Mary Jo Kopechne unavailable for comment.

Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy Dies at 77 After Cancer Battle

Mary Jo Kopechne

Mary Jo Kopechne


Mary Jo Kopechne - body




Oh, and btw, my gun Snuffy has killed fewer people than Ted Kennedy’s car. RIP Teddy? I suppose that might be difficult now that he finally has to face that terribly inconvenient woman last seen alive in his passenger seat.

Maynard’s note: For an overview of Chappaquiddick, see my previous post here.

This section is for comments from's community of registered readers. Please don't assume that Tammy agrees with or endorses any particular comment just because she lets it stand.
29 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. Tony in LV says:

    I can’t remember ever seeing those pix of Mary Jo Kopechne’s death (murder?) scene.
    Very sad.
    Thanks for posting them, and for speaking of her to remind us of what happened.

  2. Carol says:

    LOL… I really was!
    Brilliant summary!!
    When I heard the news this morning, I exclaimed out loud “scum bag two-faced bastard” (while at work). I got no objections from my co-workers because they’re not mentally defected libs. Now after reviewing pictures, realized how I was figuratively AND literally correct with the “two-faced” comment.

  3. navajosierra says:

    Tammy, I have been waitng all day for your post on Ted to appear! I knew you would be the one to feature his passing in the correct manner! I hope the first person he meets on the other side is Mary Jo, but that is not likely as she may be in heaven. Ted Kennedy was a complete, destructive creep, and all this adulation and ad-nauseaum memorializing of the next few days is an aberration of truth. Many, many women have suffered through the hands of Kennedy men: sexual abuse, emotional and mental abuse and murder. And that is the truth.

  4. franknitti says:

    I don’t think Fat Ted will have to worry about meeting up with Mary Jo where he’s going. I’m sure she’s in a much better place and can finally rest in peace knowing that the man responsible for her death is now sitting in a hot corner of Hades.

    RIP, Mary Jo. You were a beautiful young woman in the prime of your life. You deserved so much better.

  5. radargeek says:

    Good riddance you elitist fat pig! The only pork you’ll be able to spend now is at the end of the devil’s fork!

  6. RobbieK says:

    Won’t shed a tear for Ted “Bork” Kennedy. This man deserves no more than a cremation and his ashes dumped into the Chappaquiddick.

    • Tony in LV says:

      “This man deserves no more than a cremation and his ashes dumped into the Chappaquiddick.”
      Now THAT’S a great thought. Thanks for the chuckle!

  7. thierry says:

    they pulled all the conservatives off the air here in boston so the zombies could wax all misty eyed about that fat f’ing drunken murderer.

    if i hear one more person say that he cared ‘ about poor people’ i will seriously lose it. no one who allows another person to die in such a fashion gives an f about anyone else but themselves- let alone ‘ ‘the poor’.

    so i plan to listen to the dead kennedys all day long-wooooo!!! free at last from the kennedy dynasty of dysfunction. free at last.

  8. bushido02 says:

    God bless you Tammy for having the courage to tell the TRUTH! You are simply incredible!

  9. AnotherTweet says:

    Wonder what Teddy had to say to Mary Jo today?

  10. letstakeitback says:

    Tammy, you’re totally wrong assuming that now that he’s dead, Ted will have to “face that terribly inconvenient woman last seen alive in his passenger seat”. Think about it – I figure that Mary Jo went to heaven.

  11. ranchoevans says:

    Thanks for saying “good riddance.”

  12. Young American says:

    The photos are worth a thousand words Tammy. Let’s move on, shall we ? 😉

  13. srrchl says:

    The reaction to Ted Kennedy’s death reveals a lot about our culture in terms Tammy has defined — the death of right and wrong and moral clarity. Yes, we empathize with the grief experienced by his family and acknowledge he was a man who had influence as he did much to shape contemporary liberalism. But, he was a very flawed human being and not someone we should be lionizing as a hero. Perhaps we all have one moment of truth in our lives. Sadly, for Kennedy, during his, he chose to flee the scene of a crime that caused a young woman’s death. His wealth and privilege saved him from public punishment. Perhaps it is also not our place, only God’s, to judge the heart of another — why for example, as occurred recently, does one man jump out of his car to dive into a car in flames in order to save the people trapped inside? What causes such strength of character to put one’s one life on the line in order to save others — in this case complete strangers? I don’t know, but those are the actions we should be celebrating and heralding with 24 hour coverage — ordinary people performing extraordinary acts. It can be said that Kennedy, with his relentless and unchanging liberalism, brought harm to this nation by institutionalizing the nanny state. In my opinion, the reason he championed liberal causes so fervently was not due to heroism or vision; rather, it was some way of acting out his guilt, exorcising his demons and projecting them onto an entire nation. And, let’s not forget the way he ripped Robert Bork to shreds, during his confirmation hearings, accusing him of being a racist in the most vile Jim Crow terms. And, what is even more offensive is the way the Left is already plotting and planning to use his death to resusitate one of their major grab powers in the guise of healthcare reform. So, I do offer my condolences to the family. Their pain and suffering is real. But, Ted Kennedy is not my hero nor do I respect the movement that remains his legacy — one that has morphed into a monstrosity.

  14. kaps1 says:

    the spin keeps on spinnin’. click below:


  15. Hannibal says:

    Good riddance to a disgusting bigot, I hope he rots in HELL!

    R.I.P. Mary Jo

  16. Maynard says:

    Just as Teddy got a Portuguese water spaniel and named it “splash”, it makes sense that a death care bill would be named after Teddy.

    By the way, I wonder how expensive it was to keep him alive for a few extra months.

  17. Dave J. says:

    Mary Jo drowned alone at the age of 29 thanks solely to Ted Kennedy’s self-important cowardice. He, by contrast, got to die after a long life of excess in comfort and luxury surrounded by his friends and family. My disgust and contempt for the Kennedys in general and him in particular are things I quite simply fail to be able to put into words.

  18. lord-ruler says:

    Good riddance. Kennedy clings to his senate seat till his last breath and gets praise. Sarah Palin voluntarily gives up power and is condemed.

  19. lord-ruler says:

    It will be nice to see Obama in a church when he gives the eulogy. 9 months of not going to church must be really hard on him. I remember watching his speech where he announced his candidacy for president. His Strong Christian faith was so evident back then. So glad he keeps it hidden now. I hate people who wear their religion on their sleeve.

  20. Lamplighter says:

    Of Kennedy Family Political Dynasty and the Lion of the Senate, I present Thomas Paine:

    “One of the strongest natural proofs of the folly of hereditary right in kings (0r Kennedys), is, that nature disapproves it, otherwise she would not so frequently turn it into ridicule by giving mankind an ass for a lion.”

    “However, it is needless to spend much time in exposing the folly of hereditary right, if there are any so weak as to believe it, let them promiscuously worship the ass and lion, and welcome. I shall neither copy their humility, nor disturb their devotion.”

  21. TLindaman says:

    Out of respect for the dead, I held back my disdain for Ted Kennedy yesterday. Even though I feel Kennedy was indicative of so many problems we have in America today, as a somewhat decent human being, I felt I should be respectful for those in mourning.

    Then, last night, I read a piece on ABC News’s website, where Democrats are now using Kennedy’s name as a means to drum up support for Obamacare. Their new rallying cry: “Win One for Teddy!”

    Then, for some strange reason, my desire to be nice left me. And oddly enough, it was the Democrats who were the most vocal about “showing respect for the dead” when conservative commentators pointed out the Mary Jo story. Well, if they want to disrespect Kennedy’s death by using him as a totem for their bogus health care plan, I’d say all bets are off.

    Keep up the great work, all.

  22. “Good riddance. Kennedy clings to his senate seat till his last breath and gets praise. Sarah Palin voluntarily gives up power and is condemed.”

    Kind of ironic, isn’t it?

  23. TammyChicago says:

    Although I strongly disagreed with Ted Kennedy politically, he accomplished many noteworthy things in his life and career and we would be remiss for not noting them:

    # Got kicked out of Harvard for cheating
    # Used his father’s political clout to pu**y out of combat in Korea (he later criticize George W. Bush for supposedly using his father’s political clout to stay out of the war in Vietnam)
    # Cheated on his wife habitually
    # Had a Senate seat purchased for him by his father
    # Swam away from a campaign worker who was trapped in a submerged car- went home and slept for 10 hours while she slowly suffocated before calling for help. Lied his ass off at the inquiry and escaped all but the lightest punishment.
    # Abandoned South Vietnam to a brutal communist dictatorship.
    # Attempted to conspire with the USSR to undermine an American president.
    # Abandoned Nicaragua to a brutal communist dictatorship
    # Used his political influence in a rape case against his nephew.

    Yes, naming the Healthcare Bill after a man of Ted Kennedy’s character is more than appropriate.

    • RobbieK says:

      I’d like to add to his resume so at least the people of Massachusetts can get their taxes raised even more to build a monolithic library to Ted. With ALL due respect, you forgot he founded the new English word “Borked”. Adding to our dictionary is one great accomplishment for sure!

  24. RobbieK says:

    It’s 1:22 p.m., Central Standard Time and I can only guess what the day has been like for the soul of Ted Kennedy in the pit of hell. With as fat as he was, I’m sure he has sweat off about 20 pounds by now and is losing another 30 as he must be getting really tired now leaning his massive weight against the door the demons are trying to break through. Having fun Ted? RIT (REST IN TORMENT!)

  25. JLThorpe says:

    The hypocrisy of the Left is how they say that Kopechne’s death was 40 years ago and should be glossed over. This was the same argument made by Barack Obama about his friendship with Bill Ayres – that what Ayres did happened years ago, when Obama was a kid, and that Obama shouldn’t be held responsible for his later association with him. Yet when it comes to criticizing the Right, everything they did is fair game. Bush’s National Guard service was criticized by Dan Rather in his infamous 60 Minutes story, which happened over 30 years before the story aired. Cindy McCain’s drug use and the money she stole to support her habit was brought up by the Left, even though it happened 20 years before, and she since cleaned herself up and made up for the money she took. Just because something happened years ago shouldn’t diminish its importance; the actions of each party involved is what matters. Kennedy and Ayres never repented for their actions. McCain did (I’ll keep quiet about Bush as I don’t know the details of his National Guard service).

  26. cmoore324 says:


    The info on GWBush’s National Guard service was faked by Mary Mapes, Golden Arms’ producer for the 60 minutes piece. The truth is, Bush VOLUNTEERED to go the Vietnam as an army pilot, but was refused because he didn’t have enough flying time. Guess he couldn’t lie about his age and go to war like his old man did in WWII.

    I agree that the left’s hypocrisy is stomach-churning. So let’s ignore everything in the past shall we? Let’s ignore John Kennedy’s assassination, Bobby’s assassination, etc. In fact, I think we should pretend that the Kennedys never existed in public office at all, it was all so long ago, it really doesn’t matter anymore does it? And that Watergate/Nixon thing? Ancient history, time to move on….

  27. Hannibal says:

    I can’t believe this evil bastard is going to be buried at Arlington, disgraceful!

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