**A Post by Patricia**

Tea Party must continue the fight for our country as Government continues to grow along with the leftist, socialist agenda.

From National Journal.

Full of complex spending schemes and special-interest giveaways, the fiscal-cliff deal shows that government just can’t stop getting bigger.

Crazies. Cliff divers. Nihilists. Nutjobs. Those are just a few of the descriptions being applied to the 151 House Republicans who broke with Speaker John Boehner—they included his own supposed wing men, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor and Whip Kevin McCarthy—to vote against the fiscal cliff deal Tuesday night.

In truth, what the fine print of the bill demonstrates is that the Republicans who refused to vote for the fiscal compromise had every right to be disgusted by it—that is, if you expect legislators to hold true at all to the beliefs that inspired them to run for office in the first place. The last-minute deal exposed Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell as creatures of the old system, and it ripped the scab off whatever healing had occurred between the Republican traditionalists and the tea partiers since then. Make no mistake: The divide within the GOP will continue, demonstrating that the tea-party rebellion lives on in the new House.

Tuesday’s “no” votes represented a wide variety of views. But many GOP House members were appalled at the failure to cut spending or change traditional ways of doing business, especially what The Washington Post noted was “dozens of rider provisions that had nothing to do with the cliff” (including one that kicked over $12 billion over ten years to the renewable-energy industry; another that will benefit the owners of auto-racing tracks in the amount of $78 million; and a $1 million break for coal-mining operations on Indian lands). The House members opposed to this old way—as naïve as they often sound—make up the core of a legitimate resistance movement in American politics, one that is trying to stop the relentless tendency of U.S. government to grow ever larger and more complex, and one that remains frustrated at the continuing inability of its representatives, both Republican and Democrat, to rein that tendency in.

Under the provisions of this pork-laden, special-interest-infected bill—the “24,000 words of small type,” as the Post put it—the tax system will change, somewhat. Spending habits will not. Other than making permanent most of the Bush tax cuts, the bill only puts off a reckoning on cuts in government and the $15 trillion in debt that the tea partiers have been chasing after since they roared into power in 2010—indeed since far longer than that.

Fault them if you will as primitivist monomaniacs. Question whether they are sincere enough to surrender their own Social Security and Medicare as well as everyone else’s. But many tea party-affiliated members are true believers who have a long memory of Republican betrayal as well as enmity toward the Democrats. They know that despite the “Reagan revolution” three decades ago government has only grown bigger; that the various eruptions of conservative rebellion since the Reagan era, including the Gingrich-led takeover of the House in 1994, each amounted to little more than one step forward, two steps back. (Remember David Stockman and The “Triumph of Politics”?) They know that George W. Bush blew the budget out entirely, loading up the deficit with two wars, tax cuts and Medicare spending without paying for them. (Obama barely added to this deficit himself; his mistake was in failing to understand the tidal wave of populist conservative anger headed his way, especially when he pushed for health care reform hard upon his multitrillion-dollar bailout and stimulus in 2009.)

And they know that John Boehner and Mitch McConnell are not delivering up the answer they want.

American government has achieved many fine things over the last 60 years or so. It won a world war, reordered the global system, put a man on the moon, and created the Internet. But it has also continued to grow like a giant tumor, especially since World War II. A 2006 study by the Federal Reserve of St. Louis showed only small growth from 1792 until World War II (with a spike during WWI), but then a relentless steady rise since a brief fall-off in war spending in the late 1940s. By 2004, the federal government was spending $7,100 per capita, nearly 55 times more than was spent per capita in the 1910s, the Fed said…

[Congress] It is sclerotic, and Boehner and McConnell are symptoms of that malady. In the eyes of many critics, so is President Obama. Full of second-term verve, Obama declared unilaterally Tuesday that he will no longer negotiate over the nation’s debt limit after the brinkmanship of the last couple of years. “I will not have another debate with this Congress over whether or not they should pay the bills that they’ve already racked up through the laws that they passed,” the president said. With the new deadline on the “sequester” just two months away, he urged “a little less drama” in coming talks about cutting government spending.

Sorry, but I think the drama is far from over. The rebellion against the size of government is a true populist movement, and it’s not going away. The debt limit is still the biggest card the tea party has. They’re going to use it.

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9 Comments | Leave a comment
  1. LJZumpano says:

    Woo Hoo Patricia, and onward we shall go!!!!

  2. Dave says:

    The Tea Party is Constitutional America’s only hope.
    The problem seems to be more the Republican Establishment , than the Democrats.
    Voices like Allen West and Sarah Palin, and Mia Love were lost in the fray.
    They MUST find a way, a platform to communicate our/their ideas TO A NATION.
    Maybe FOX news should be replaced with DONT TREAD ON ME news.
    Dave~ …. nice article Patricia.

  3. Maynard says:

    Trying to look at things from another perspective, I can see reasons Boehner wouldn’t want to fight his war on the battlefield of the fiscal cliff. He was facing vast collateral damage, and he’s probably correct in thinking the public would blame — however unfairly — the Republicans more than the Democrats. He knows the next fiscal battle will start immediately, and the turf may be preferable.

    In offering that interpretation, I’m playing devil’s advocate. One could argue that Boehner should have rallied the troops behind a 3-month extension of the status quo, thus evading the fiscal cliff and allowing time for further negotiation without making any concessions.

    Actually, I’m not upset about Boehner’s tax concessions per se. First of all, his concession isn’t much. And the Obamacare taxes were in place independent of this deal. More importantly, low tax rates don’t mean a thing if the deficit is sky high. If Washington spends freely, then what does it matter what the tax rates are? The politicians have already spent your money; you just don’t know it yet.

    So the fundamental problem isn’t that Boehner caved on taxes; the problem is that we’re racing towards the destruction of the dollar and a global financial crisis that will decimate the economy.

    The American people of today are effectively drinking the blood of their children. Our job, as I see it, is to make the people realize what’s being done to them; what they’re doing to themselves. If we can get that point across, then We The People will rise up and demand fiscal responsibility. Until then, we’re stuck in a (pardon my French) pissing contest between which politician can promise us the biggest bag of goodies.

  4. Maynard says:

    FWIW, last week I signed up and donated to the Second Amendment Foundation (http://www.saf.org). I didn’t get an immediate response, which seemed odd to me; you usually get immediate confirmation for web activity. Today I received an email.

    …This letter is an acknowledgment of your donation and an apology for not contacting you more swiftly…We are deeply grateful for your support and that of others, but we find ourselves overwhelmed by the unprecedented volume…

    It seems that there’s something of a stampede going on here. There are a lot of us who see a horrible tragedy being transformed into a Reichstag fire incident, and we are not going to go quietly along with it.

  5. tamcat says:

    Tea Party should get the rallies and protests going in these next couple of years. Our voice can’t be learned or heard if we are not out there. We can’t be invisible. We have to do more than preach to the choir.

  6. KCBob4Tam says:

    I was in Searchlight that day when Sarah Palin showed up and, among others, spoke and brought the crowd to a boil. I can’t imagine that that passion as well as the intensity I felt that day could ever go away.

  7. Pat_S says:

    The occasion of raising the debt limit is an opportunity to dramatize the danger of increasing indebtedness. It is not leverage to exact immediate serious spending cuts. We’ve been through it all before. The administration is prepared to call the bluff by threatening sovereign default which would have instant and drastic implications worldwide.

    The Republican establishment does not support fiscal conservatives in using the debt limit as a weapon. All that will happen is that Tea Party is branded once again as belligerent extremists, further harming credibility for future political fights. Tea Party had more clout in the 2011 debt ceiling fight because they had just come off an election year success with Republicans taking control of the House. For all that, we got the super committee sequestration deal. How’d that work out? This election Democrats gained seats in the House and Senate and Obama was re-elected.

    Cutting spending is imperative. Use the debt ceiling debate as a platform to make sensational headlines about the damage done to our children’s future if we continue this madness of borrowing. The long war is to cut the size of government. This will take deftness and cunning because the big spenders are feeling omnipotent right now. Bluff and bluster leading to defeat is self destructive.

  8. Alain41 says:

    Small example of why China wants to shut down internet freedom.

    “…Yao Chen, an actress with over 32 million online followers, posted a quote from dissident Russian writer and Nobel laureate Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn: “One word of truth outweighs the whole world.” It was reposted over 95,000 times….”


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