly sustained him and this is true of so many I have met who have been persecuted for their Christian faith by ‘our friends, the Saudis’.

    There is another man, an Egyptian surgeon, who is currently suffering for his Christian faith in Saudi Arabia, too. I have included the link below for the full story. This man was also on a work contract in Saudi Arabia over 2 years ago. He was arrested for being a Christian and has been interrogated, put into solitary confinement and promised release only to find it denied. You may contact the Saudi Embassy in the US (below) and let them know you are aware of this situation and are asking for his release.

    Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia, US
    601 New Hampshire Ave. NW
    Washington, DC 20037
    Phone: (202) 342-3800
    Email: [email protected]

    To learn more, here is the story link:

    PLEASE remember to be cordial when you call! I know it’s hard (at least it is for me at times), but think of this man as your loved one – because, indeed, he is!

    And before/after you call, say a little prayer for all those suffering persecution throughout the world.

  3. Trinity says:

    I have thought long and hard on this Saudi relationship and frankly, I have had enough. We either say what we mean and mean what we say or we don’t. To ask the likes of Iran or China to treat their people better, than actually shake hands with the House of Saud and bring them to the ranch for a BBQ is sickening.
    No more. I realize that it is a case of “better the devil you know”. The fear of radical extremists taking over Saudi is a rear fear, but then again, aren’t they there already, just disguised in different robes?

  4. St. Thor says:

    There is no excuse for our allowing any Wahhabi clerics within this country–they are a violation of the separation of church and state. And there is no excuse for our not sitting on the royal family until they dismantle the Wahabbi establishment in Saudi Arabia. However, in this one area the kooks and fantasists of the left are correct–George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush, along with the entire Bush family, are entirely too close personally to the slimy, scum-bucket, slave owning bastards in the “royal” family in Saudi Arabia.

  5. N_Campbell says:

    Unfortunately, Thor, the Saudis get cozy to whoever happens to be occupying the White House. That’s been the case ever since we helped them develop their oil industry.

  6. danherak says:

    During the Cold War, the free Western powers were forced to ally themselves with some unsavory characters in order to defeat the larger enemy of communism. Unfortunately we still have chilly relations with a number of countries today (such as many in Latin America) for aligning ourselves with military dictators when the only other viable choice would have been the establishment of Soviet satellites (i.e. Allende in Chile, Shining Path in Peru). Given the choices, it seems, even in retrospect, to have been the proper course.

    Our relationship with the Saudis should be seen similarly. Anyone familiar with Hatred’s Kingdom, the book by Dore Gold, will quickly realize that Saudi Arabia is a cesspool of extremism. Yet until more dangerous issues are dealt with, i.e. Iraq and Iran, we can still use their help.

    But we should not be cozying up to them as we do. The U.S. should already be laying groundwork for distancing ourselves from S.A. when the time is ripe. Perhaps this is already being done. I am not privy to confidential government information. But that G.W.B. would invite Saudis to his Texas ranch suggests otherwise. They are snakes who would bite us without hesitation if they thought they could get away with it.

    Perhaps we should tell the Saudis to straighten up or we will send a specially trained commando unit, composed entirely of American Jews, to invade Mecca. Maybe it would probably exacerbate the problem, but it would also be a lot of fun!

  7. helpunderdog says:

    All the more reason to convert to alternative fuels and end this oil dependence! The only reason the U.S. is in bed with Saudia Arabia is because we need oil. LET’S STOP BUYING THEIR OIL FOR CRIPE’S SAKE!

  8. When we talk about abandoning the house of Saud, we had better be clear what we think is an acceptable alternative. There are two models for US sponsorship of dictators: Saddam and the Shah of Iran. In both cases it was in our interest to keep them in power because the alternative was worse. The jury is still out on whether we have been successful in extricating ourselves from the Saddam entanglement. But our abandonment of the Shah has had far worse consequences than its architect, Mr. Carter, expected. Some of us did see that coming, of course, and tried to warn Carter that his “moral principles” were lacking in the viable alternatives department, but we still need to bear that situation in mind when talking about the Saudis.

    I agree wholeheartedly that toppling the Saudis and all repressive Islamic regimes would be a good thing. My main question is whether we currently have the singleness of mind to win the resulting blood bath. I am all for a new crusade in theory, but who is going to carry the cross?

  9. echo says:

    We don’t want to follow the Jimmy Carter model and let one regime fall and hope the new one will work with us. Abandoning the Shah of Iran gave Radical Islam it’s first big win, (something everyone always seems to gloss over when discussing the holier than though Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mr. Carter). This set the template for everything the radical nut cases have tried to attempt ever since the ayatollah came to power. How different the world would be if Carter had had the balls to back the Shah while demanding he establish Iran as a Democracy. I have friends who were military contractors in Iran at the time, and they said the regular military basically sat it out, and waited to see which side would end up on top. After the Shah left there was no turning back. (These American contractors were actually protected by the Iranian military until the could be snuck out of the country.)

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